Under the leadership of Luo Dan, the group came to that battlefield, and as expected they saw the body of the guardian, and the whole body was penetrated by the law, and he still died with his eyes open.

The leader snorted coldly, "It seems that you are really a great elder. Damn it. The other party dares to touch members of our first family. Does it mean they really want to declare war? My first family has no master?"

"First write a letter, use the secret technique to send it back to the family, and tell the family leader and elders everything here truthfully. After that, the three of me and I will join forces to deal with the great elder. Even if we die, we will not bury the news."

Another person suggested, and this was also recognized. While pretending to be innocent, Luo Dan snickered in his heart. If the First Family and the big move fight between two people, wouldn't he benefit from it?

And indirectly, it can be regarded as a favor to the lord, which suddenly weakens the strength of both sides. If the two masters are seriously injured in the fight, the lord can truly control everything.

Of course, one of them is still smart. "I only saw the guardian, but not the body of the young master. It is unknown whether the elder did it alone or in conjunction with others."

"Yes, we must find the young master's body. The young master is much more important than the protector. This is what we should be concerned about."

The other two people agreed. This made Rodan frown, and he became more and more uneasy. What if the body of Garmen'o was found, and the three of them could find out that he was not the Great Elder? Luodan didn't dare to gamble.

After thinking for a while, he continued, "The Great Elder has been seriously injured. He fought with the Guardian Beast of Chance. If we find the Great Elder now, you three seniors will definitely be able to strangle each other easily. If we delay it for a day and a half, we will wait for the Great Elder." It’s not certain that the elder will recover.”

"That's right. Once the great elder recovers, with the strength of the master, even if the head of the family takes action, he may not be his opponent. If the three of us can eradicate the great elder, it will be regarded as revenge for the young master."

The three of them reached an agreement and decided to find the Great Elder first. However, the secret realm was too big and it was not clear where the Great Elder was hiding. It would take at least ten days and a half to search everything.

Luo Dan thought about it and decided that he must help a few people. At the moment, he didn't know the whereabouts of the Great Elder. Where could the Great Elder hide with Yun Shang Canghai? After all, there are many safe places in the secret realm.

"Since we can't find the Great Elder, why not let the Great Elder show up on his own initiative and give him a reason why he has to show up."

Luo Dan smiled lightly and said: "Just tell me that your family master has brought a large number of people and will kill the Great Elder in the secret realm one day later. After the Great Elder receives the news, he will definitely leave the Secret Realm as soon as possible during this period, and we will wait and see."

"This is a good strategy." The three of them agreed and looked at Luodan. "Although you are only in the mythical realm, you have a very smart brain. Once things are done, you will definitely benefit."

The three of them had no doubts about Luo Dan. After all, Luo Dan was only a person in the mythical realm, and his strength was vastly different from theirs. If Luo Dan practiced for another hundred years, he might not pose any threat to them.

On the other side, the great elder naturally received the news, and became nervous and uneasy for a while. Now that his injury has not recovered, if the other party's head appears, he will definitely not be his opponent. He must leave the secret realm as soon as possible, otherwise sooner or later the other party will find his place. place.

"Father, you must not panic at this time. If this is just someone else's plan, you must not fall for it. As long as you can recover from your injuries in half a day, are you still afraid of the other party's master?"

Yun Shang Canghai had a different view. He thought this was just a bluff. If the other family leader really wanted to come, he wouldn't have waited until now, right? I'm afraid the moment has come when Gameao dies.

The Great Elder felt that what he said made sense, but he had to be careful to sail the Ten Thousand Year Ship, so he had to make preparations in advance. No matter what, this was in a secret realm, and it would be safer to return to his own territory.

As for how to leave, the Great Elder has no good idea for the time being. Now that his injuries have only recovered half, he can deal with the average Throne Realm, but he will definitely not be an opponent with more numbers.

"Since my father insists on leaving, let's take advantage of the darkness. I don't believe that the other family members can be vigilant 24 hours a day, and monsters are active at night. If you encounter danger, you can use magic to escape."

Under this situation, Yun Shang Canghai became more and more intelligent. He was different from his arrogant appearance in the previous life. He seemed to have truly transformed and now had considerable insights and presence.

The Great Elder nodded and decided to listen to Yun Shang Cang Hai's advice. Now he is becoming more and more anxious and cannot have a clear mind at all, but he believes that Yun Shang Cang Hai will not harm him. After all, he is the father of Yun Shang Cang Hai. , the pros and cons of the two people are also tied together.

At night, the practitioners who came to practice had already left, and the monsters that had been calm during the day became more and more manic, majestic under the moonlight, adding a touch of heart palpitations to the entire secret realm.

The Great Elder and Yun Shang Canghai used their magical powers and rushed on the road without stopping. They must leave the secret realm before dawn. The Great Elder's domineering pressure was exuded along the way, but no monsters dared to provoke them.

However, not long after the journey, a person suddenly blocked the way. The next moment, someone also appeared beside and behind him. The three of them were all from the Perfection Throne, looking at the great elder with fighting intent and anger.

The Great Elder frowned and said helplessly: "Although I was careful, I still fell into your scheme. I admit defeat in all this. Do you three really think you can stop me here?"

At this moment, he regretted it. In fact, Yun Shang Canghai's previous analysis was correct. Everything was just a plot by the enemy, just to make him leave in a panic, thus actively falling into someone else's trap.

"Great Elder, although you are the number one person under the lord, you will have to pay a heavy price for killing my young master and the guardian. In normal times, you would naturally look down on the three of us. Now you are already With an injured body, I can only die in this secret realm with regrets."

The leader said indifferently, "The Great Elder, who is usually aloof and aloof, looks so embarrassed at this time. He can only kill a Dominator with his own hands. I am afraid it is worth bragging for a lifetime."

There is only one chance now. If the elder cannot be killed, it will definitely leave a huge disaster for the family. Once the great elder recovers, the family will definitely suffer a disaster.

The great elder shook his head and explained: "I didn't kill your young master, it was all Luo Dan who interfered with it. I hope you won't fall for Luo Dan's trick and let us fight with each other."

"Yes, don't fall into the trap, Luo Dan is the worst one." Yun Shang Canghai on the side also said immediately. But none of the other three believed it because they thought it was too unrealistic. (End of chapter)

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