Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 275 Heseman's House

Chapter 275 The Herseman family

High in the sky, a swarm of thunder flying dragons that blocked out the sun were galloping at full speed.

Within the body of a certain thunder dragon, the brainworm Herseman squirmed slightly and changed into a more comfortable position.

"Oh, I shouldn't have taken the initiative to take part in the military rank promotion assessment in order to earn more salary."

He secretly regretted it in his heart.

This billion-scale flying dragon group is controlled by ten brainworms.

According to the wartime command regulations, the highest military rank is 놅Heseman, and it is logical that 늅张놅늅 is the commander-in-chief of the cluster.

덿Jae on top!

The reason why he worked hard to advance to the military rank was not to lead troops to fight, but because he wanted to earn more wages and drink super nutrient solution every time.

Even occasionally add ultra-high purity water of life.

"Oh, how wonderful life would be if it could be like that?"

Heseman still felt uncomfortable, so he pulled out the tentacles from the wall of the Thunder Flying Dragon's sac and kept squirming forward.

After finding a softer position, the tentacles are inserted into the wall of the cyst again, adhering to the thick blood vessels, and reintegrating themselves into the system of the host body.

Continue to share the fresh blood that contains surging magic and rich nutrients.

Hesseman sighed again: "Well, the symbiote is still as good as the old one."

In the previous high-intensity air strike, as the commander-in-chief of the cluster, he not only had to follow Zai's will, but also quickly formulate the best tactics, and make detailed adjustments at any time based on the real-time battle situation.

It is also necessary to maintain large-scale mental coverage at all times and command and dispatch the remaining thirty-nine brainworms.

You even have to control your own formation of thunder dragons.

This level of ultra-high-frequency precise control is really killing insects!

In order to maintain the high-intensity mental consumption, Herseman had to draw energy frantically, and he squeezed the flesh of the thunder dragon that had lived with him for many years alive.

This forced him to temporarily change his partner as the new 놅symbiosis hostel.

Although for 덿jae, everything is worth it.

But when I think about the high cost of creating a comfortable living environment in the Thunder Dragon's body over the years...

Hesseman really wanted to go on a hunger strike for half an hour to relieve his inner grief.

Hmm..., it's half an hour, it can't be longer, otherwise it will really kill the insect.

Nowadays, most of the brainworm officers are symbiotic in the bodies of killers or thunder dragons.

In particular, the Thunder Dragon is the most popular. After all, it is a magical species and contains magic within its body.

Although brainworms have no sense of taste, they will have different feelings when absorbing energy-rich nutrients, which will bring different feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

As long as you graduate from the faith training base and command academy with excellent performance, you will obtain a military rank.

They will be given a corresponding number of symbiotic accommodations by 덿zai늀, and they can receive different amounts of salary from the single-eyed clan military headquarters every month.

The higher the military rank, the better the treatment.

I am a rookie who has just graduated and joined the army. I can only live on the symbiotic hostel every day. I have to save a little. If I really squeeze out the hostel, I have to pay for it myself.

Can't afford it?

Then go find a springtail parasite. That thing is free in limited quantities. If it doesn't work again, you will have to starve.

Anyway, the elimination rate of brain worms is extremely high. If you don't have a firm belief, you will die. If you fail the graduation exam, you will die. If you violate military regulations, you will die.

If you don't have enough self-control, starving to death would be a normal operation.

Especially Herseman, the first group to cultivate brain worms, originally had thousands of classmates in the training base.

It is possible that only a few of them are alive until now.

Even Heseman himself, when he first arrived at the training base, often received "love shocks" because he deserted in class.

This left a lingering shadow on his young mind.

Although many years have passed, every time he recalls the scary smile of Teacher Feixius, he will reflexively tremble all over.

This is still an elite class. If you switch to the ordinary class, the elimination rate will be even more terrifying!

Therefore, as long as you can successfully graduate and become a qualified officer, as long as you don't commit suicide, your life will be quite happy.

Especially high-ranking commanders like Herseman, who even look down upon low-level and mid-level nutrient solutions.

Every time I don't drink a few bottles of high-end nutrient solution, I feel uncomfortable all over, and life is so boring.

The addition of water of life, super nutrient solution, and even ultra-high purity water of life is the goal of their unremitting efforts to survive.

It can be said that from birth to death, brainworms are extremely hungry for food, which runs through their entire insect lives.

This desire to eat, which stems from the depths of their genes, is far more firm than their belief in insect swarms, and can be called fanaticism.

Of course, as a highly intelligent species, under the deliberate guidance of a certain boss named Han, their material pursuits will continue to improve.

For example, the living environment must be as safe and comfortable as possible.

High-rise mansion, beach villa?

Not really.

For the brain worms, the most satisfactory place for them to live, apart from filling the incubator with nutrient solution, must be inside the body of the Thunder Flying Dragon.

As an extraordinary magical species, the Thunder Flying Dragon is large in size, runs fast, has high defense, can fly, and has strong attacks. It is completely the most ideal living environment in the insect swarm at this stage.

It is safe and comfortable, and can also be used for air command during combat.

When the battle situation is unfavorable, with the magical gift of Thunder Raid, you can quickly escape under the cover of the insect swarm. It is simply the first choice for safe travel and life-saving at home.

"You are not afraid of death, but you must leave your useful bodies behind and continue to contribute your wisdom to the great Lord."

This group of cunning and cowardly people have always claimed to be intelligent Zergs, and they think that their own value is far higher than those cannon fodder Zergs with low IQs.

Heseman is no exception.

The reason why he did not want to serve as the commander-in-chief of the cluster was that he was afraid that if he lost the battle, he would not be able to escape first.

The general who fled in the face of the battle would be directly executed.

"No, in order to save the lives of the insects, we must win!"

Heseman restrained his consciousness as much as possible, and then quickly spread his powerful and unparalleled mutant spirit.

In an instant, the other brain insects that controlled the Thunder Dragon cluster responded together, and intertwined a network of mind communication with their spirits.

"Everyone, the enemy's air force is quickly returning from the outer area."

"We have only two hours to attack,"

"After approaching the target city, we must completely destroy the defense system and defense force at the fastest speed, destroy the enemy's central temple, and find the core of the divine domain."


Under the command of Heseman, the Thunder Dragon Cluster continued to adjust its formation.

In particular, the bombing formation equipped with the Flame Explosion Dragonfly was constantly dispersed to the front half of the cluster under the control of the brain worm.

Under the protection of the left and right flanks, following the vanguard, it began to accelerate its advance.

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