Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 164 [War Commander]! Find a way to be his dog!

T08 world area,

Star Core Pirate Island,

On the Star Core Pirate Island, there are countless sects and paths, as well as various rare treasures and strange technologies, forming a pair of swordsmen with long sleeves and fluttering sleeves, as well as prosthetics with a replacement rate of more than 85%. Cyber ​​warriors, and even more bizarre, barely humanoid monsters walked among them.

As for the star core pirate island owner himself, he has stepped into the throne of the star core dragon king!

And it was in this environment that some dragon-headed life forms appeared on the Star Core Pirate Island. Not only were they not rejected, but they were reused because of their own special factors!

At the entrance of a cyberpunk-style motor oil bar, there were several void pirates with dragon heads and several evil spirits here. They looked solemnly at the horror that was happening in the void reflected in the sky. war!

And these dragon-headed void pirates are constantly and covertly moving around these evil spirits, trying to hear more news about the word "Goblin" from their mouths.


"Hey, I've been paying attention, but there has been no news."

Aeppa, the leader among them, was involuntarily attracted, and then listened to the chat of these super-level evil spirits, and carefully analyzed whether there was any information he needed.

"In the beginning, the one who gave us and other wandering fishmen the [Legendary Profession: Water Mirror Jiao Soldier] was a Goblin God. It should be him!"

"Only this being has such a level of foundation and strength. What he has given us at will is a mythical profession that can change bloodline and race. It can be said that it has completely changed the fate of our wandering fish people! "

Aeppa shook his head and smiled helplessly,

"But, does He still remember us?"

Touching the "mark" placed between his eyebrows, Aeppa couldn't help but feel a little anticipation in his eyes!

It is no longer the shadow when I saw this mark before,

"The Lord gave us the Water Mirror Jiao Soldiers at the beginning. After all our wandering fishmen were transferred to the Water Mirror Jiao Soldiers, we had some [Dragon Blood] in our bodies. After entering this Star Core Pirates, which is dominated by the Star Core Dragon Clan, After the island, I was appreciated by Lord Star Core Dragon King and gained a certain status!”


"The slave mark between my eyebrows prevents us from being reused by the Star Core Dragon King!"

"If we, the wandering fishmen, had not possessed a trace of extremely meager dragon blood, coupled with the bonus of the water mirror dragon soldiers, otherwise, with our slave mark, we would never have even the small status we have now! "

"Moreover, even in this situation, there is another ethnic group with weak dragon blood that is eyeing our current position. Although I relied on my own strength to combine the two laws to achieve the half-step true immortal realm. , but it’s still not enough!”

"My previous thought was that if I could find that Lord, I have now broken through the myth level and should have a certain power of equal dialogue. If possible, I would be willing to pay a huge price and ask him to erase the slaves. Mark, let us regain our freedom!"

"But now."

Aepa is now completely gone from the previous one——

"Even if that lord has advanced to the mythical level, I have also advanced to the mythical level, and I still have the potential to advance to the super level. I am fully qualified to talk to him on an equal footing. Once I have the opportunity, I will restore my free body. This is the only way. , can we gain the attention of the Star Core Dragon Clan and reach a higher level!”

——I can’t wait to get out of that adult’s thoughts.

On the contrary, he is still a little afraid that the adult thinks they are too weak and ignores them!

In fact, these thoughts have only changed recently. When he inquired about the information about the adult before, he made a decision in his heart to quietly use the treasure of the wandering fishman tribe [Water Mirror] to take the risk and quietly give it to him. The four lower-level super-level adults in front of me were marked so that I could spy on their words and information at any time.

Somehow, there was no problem with his intuition. He did get information about that adult from these super-level adults!

However, the news he received was completely different from what he knew——

He originally thought that as the Goblin God, even though the Lord was very strong, he had planted the slave brand on him, but maybe this was just a coincidence? After all, Goblins cannot give birth to wisdom, and the Goblin God has no possibility of becoming a god!

