Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 88 Super Reward! The King of the Demonic Abyss! The God of the Celestial Dragons! Blood Bone

Super Dimensional Seal,

Babel Tower,

Babel Tower is the Holy Seat, the private land of the Overlords and Thrones in the Super Dimensional Seal, and the Parliament is usually held here, which is equivalent to the government of the Blue Star Civilization.

[Note: The matters that the Overlords are responsible for are different from those that the Parliament composed of the Throne level is responsible for! ]

In the Parliament, dozens of projections are still lit, which means that only dozens of members are free to attend the meeting.

After all, each member is also a hegemon in the world community where he lives, especially with the character of the God players who are used to plundering everything, and they also make countless enemies on weekdays.

So not every time the Parliament is convened to discuss the topic, every member has time to attend the meeting.

Each projection represents a Throne-level God player who can compete for the Eternal Overlord level, and they are quickly discussing one proposal or application after another.

"After time acceleration, the sequence plan for the Taiyi civilization community, the totem entity and even the giant-level god player-level war is about to end."

"In addition to the observation of His Majesty the Imaginary Holy Throne, in general, we have initially glimpsed the operating rules of the Taiyi civilization. Will the next war proposal be passed?"

[Note: The Holy Throne is a special existence among the masters. Its combat power is not necessarily stronger (it is often a little stronger), but its status is higher and extremely special. In order to avoid confusion among book friends, it will be directly called the Holy Throne in the future. It can be directly understood as "a more powerful master", but it is also a master of this level. 】

"I second the motion. The Alien Abyss civilization is on the verge of collapse. The third emperor, Rage, has been exiled to the sealed time and space by the Pale Mask Lord. The fourth emperor, Laziness, and the first emperor, Arrogance, have been hidden."

"However, without the Lord of civilization, they are no different from stray dogs. They are not threatening at all. As time goes by, the imprint of the laws in the world community is cleared, and they will only lose their status and become weaker and weaker!"

"Overall, the war of the Alien Abyss civilization is about to win!"

"I second the motion. The Puppet Civilization has already caused a split among the constructors within them under the preaching of the Lord of Eternal Light."

"Soon, the Puppet Civilization will also usher in a further collapse. We have enough strength and enough combat power to conquer the Taiyi civilization!"

"I do not second the motion. In an unknown world community, another group of new god players in the data department A dominant civilization was also discovered. They called themselves the [Xianzhi Civilization]. It is a terrifying civilization that has never been seen before, where life and planets grow inversely, replacing planets and even world communities with individual life. It is a great threat to our Blue Star civilization! "

"I second the motion. There is no effective intelligence about the so-called Xianzhi civilization. It is not as good as the Taiyi civilization. The core has been spied on. Their civilization foundation, the Taiyi perpetual motion machine and the Taiyi quantum light, can completely transform the efficiency of our conquest of the unexplored universe!"

"Reconsider. The most important thing is the Taiyi perpetual motion machine. If we can obtain the Taiyi perpetual motion machine, we may be able to achieve low-cost cross-world community material transmission!"

"I do not second the motion"

Just when the throne-level god players had different opinions, the ancient throne on the main seat was ready to temporarily put this issue aside and proceed to the next issue.

Suddenly, a powerful god player projection appeared outside the parliament and sent a high-level (candidate parliamentarian level) request to enter the signal.

"It's Xu Ziyan. As a candidate for the parliament, she has temporary entry qualifications. Is she approved?"

Hearing the words of one of the god players, a god player who looked like a devil sneered,

"Heh, what is He doing here?"

"He is hostile to my Demon Abyss for no reason, and I haven't settled accounts with Him yet!"

"Also, I noticed that He once had a record of searching for information about my students."

[Previous: The King of the Demon Abyss, the teacher of Kameda Wangyuan. 】

The throne on the main seat glanced at the demon god player, the King of the Demon Abyss, and then said without any emotion:

"Xu Ziyan is a candidate for parliament. You have no reason to interfere with what He does."

"You, have crossed the line."

Another throne spoke,

"Approved, let Him in, I believe He will not break the rules at will."

The King of the Demon Abyss folded his arms and sneered, waiting to see what Xu Ziyan would do. If it was a trivial matter, He would definitely laugh at her.


With a buzzing sound, Xu Ziyan stepped into the parliament. What caught the attention of many throne-level god players was that he was holding a high-risk robot in his hand.

"What is this?"

None of the god players present were ordinary people. Each of them was a nearly supreme existence in the world community they were fighting for.

