Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 251 Disbandment and Explanation

Xu Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mu Peng, the craziest one, and Han Fei, the most careless one, both had cautious expressions on their faces.

"Although the students in this class are very strong, they can only listen to warnings."

"It shouldn't be like the previous years, where some stubborn idiots always appear and make my liver hurt with anger!"

Class Instructor Xu nodded with satisfaction, feeling greatly relieved, as if he had seen the dawn of a salary increase.

"Okay, I have sent you the star map of this resource well."

"I specially marked relatively safe activity areas and various precautions inside."

"After you have carefully read it, you can freely form a team and come here to practice at any time."

"If there are no other questions, we will be dismissed after class."

Xu Feng clapped his hands and saw no new questions, so he immediately announced that get out of class was over.

This is the educational style of 뀗Ming Central Academy.

The instructor will only give the necessary guidance, explain what needs to be explained, and give instructions that need to be given, and then the rest will begin.

I will never lead these students hand in hand, let alone care for them like a nanny.

The biggest lesson for mankind is that they never learn from the lessons of the past. If they don’t let themselves stumble, they will never truly grow.

In the final analysis, if you really want to go steadily and far on the road to becoming a god, you have to rely on yourself.

뀗Ming that the senior management can do their best to create this ‘cradle’ for the younger generations.

After all, you still have to walk your own path.

Seeing the class teacher teleporting away, all the students began to walk together in groups of five, each heading towards the large divine cluster in front of them.

"Edan, let's go to this exchange venue together?"

Seeing everyone disperse, Han Fei put his arm around Liu Dan's shoulders, his tone sounded like a consultation, but in fact he didn't wait for a response.

He had already dragged Liu Dan and floated towards the aggregation of the divine realm.

Liu Dan looked at Han Fei's actions with a speechless expression, and sighed helplessly. It was really difficult for him to earn the monitor allowance of five credits per year!

Not only did he have to face the challenge of Mu Peng, the tiger girl, but he was often dragged to the shopping mall by Han Fei, who made everyone else feel that there was some sexual relationship between them.

The conscience of heaven and earth!

Han Fei clearly used him as a free appraiser and valuation specialist for goods consultation.

Liu Dan simply regretted why he had revealed his family background and extensive knowledge when he was running for squad leader.

He even patted his chest and said to the whole class, "If I am elected as squad leader, you can come to me at any time for anything, and I will do my best to serve you!"

Liu Dan still remembered the scene of Han Fei applauding desperately after he said these words.

I regret it!

For generations, his family has followed the path of logistics gods, working hard to prosper the country through industry, and the shops opened in the Gods Exchange Continent are operated with integrity.

After Liu Dan opened up the divine domain, he worked in his own shop and learned to appraise and appraise objects. He was very knowledgeable about various high-end divine cards and rare resources.

Liu Dan, who was being dragged by Han Fei and looked hopeless, looked at the smiling Han Fei and couldn't help but complain:

"What a sin, haven't I just become the squad leader? I deserve to go shopping with you and help you pick up bargains?"

"In my free time, I'll set up a street stall myself and start generating thousands of magical powers in a matter of minutes, okay?"

Facing Liu Dan's complaint, Han Fei also replied with a smile:

"Dandan, you are so good at divine power. If you were taken away by me, wouldn't there be no other students to come to you for help? I am trying to help you get out of trouble!"

"I have reduced your workload for you, you have to thank me!"

When Han Fei said this, his tone was conclusive.

Liu Dan was already disturbed by this guy's shamelessness, and he had no choice but to let Han Fei continue to have sex for nothing with peace of mind.

The two of them hooked up their shoulders and floated towards the station in the distance.

Along the way, Han Fei looked around and encountered different gods controlling the hemispherical divine domain, each traveling to and from their base and resource well.

The closer you get to the station, the more densely the comings and goings of the divine realm become. Divine realms of different sizes are crowded together, and there is a sense of being crowded between people coming and going.

If it weren't for the fact that God's Realm can be moved up, down, and right, this place might not be blocked.

No wonder, the class teacher asked them to park the God's Domain further away.

Just as the two were advancing, Han Fei suddenly stopped and curiously asked Liu Dan beside him:

"Huh? What are they doing?"

Liu Dan followed his gaze and looked in the direction Han Fei pointed.

I saw a hemispherical divine realm of 500 million square kilometers in front of me, staying steadily in the void, with several huge passages exposed above the divine realm barrier.

A large number of starships with mysterious divine patterns on their hulls are speeding out in a steady stream. These starships are about two to five meters in size, and they are all frigates and destroyers.

They drove at high speed in the void, and then passed through the barriers of several demigods around them without any hindrance, entered them and landed slowly.

"We're transporting supplies, isn't it normal?"

Liu Dan looked at Han Fei's fussing and fussing, with disgust on his face.

This guy is obviously very strong, but his knowledge is really narrow.

This is probably the difference caused by the different growth environment. Many things are common sense that a descendant of the True God like Liu Dan has been exposed to for a long time.

But for ordinary students like Han Fei, they can only go through normal learning channels to gradually understand that the gap is often opened invisibly.

"Fuck, to transport materials to other divine domains, there is no need to connect to the transmission channel, and they can be transported directly by starship?"

Han Fei looked surprised, turned his head and stared at Liu Dan, waiting for him to explain to him.


Liu Dan's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to touch his forehead. Han Fei was treating him as a part-time tour guide.

"The school has relevant courses that specifically explain these things. Didn't you go to listen?"

After hearing Liu Dan's question, Han Fei thought about it. He had too many things to learn recently, so all the courses here were put behind him and he didn't have time to listen.

Seeing him like this, Liu Dan didn't wait for Han Fei to answer and started to explain.

"After lighting the divine fire, the gods can integrate the invasion channel into the divine domain barrier and construct a divine pattern formation on the divine domain barrier, which can not only strike the enemy's divine domain from a long distance."

"It can also send troops through the void to directly invade the enemy's divine domain after blasting a gap in the divine domain barrier."

"After lighting the divine fire, the followers will also have the blessing of divinity. They do not need to connect to the divine domain and can move around in other divine domains for a long time."

"These demigods who have perfected the functions of the divine domain only need to open the divine domain barrier, and the followers of that god can deliver directly to their door. Isn't this easier than connecting to the divine domain or using a seal card?"

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