But what did he hear from the mouths of these evil spirits?

What he heard was astonishingly——

After the Goblin race broke through the upper limit of level, it also broke through the upper limit of intelligence, and was also promoted to an advanced war species. The race even gave birth to a mythical Goblin giant, and it was still legal with seven repetitions. The king of mythical Goblin giants who embodies exclusive laws!

He knew that the Goblin God who enslaved him was very strong and very talented. He could even train the Goblins to exceed the racial limit and crush him easily.

However, he didn't expect things to be so outrageous!

A low-level prisoner species that even he knew was recognized as a "stone in the pit" in the void had exceeded the upper limit of race several times, and was even exceptionally classified as a high-level war species. Is this what a human does?

Of course, it was impossible for Aepa to know this before. That is, after entering the Star Core Pirate Island, he benefited from his dragon blood and learned the relevant knowledge in this area. Only then could he know that this Gob What Lin Zhishen did was so shocking!

This kind of character would probably be taken seriously even by the throne, let alone a "minion" like him who has not even been promoted to the super level.

Therefore, the first time after learning the news, he was a little lucky——

Even the most powerful monster in the void would probably feel the same despair as those in the mortal plane when facing a "hero" in the face of such a monster!

And he is the "servant" who was subdued when he was in his "twilight years". If possible, he might be able to climb up along this adult's thickest thigh that is closest to him. , even the wandering fishmen who have been exterminated and wandering in the void may benefit from this and re-establish racial civilization!

The biggest problem facing Aeppa now is——

"How should I get that lord to accept me as a servant?"

As for eliminating the slave mark?

This kind of idea was thrown out of Aepa's mind, and he wouldn't even think about it!

Of course, if it were just from the mouths of these evil spirit tribes, he might not believe it. What really made him believe all this was the treasure of their wandering fishmen tribe [Water Mirror]!

An immortal treasure that can predict bad luck and detect cause and effect, and even the wisdom of the wandering fish people are closely related to this water mirror!

In the ancient legend of the fish-man planet, their planet originally had no water, and was inhabited by a special kind of creature, until one day, a drop of [water] came.

The flood came to the world, the race was exterminated, and the fish-people tribe was born. The fish-people prophet said that the drop of water came from the ancient [immortal] civilization, a powerful man who was powerful and could traverse the void accidentally used [Supernatural Power: Mirror Flower, Water and Moon]. A drop of water dripping out

[Immortal] They don’t know what civilization is.

They don’t know what [Supernatural Power: Mirror Flower, Water Moon] is.

But they know that when the planet was invaded and destroyed, they, the "fugitive wanderers", took it away. Because the law of transforming the planet was greatly damaged, the drop of water became the treasure of the group [Water Mirror], and even in the void There are many evil gods, and the void pirate groups led by demigods are even more numerous than a drop in the ocean.

And with such a weak strength, they have been making trouble for so many years. They rely on the ability of the water mirror to spy on all the movements around them. Once there is any abnormal movement, they will escape instantly, including plundering the void caravan and the void traveler. Or invade some weak worlds to fight against the autumn wind, all with the power of Shui Jing.

Even after entering the Star Core Pirate Island, how can Lian use the dragon blood they possess after switching to the Water Mirror Jiao Soldier to get close to the Star Core Dragon King, and then gain trust, while becoming a recognized void pirate on the Star Core Pirate Island? , and can also hold some small positions, all relying on the broken pictures predicted by Shui Jing in advance!

Some time ago, scenes of horror appeared on the water mirror——

There is a planet burning with dark flames, rushing towards the fragments of the world suspended in the void like islands!

There are creatures in the fragments of the world that summon the Styx, summon countless shadows of death, cut the planet in half, and then let out a huge explosion!

There was also a person like a throne who personally took action to destroy the planet and restore it. In the end, three throne-level beings took action, each one more powerful than the last!

