Nangong Er clenched his fists. He was unwilling to be left with nothing, but his cultivation was abolished and he had no ceremonial guards. He could only accept everything, even if his father was the head of the family.

Everyone dispersed, and the head of the Nangong family patted Nangong Er on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, with your father here, you will definitely be protected."

Nangong Er nodded, and then left alone. After returning to the room, Zhuge Yi's words still echoed in his ears. If he confessed everything, would it really be considered as making up for his mistakes? Is the lord really willing to use means to help him restore his cultivation?

The people in the family made him feel disappointed. They wanted to abandon him as soon as his cultivation was abolished. Did they really forget all the previous relationships and kindness? They were usually respectful to him, but now it was extremely ridiculous. Perhaps this was their true face.

Nangong Er knew that if he really confessed that he killed Sikong, the entire Nangong family would suffer. Just to restore his cultivation, for that one in ten thousand hope, he decided to fight with his life.

If he was always a useless person, it would be better to kill himself directly. But once the lord really helped him restore his cultivation, even if the Nangong family no longer existed, with his throne-level cultivation, he could roam freely in the world.

Moreover, the Nangong family was loyal to the lord and was one of the lord's confidants. The lord would at most find a few people to punish, but he would definitely not kill his father, otherwise, the lord's forces would lose one-fifth.

After notifying everything, Nangong Er planned to find Zhuge Yi. Because he was afraid that his son would do something stupid, the head of the Nangong family had been watching him secretly. After seeing Nangong Er leave the family, he also followed him secretly and unknowingly followed him to the lord's mansion.

This puzzled the Nangong family head. What was his son doing in the lord's mansion? Could it be that he wanted to seek revenge on the lord or Luo Dan? Thinking of this made him take a breath. Nangong Er could not afford to offend Luo Dan and the lord.

So he immediately appeared and blocked in front of Nangong Er: "Don't do stupid things. You can take a long-term view of everything, right? Don't forget that your father only has you as a child. There are many miracles in the world, and there are also many people whose cultivation has been abolished who have embarked on cultivation again."

"Father, I want to confess something." Nangong Er hesitated for three seconds and still spoke: "In fact, it was me who did the missing Sikong Yu. That day I just wanted to take away the other party's spirit stone. After being discovered, I took a ruthless action and finally destroyed the body."

Hearing this, the Nangong family head took a breath. Originally, when Luo Dan suspected Nangong Er, he had quarreled with Luo Dan for a few words regardless of everything. He thought that Luo Dan was too ridiculous. Why did he suspect them when there were so many people to suspect?

However, when he heard his son admit everything, the Nangong family head was stunned. He didn't expect his son to have committed such a disaster. This was not just a simple matter of killing one person, but even caused a war between the two lords.

Once the war was over, millions of people would die. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond. He even hoped that this was just a joke, but from his son's eyes, he knew that this was true. Sikong Yu was indeed killed by Nangong Er.

The Nangong family head took a breath and said, "This matter must be kept to himself. Don't tell anyone clearly. Otherwise, not only will you be doomed, but I'm afraid that everyone in the Nangong family will also be retaliated."

"Sikong Yu has already destroyed the body and no one can find out the reason." Nangong Er nodded, and the other party didn't even leave a trace of dust. This is why the lord has found nothing after several days of investigation, and there is not even a suspect.

"Why are you here at the Lord's Mansion at this time?" The head of the Nangong family asked again. Nangong Er's cultivation had been abolished, and he suddenly came to the Lord's Mansion. He really couldn't think of anything else except revenge, but he hoped that his son could recognize the facts.

"Zhuge Yi has come to me, and the lord also suspects me, and has negotiated a cooperation with me. As long as I can tell the truth, the lord can help me recover my cultivation. Whether it is true or not, I plan to give it a try."

Nangong Er's eyes were bright, and he said word by word: "I know that this is half true and half false, and it is even very likely that I will never recover, but now I am a useless person. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will accept it even if I have to go through fire and water."

"Don't do stupid things, Zhuge Yi has always been good at fooling people. Your Dantian and roots are gone, even if the strong men of the Holy Seat take action, it will be useless, not to mention that the lord is only a quasi-saint. Besides, this will destroy the entire Nangong family."