Almost instantly, they saw through the connection between this high-risk robot and the distant world community, a great existence.

The King of the Demon Abyss naturally saw it, and his face suddenly turned gloomy like a demon, and he was not going to speak.

"Here, this is the will of Skynet."

As a new generation of god players, Xu Ziyan has always sneered at these old guys, thinking that they are corrupt and dare not fight a big battle. Every time they start a war with one or two dominant levels.

He casually handed over the Skynet robot and handed over the right to communicate to these throne-level god players.

Even though she sneered at them, she still had faith in the strength and ability of these old guys.

"This is the will of Skynet, the core of Taiyi Civilization. It is willing to cooperate with us and jointly overthrow Taiyi Civilization, but the price is to give Him a certain degree of freedom. He is willing to become our subordinate master."

"This time, it was my student Luo Dan who made the connection. Don't forget to give my student a good reward."

After saying that, Xu Ziyan left the parliament.

He is not a member of the parliament yet. In the parliament, he has no right to propose or make suggestions.

If he stays here, he can only listen in and has no chance to speak.

So, waiting here and being in the same room with these corrupt old guys, in his opinion, it is better to go back and stay with Luo Dan.

"My Excellencies, all my thoughts are here."

The red light in the eyes of the Skynet robot flickered. As the eternal master, He and the creatures under the master should be as different as the sky and mud. If a super-class life looks at Him, it may die on the spot.


"What kind of race are the God players?"

He did not see any fear or awe in the eyes of these God players, but only curiosity and.

Endless greed!

"I am afraid that only such a race can give birth to so many great beings!"

The Skynet robot suppressed its own exploration thoughts and saved the few computing powers in this mechanical body.

Superdimensional mark,

Superdimensional Island·Blood God Island,

In the pavilion in the center of the lake,

"Teacher, come back so soon?"

Lordan looked at Xu Ziyan who came back in less than ten seconds, and was stunned for a moment,

"Is my reward settled?"

"Go away, there is still a reward, I almost couldn't get in."

Xu Ziyan rolled her eyes, looked at Luodan and said:

"I have handed the Skynet robot to the old guys. At their speed, the reward should be issued soon."

Hearing Xu Ziyan's words, Luodan was relieved immediately.

He is looking forward to the reward this time.

The rewards include at least the body tissue of the master, and at least a drop of the master's blood!

With these, when he returns to the fragments of the goblin world, he can open the will of martial arts!

"Martial Ancestor, what should I call him?"

Of course, the will of martial arts is not only beneficial to the Celestials who have not yet met.

But after opening the martial arts, it will be of great help to his current combat power improvement and the combat power improvement of the goblin tribe.

In his plan, the goblin tribe is not based on martial arts, but on the road of evolution, with greatness as beauty, and the law of force!

However, this does not mean that martial arts has no effect on the goblin tribe.

The essence of martial arts is to improve combat effectiveness under existing conditions, so that a part of the group can cause greater damage under existing conditions!

Of course, there is also a way to make oneself stronger.

But becoming stronger is not within the consideration of the goblin tribe, they evolve directly!

Use martial arts as a tool to make oneself more combat-effective!

That's why Luodan has been looking forward to martial arts, not just as simple as preparing for the Celestials.

After all, He still has no specific idea about how to take back the Celestials.

T09 World Area,

Along World Fragment·Boundary Island,


Ximen Qing covered his chest, his ferocious face full of dragon scales, now full of innocent fear like a little white rabbit,



"Don't take my body!"

Ximen Qing looked at Auntie Pan Lian in front of him, who had a ferocious face and no kindness or doting on Him in the past, and his heart was full of regret and fear.

"Damn it, why didn't I listen to Teacher Fan?"

"He said that I must not let anyone know my planetary coordinates, not even the closest people."

"But how could I believe this old woman in front of me, thinking that she really came to give me a gift to celebrate my promotion of the high-level war-type sub-dragons to low-level monarch-type celestial dragons!"

"I was a little suspicious at that time, but I was deceived by her!"

Thinking of everything that happened during this period, Ximen Qing only realized now that everything he had obtained was so false, but he was severely deceived!

At that time, he was brought into the auction by his aunt Pan Lian and won the [Throne Dragon Blood·Star Core Dragon King Blood]. He felt that destiny was with him, not with Luo Dan--

After Luo Dan obtained such a treasure, he couldn't use it and could only take it out for auction.

In the end, it fell into his hands again after a lot of twists and turns.

