Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 20 One of the themes of Warhammer 40K: gang jumping!

Almost all the Tau troops on the ground have been killed. The scattered Tau teams have long been eliminated, and the remaining large positions have also been cleared.

Even if there are still some Tau troops left, they may not be able to survive in this land comparable to the Catachan Rainforest.

You have to know that all living things on this planet are Godzilla cells. Those trees, the moss on the ground, and even the microorganisms that decompose biomass are Godzilla cells.

Godzilla crushed the last Tau gunship with the soles of his feet and looked around.

‘That’s almost it. Aren’t the main forces of the Tau coming down yet? ’

[Come down. 】

In the atmosphere, those large protector cruisers began to enter Godzilla's sight. Such large battleships generally would not take the initiative to enter the planet, but this time the situation was special.

The Protector cruisers broke into the atmosphere one by one, and the Tau warships whose engines failed plunged into the planet's ocean, using seawater and deflectors to cushion the impact of the fall on the warships.

Even so, these battleships will probably never be able to leave this planet again.

"The Greater Good!"

The Wind Clan commander looked at the burning Tau positions on the ground and the lizardmen cleaning the battlefield, showing an extremely angry expression.

"How dare these barbaric and primitive natives of the planet attack the great warriors of the Tau Empire! Most of Commander Aurora has been killed, they really deserve to die!"

"Commander, do you want to fire downwards to clear a landing zone?"

"No, wait a minute."

The Wind Clan commander was waiting for the Dark Eldar warship, but before the Dark Eldar warship appeared, he saw Godzilla.

The 50-meter-tall giant beast is a very eye-catching presence in the rainforest, and it is difficult for the Feng Clan's crew to miss it.

"What it is?"

"After scanning, the target behemoth is over 50 meters tall, and there is a high-energy reaction in the body. My God, he is bigger than any Tyranid beast we have ever seen."

"But that's about it."

The commander of the Wind Clan was not intimidated by Godzilla's large size. The Guardian-class mothership she was currently riding on was many times larger than Godzilla. A huge beast, no matter how powerful it was, was just a beast and could only affect A small area can affect at most one planet.

Can he still influence the entire galaxy? !

"Are you going to fire on them?"

"No, not yet."

Before he finished speaking, Godzilla opened his mouth and sprayed a beam of radiation towards the Guardian-class mothership in the sky. The blue beam was blocked by an invisible barrier before it touched the Guardian-class mothership. , and stirred up waves.

‘Oops, it can’t be penetrated. ’

[Yes, it can’t be penetrated. This is the Tau’s main cruiser. The second-generation Godzilla cannot penetrate it with one shot. Also, let me remind you in advance that the city-level void shield, the second-generation Godzilla, cannot be penetrated. 】

‘If I could break through the city-level void shield, I would dare to fight Holy Terra. ’

Godzilla stopped attacking. He still knew himself. It didn't matter. It didn't matter if he couldn't break the turtle shell.

The Tau would certainly not be able to withstand such a provocative attack.

"We are under an energy attack. The target has an energy attack at the level of a cruiser's main gun. The deflector is taking effect, but the shield strength is decreasing!"

"He's attacking us before we attack him?"

The Wind Clan commander was furious at Godzilla's hostile behavior.

"The left side main gun turret, start loading! Give that giant beast some color!!!"

The turret on the left side of the Guardian Mothership began to turn. In order to provide a better shooting angle, the hull turned slightly to the left, so that all the turrets on the left side could shoot Godzilla.

The large-caliber railgun on the main battleship of the Tau Empire was no joke. A few flashes of lightning flashed, and three blood flowers exploded from Godzilla's body.

He was breached.

The two projectiles that hit Godzilla's chest penetrated the outermost layer of protective skin and entered the inner layer of the skin, but did not damage Godzilla's organs.

A cannonball that hit Godzilla's shoulder actually penetrated Godzilla's skin, and the wound flowed from the shoulder.

‘It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! ’

[That’s right, it hurts. Even the ceramite armor of the Imperial battleships dare not resist the T’au Empire’s main guns like you. 】

‘Is Titanium Lord so fierce? ’

[You didn’t shout that you wanted to go back to Earth before. Have you forgotten how terrible this world is so quickly? 】

Godzilla thought the same thing. No matter how much the Titanium King was defeated, it was still a force that could compete with the Empire in local areas. There were many forces in the galaxy, but not many that could bring the table to the table.

‘Titanium is strong, titanium is fierce, titanium is powerful, how can I fight this? ’

[That is of course one of the eternal themes of Warhammer 40K: gang jumping. 】

While he was talking, a Protector cruiser that was still some distance away from the battlefield suddenly had an engine explosion and began to tilt toward the ground.

At some point, a team of lizardmen had entered the Tau ship.

Thoros, the Eternal God's Blessed Warrior, swung his stick and knocked out a Fire Caste warrior. He flew until he hit the wall at the end of the corridor and stopped. Even if this six-meter-tall giant lizard man stood next to the battleship engine, he would not stop. Other lizard warriors were swinging their weapons, smashing against the Tau's delicate engines.

The engines are exploding, and no matter how powerful the Earth Clan engineers are, they can't repair them.

Then, these lizard men were enveloped in a burst of white light and disappeared.


Isis continued to cast spells, sending the Lizardmen team to the engine area of ​​the next warship. Even though the Tau were well prepared, they were still stunned when facing the huge beast of Thoros.

Then they were flattened by Thoros's big stick.


The Fire Clan warriors ignored the inside of the ship and began to pour fire.

But those ion beams shot at Thoros, which did not cause any ripples. Thoros had not been injured for a long time. Every scar on his body was caused by some extremely powerful enemies.

The most recent wound was caused by the priest Isis three hundred years ago. At that time, Isis was just born for more than ten years.

Within a few minutes, Thoros cleared all the Fire Clan warriors in the engine area and raised his weapon to hit the engine. Even if the terrifying energy leaked from the engine core was bombarded on this blessed warrior, it was difficult to cause effective damage, but it just made him feel a little hot.

The second Protector-class cruiser fell.

The commander of the Wind Clan was panicked.

"What's going on?"

"Commander, our fleet has been boarded!"

"Boarding? Impossible, we don't see any ground troops, wait, is it teleportation?!"

The Tau have seen the Empire's beacon teleportation technology, but they have never seen a powerful force like Isis that can directly teleport troops to the core area.

Not only the Tau, but even the Empire has not seen it a few times. I'm afraid that only the psychic power of the Great Demon of Tzeentch can do it, or the technology of the Necrons. This is not a boarding method that ordinary people can see.

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