The head of the Nangong family frowned. Nangong Er is usually a very smart person. Why is he confused about this matter at this time? Since Sikong Yu was killed by no one, he should keep this matter to himself and take the initiative to admit that he is looking for death.

He didn't believe that Zhuge Yi was really so kind, but just wanted to fool Nangong Er. It was also possible that he became suspicious of Nangong Er after hearing Luo Dan's joke, and then left the table early to fool and deceive Nangong Er.

Nangong Er had gotten away with it, so how could he fall into the trap now? The head of the Nangong family thought it was necessary to let Nangong Er recognize the facts. Why would he rather believe an outsider than himself? How could he, as a father, harm his child?

Nangong Er gave a bitter smile, his eyes full of coldness and anger: "Nangong family? You also saw the scenes in the family just now. I just went back and they couldn't wait to re-elect the young master. They didn't have any sympathy for me. , you can even vaguely see disgust and ridicule, why should I consider the interests of the Nangong family at this time? "

"It is true that Zhuge Yi may be a liar, but I want to drag the entire Nangong family to bury them together. Don't they want to replace the young master? I want the entire Nangong family to leave no one behind. It makes me happy to think about it. On the contrary, I hate Luo Dan. It’s not that big of a deal.”

Although Nangong Er has been killing people and stealing goods, all the spiritual stones he has obtained over the years have not been kept by anyone. Instead, they have been distributed to young people in the family who are close to him. However, when he was at his lowest, no one stood up to speak for him. .

If the spiritual stone was not given to others, but kept to himself, he would not still be on the throne now. I am afraid he would have already reached the realm of domination. There would be no need to snatch the spiritual stone when he reached the dominion level. He would not have met Luo Dan today. He should have had a peaceful future. bright.

The head of the Nangong family was speechless for a moment and couldn't utter a word. It was true that the elders and the younger generation in the family were very dishonest, which made him feel angry. But was it really because of this incident that the entire Nangong family was going to be destroyed?

As the head of the family, he has a huge burden. He must not let Nangong Er act recklessly at this time. Otherwise, if he goes to hell, how can he have the face to face the previous head of the family? When he asked himself to be the next head of the family, he repeatedly told him to make the Nangong family prosperous.

"Although your cultivation has been abolished, my father can guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. And one day, my father will set foot on the Holy Seat. Even if he travels...throughout the ancient world, he will definitely find rare and rare herbs for you." Vibrant Dantian and meridians.”

The head of the Nangong family burst into tears and begged: "Can you please stop messing around at this time? Don't ruin everything because of a moment of anger. Once you really step into the lord's house, there will be no room for maneuver. By then, all the Nangong family will Everyone will be beheaded.”

"You were not firm just now. As a father, why would you compromise with the elders? Or even agree to change people after a while?"

Nangong Er asked, if his father had been resolute just now and ignored the threats of the elders, maybe he would not have reached this point. His father kept saying that he wanted to protect himself, but the scene just now chilled him.

He understands that if he wants to break up between his family and himself, his father will definitely abandon him, so he no longer believes in his father. His destiny must be controlled by himself. No matter what his father says, he must cooperate with Zhuge Yi.

The head of the Nangong family closed his eyes, feeling in pain: "If Zhuge Yi asks, do you admit that it was done by one person or under the instigation of the Nangong family?"

"Instigated by the Nangong family." Nangong Er chose the latter. If he only admitted what he had done, even if he was punished, he would only be punished. The Nangong family was only slightly implicated, and what Nangong Er wanted was for the male worker family to be the same as himself. Cease to exist.

The head of the Nangong family understood, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. In order for the family to continue, he, the head of the family, must kill Nangong Er, so as to nip Nangong Er in the bud, so he moved closer to Nangong Er step by step. past.

The distance between the two sides was less than two meters. Originally, he should have killed him, but this was his only child and he really couldn't do it. Nangong'er obviously realized something and took four or five steps back. Obviously, he couldn't think of his father. He actually had murderous intent.