He was a little puzzled by this at first (Luo Dan's strength grew too fast and he couldn't recognize it through the water mirror). It wasn't until the water mirror conveyed the information like a live commentary that he realized it——

That monster-like existence is actually his "master"!

What those evil spirits said turned out to be true, and even had some shortcomings!

That's why Aeppa keeps staring at these evil spirits, even if they have some vague speculations, without any scruples, just to get more information about Rodan.

Moreover, he had a vague idea in his mind.


T world community,

T04 world area,

Goblin Giant World Fragment·Boundary Island,

On the holy mountain next to the capital of Goluo Kingdom, you can even vaguely glimpse the sacred splendor along the saint's passage, the huge Goblin Giant Temple. Legend has it that it is the great residence of God the Father!

The foundation of Lordan's Kingdom of God is essentially the [Secret Realm]. It does not use the [Sanctuary Structural Drawings] commonly used by god players, but the [Heaven Structural Drawings] unique to Hathaway's angel tribe. Compared with the universal Sanctuary structural drawings, using the Heavenly Kingdom structural drawings to build a Sanctuary, although it is not impossible for the angel race to build the foundation of the Heavenly Kingdom, what is built is still a Sanctuary, but it requires a lot more and [domestication] than a normal Sanctuary. Concept】Related characteristics can more easily be used as a hub for war, mobilizing troops and effective forces in war, and surrendered prisoners can more easily surrender to the Lord of the Sanctuary!

The secret realm has other names in many planets that have given birth to super-levels. Many gods call it "heavenly realm!" or "sanctuary!"

In the ancient legends of many planets, there is a place where the gods who created everything live. It is the heaven of the gods and the sanctuary of the gods. As long as the mind is pious, there is no need to look for it. With eyes open and closed, the holy place is there. In front of you, in the Qingdi World Community, the successor of the disappeared [Immortal] civilization, it is also called [Dongtian], or [Blessed Land], a harmonious world/planet like the predecessor of Lordan's Sanctuary. The secret realm that has been integrated is often called a blessed place.

As for the Heavenly Realm Sanctuary, the greatest use of the Cave Heaven Paradise is as a [war hub]. Taking advantage of the dimensional uncertainty of the secret realm, it can easily penetrate many planets without the need to temporarily open space passages every time or spend a large amount of faith points to maintain space passages. Existence, this step can save a lot of consumption in the war, and even if it is done properly, the improvement of the war capability starts from 200%, and the heavenly sanctuary is also the foundation for the gods to establish their own [Kingdom of God]. Coupled with scarcity, there is simply a price but no market.

The Kingdom of God built with the Sanctuary as the foundation of the Kingdom of God can accommodate all the benefits of the Sanctuary. It can even give birth to a unique military unit after a long period of war and being infiltrated by the [breath of war]. ——

【War Commander】!


[Name]: Battlefield Commander

[Type]: npc (programmed unit without autonomous consciousness)

[Level]: All living things ~ Myth

[Special Effects]: The battlefield commander is a special unit in the sanctuary that has experienced wars for many years, been infiltrated by the [breath of war], and was born in compliance with the laws and regulations. They are programmed units without autonomous consciousness. Their strength is not strong. , most of them are in the first level, the second level, and the third level. Occasionally, there are NPC leaders who will become mythical level. Their purpose is not to fight, but to [command and dispatch], because they were born in the sanctuary. Among them, they are born with some of the [powers] of the sanctuary. After obtaining the permission of the owner of the sanctuary, they can easily know all the war information that the sanctuary is experiencing, and make detailed and reasonable arrangements. According to statistics, if a If a war commander can be born in the sanctuary, the resource utilization rate of the sanctuary will be increased by at least 30%, and the war index will be increased by at least 5%!

[Note]: The war index is composed of resources, resource mobilization capabilities, resource recruitment capabilities, military strength, soldier mobilization capabilities, soldier confrontation mobilization capabilities, battlefield information collection capabilities, and a series of indicators that affect war!

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