Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 190 Everything is going as planned

Times have changed.

The Frostman deeply understood the meaning of this sentence. This was no longer the era of their Star God.

His attack had been suppressed by Mechagodzilla. His energy was not as good as Mechagodzilla. As his energy was gradually suppressed, the green light came to him.

Then, the green light completely enveloped the Frostman.


With an angry and helpless shout, the Frostman suddenly burst out a wave of cold air from his body. The cold air wave seemed to have exceeded the energy of any physical universe and turned into the purest physical phenomenon.

The place swept by the wave directly turned into a white frost land without a trace of heat.

Even Mechagodzilla and the surrounding Necrons were frozen.

Because Kamler was in the fleet, he was not affected, but from his angle looking at the tomb world, most of the area of ​​the originally dark green tomb world had been covered with white, and the difference was particularly obvious.


Kamler saw all this and thought that this guy was really a nightmare.

The fragments of Star God were defeated so easily.

Star Gods will not die, they will only be broken into more pieces, so this situation will occur.

The Extreme Cold has been destroyed to the state before he became a Star God. Except for other fragments of the Extreme Cold, no one else can absorb the frost.

But fortunately, this creature seems to have been.

Maybe not.

"Lord Kamler, the signal of that creature has not disappeared."

"What did you say?!"

Kamler was full of fear at this moment. A creature that even the Extreme Cold cannot freeze? !

What kind of existence is that.

At this moment, on the surface of the planet, the body of Mechagodzilla broke through the ice layer and crawled out of the ice layer. He was almost unscathed. Except that the energy reaction in his body dropped several levels due to freezing, everything else was not a big deal.

As long as this part of energy is replenished, he can become strong again.

"Fortunately, this creature should not be able to fly, which means that he cannot leave this planet."

When Camler was thinking that no matter how strong this creature is, it is only limited to this planet, Mechagodzilla may finally remember that he cannot fly.

So, the skeleton composed of living metal quickly extended from the back to both sides, forming a structure similar to wings.

This scene made Camler's head split.

"This guy, this guy"

Then, Mechagodzilla showed Camler what the ultimate evolution is.

But in a short period of time, he grew wings, and those wings have the anti-gravity technology of the Necrons, which allows him to fly in the atmosphere and in the universe.

This scene is really too terrifying.

Camler even saw Mechagodzilla flying towards his fleet.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!!!"

The Necrons fleet immediately started the inertia-free engine and began a long-distance voyage.

He didn't want to fight this heaven-defying behemoth again.


At this moment, Godzilla's power is not much different from that of the three-headed dragon, and even more so.

After defeating two vanguard fleets from different dynasties, the next to arrive on the battlefield was one of the main fleets of the Silent King.

A main fleet of the Necrons with a tomb-class tomb ship, multiple cruisers and many frigates is definitely a terrifying force that any force would be afraid of.

The leader of this fleet is a hegemon, at the same level as Trazyn.

Maybe he is not as notorious as Trazyn, but in terms of status, he and Trazyn are definitely at the same level.

And he has only one task now.

To destroy the giant beast called Godzilla.

The hegemon standing in the captain's room of the flagship is full of confidence.

As we all know, Godzilla fights you because you are full of confidence. If you think you can't beat Godzilla from the beginning and want to fight to the death, Godzilla may not be able to beat you.

But if you think you have won, then I'm sorry, Godzilla doesn't play by the rules.


The Overlord exhaled, but he didn't need to breathe, he was just sighing.

"Another boring task. In front of our fleet, these low-level creatures can't stand the attack at all."

The confidence of the Necrons is the same as that of the Protoss in the next star system.

I have the Golden Fleet, why am I afraid of you? !

Godzilla will teach them what it means to "I must regroup the troops."

"My Lord, we have arrived at the planet where Godzilla is."

"Is it here?"

The Overlord looked at the garden world in front of him. This planet is an almost harmless planet in the records of the Necrons, and only a primitive social race lives on it.

That is, medieval humans.

The Necrons don't even look at this kind of planet.

But I didn't expect that there would be a creature like Godzilla.

"Wait, sir, that's not right. Why is there another planet next to it? Our star map doesn't record this."

"What did you say?!"

The Overlord was even more surprised. This was even more surprising than Godzilla.

A planet where the Necrons are not recorded is equivalent to missing an enemy battalion deployment on the military simulation sandbox. It may seem like it won’t have much impact, but it’s actually a slap in the face.

There is almost no missing part in the Necron's star map. They know exactly how many planets there are in the entire galaxy.

Even what humans don't know and what Chaos doesn't know, they know.

But now there is a planet appearing under their noses, but they can't find it yet.

Could it be that this planet flew here? !

Yes, this planet flew here because it is Godzilla's planet.

"There's something wrong with this planet."

"Sir, do we still want to land and fight?"


Even if the Overlord feels there is a problem, he will not back down. He must defeat Godzilla. This is the will of the Silent King.

"Our fleet has nothing to fear. If we don't dare to land on an unknown planet just because of it, then how can we have the face to meet the king we are waiting for?"

The fleet continues to approach Garden World and Planet Godzilla. Their target is not Planet Godzilla, so the main force is still placed on Garden World.

But right now.

The Storm King's fleet also stopped sailing and appeared outside the Garden World.

Everything happened so coincidentally, as if there was an invisible force driving the conflict between the Storm King and the Silent King.

Who is pushing forward? It’s so hard to guess (Read with admiration).

He's definitely not the most arrogant and ever-changing demon king in the entire galaxy.

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