Nangong'er's eyes were burning and he said calmly: "This is the lord's mansion. Don't do anything, otherwise the lord will definitely sense it. After all, we are father and son. I will not let you be implicated. I will only let other Nangong family members be buried with them." ”

"I'm not afraid, I just can't do it." The head of the Nangong family waved his hand: "Go ahead, just pretend that I didn't see you this time. Even if the Nangong family is doomed in the future, I, the head of the family, will bear all your responsibilities." Take it all together.”

Nangong Er suddenly hesitated. When he thought of the ugly faces of the Nangong family, he stepped into the lord's house with anger. After all, Nangong Er was a member of the Nangong family, so the guards did not stop him. As soon as Nangong Er entered, they asked for Zhuge Yi's name. .

The head of the Nangong family sighed, and then left. He also understood that the entire Nangong family would be ruined after Nangong Er told everything. Even if the lord wanted to protect it, would the other lord be willing? If the lords of both sides are not severely punished, there will definitely be a war.

At this time in the hall, Zhuge Yi gave a bitter smile: "Originally I was suspicious of Nangong Er, but after testing it to no avail, maybe I really thought wrong. It's just why Sikong Zong disappeared without any reason. No matter how you look at it, it's full of mystery. Full."

"Since he hasn't shown up for so many days, Sikong Tong has probably encountered something unexpected. The murderer will definitely destroy his body and eliminate traces in order to avoid future troubles, so there must be no clues at all. You'd better make plans in advance. This battle is inevitable."

Luo Dan smiled calmly and then stretched his body: "I won't bother you any more. Buck Yun and I are leaving first, but we don't want to leave your city yet. For the battle between your two lords, I can also be an audience. Can."

Lord Zhuge Yunzhen was just about to get up and send Luo Dan off when suddenly a servant came to report: "Lord, Nangong Er of the Nangong family has suddenly arrived. I must go to the elder by name and tell him about the matter I asked before. Ask the Great Elder to go out and see you."

"What are you asking about? Is it the death of Sikong Tong?" Zhuge Yi frowned, and the next moment he said quickly: "Send someone quickly to bring him here. The lord and I are waiting here."

Luo Dan originally planned to leave, but he was interested for a while, so he sat back and prepared to see what Nangong Er was doing. The lord saw Luo Dan acting like this, which was really embarrassing. Generally, a shameless person would have left long ago, but he didn't do it himself. Good to catch customers.

When Nangong Er came to the hall, his eyes were full of anger when he saw Luo Dan, but it disappeared in an instant. Luo Dan couldn't afford to offend him, so what was the point of being emotional? It’s better to think of something practical.

Zhuge Yi coughed and asked: "Everything is true. Whether you killed Sikong Zong or not, the promises I made before will also count. Of course, if you tell a lie, you will be responsible for the consequences. The lord and I will definitely investigate every word." "

"I killed the man." Nangong Er admitted straightforwardly. At this moment, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then became angry again, especially the lord who wanted to go over and kill Nangong Er directly. It was so hateful that it caused a fight between the two lords. contradiction between.

How to resolve the conflict after Sikong Tong is dead? This battle is inevitable, and it will result in the death of tens of thousands of people, and all of this is caused by Nangong Er. Nangong Er alone cannot bear such a huge cause and effect and bloody battle.

Zhuge Yi was relatively calm. He took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Sikong Tong's body? We have searched the city inside and outside before, but there was no trace of anything. If it was you, wouldn't it be possible? Hiding at Nangong’s house?”

"After the assassination, in order to avoid being discovered, he directly destroyed the body and wiped out traces. In the end, his body was burned into a plume of black smoke. In fact, he originally wanted to put the body in the lord's mansion to blame the lord, but after thinking about it, it was too difficult. gave up."

Nangong Er said sternly, but the lord was confused for a moment after hearing this. Why did he still want to put the blame on himself? There is no conflict between him and Nangong Er. Even because the head of the Nangong family is one of his confidants, he has always been fond of Nangong Er.

"Is all this the family's instigation, or is it your own doing?" Zhuge Yi asked. Nangong Er fell silent at this moment. It was not that he hesitated or suddenly realized that he should not blame everything on the Nangong family. , it’s just a matter of acting more realistically.

After a long time, Nangong Er nodded: "Everything was ordered by the family elders. They wanted to cause a fight between the two lords, so that they could take advantage of the opportunity to make profits or even replace the lord." (End of Chapter)

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