Isn't this destiny?

After Ximen Qing boasted about himself for a while, he began to upgrade his original race according to the way that had been discovered long ago.

And in this process, Grandma Pan Lian played a huge role.

Whether it was the blood of the Star Core Dragon King, or various extremely precious auxiliary materials, or treasures that protected the will of the gods from being destroyed by the void law, or treasures that resisted the void thunder punishment and did not destroy their own planetary world.

All of them were contracted by Grandma Pan Lian!

And in this process, Ximen Qing did not find any doubts.

Or it can be said that He could ignore the existence of doubts.

For example, after becoming a god, especially after becoming a super-class, even if there is no hope of advancement, there is no way to advance from the lower super-class to the middle super-class.

But that is also a super-class!

That is the existence of the status of "Star Lord", "God", "Buddha", "True Immortal", and "Great Saint" in the void!

If the world is immortal, then super-class immortality is not a problem at all!

Generally speaking, this kind of existence has basically achieved the purpose of longevity. Unless it is for the purpose of further progress, or to plunder more resources, or the idea of ​​inheritance, it rarely cultivates the younger generation.

Especially the so-called inheritance-

Inheritance is for the continuation of what you have, so that it will not disappear after you are gone.


Super-class immortality!

Why do you need inheritance?

However, in the face of huge interests, Ximen Qing ignored these and believed that his grandmother was the biggest fool in the world, and she really worked hard to cultivate her descendants.

And to advance to the status of race, you have to go through countless pains.

In the countless pains, the grandmother was always by his side, caring and encouraging him.

Let him think that the grandmother really wants to cultivate the next generation.

And now, he only thinks that he is the real fool.

The grandmother actually wanted to use the so-called [Ten-turn Immortal Gu·One Heart Blood Gu] discovered from the ruins [Blood Bone Immortal Abyss] to seize his body and completely replace him!

In order to achieve the goal of replacing the hopeless [Pig Dragon Clan] with the [Sky Dragon Clan], and thus reopen the path of advancement.

The most terrifying thing is that this is actually feasible!

The Sky Dragon Clan is a race that has appeared in the [Throne] in the long history, and its future is much greater than that of the Pig Dragon Clan!

Under Pan Lian's constant urging, Ximen Qing, who had been infected with Tongxin Blood Gu for a long time, gradually became blurred.


"If you were not so greedy, it would be great?"

"I remember that I used to be polite and calm?"


"Why did I become like this now, unable to fully control my own will?"

"It seems that everything has changed since Pan Lian started to teach me personally."

Gradually, Ximen Qing's will completely fell into darkness and was swallowed by the hideous and ugly phantom of the pig dragon.


After a moment, Ximen Qing suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with evil and brutal light, he licked his lips,

"It's good to be young."


"Is this the feeling of being the God of the Monarch Race?"

"Today I know who I am, noble Monarch Race, I, Panlian Ximen Qing, will reopen the path!"

In just a few seconds, the incoordination of voice and action completely disappeared, replaced by a frivolous and irritable Ximen Qing who was no different from usual.

"Don't worry, my dear grandson."

"The road you have walked, I will walk for you."

"The road you have not walked, I will walk for you even more!"

"That who"

"Didn't the Goblin God humiliate you?"


Ximen Qing sneered and burned Pan Lian's unconscious body in front of him instantly, with a cruel and weird smile on his lips.

"You also took away my Blood Bone Immortal Armor·Remnant"

"This is the mythical weapon I prepared for my Tianlong people!"

[Previous: [Blood Bone Immortal Armor·Remnant] was "translated" by the super-dimensional game into a mythical weapon construction blueprint of [Blood Bone Battle Armor Construction Blueprint]. It was used to exchange the blood of the Star Core Dragon King with Luodan at the auction. At that time, it was mentioned that Pan Lian had the idea of ​​being unwilling. 】

"It was taken away by a lowly prisoner!"

"Hehe, luckily I was prepared--"

"The Blood Bone Armor and the Tongxin Blood Descendant Gu are both relics of the [Xian] civilization from the Blood Bone Immortal Abyss. There is an inexplicable connection between them!"

"Give me some time, I can find the Goblin God, and then"

"Take back what we lost!"


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Thank you to the book friend [Wang Yue Xi Chen] for the 500 points of reward!

Thank you to the book friend [Lance Attackkkkk] for the 500 points of reward!

Thank you to the book friend [Zi Xiao Yao Dao] for the 100 points of reward!

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