Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 73 Slaanesh: 666!

The Cursed Legion is still here.

This is normal. With the subspace energy concentration in this area, there are even six big demons. The appearance of these E demon armies is also normal.


A Space Wolves Space Marine, meeting these warriors of the Cursed Legion for the first time, asked tentatively.

The other party didn't answer him, but just turned to look at him.

Looking through the opponent's red eyepiece, the Space Wolves' space warrior seemed to understand something.

"Brother! Let us fight side by side!"

Needless to say, both sides expressed their loyalty to the Emperor through actions, with continuous bolter fire suppressing the Slaanesh lust demons surrounding the Keeper of Secrets.

As for the Keeper of Secrets, in just ten seconds, the judges who rushed forward were beaten back by the Keeper of Secrets' four arms. Among them, the Keeper of Secrets had a female judge stuck in his pliers arm. official.

This inquisitor is the same inquisitor who helped Captain Wade prevent his suicide.

The female inquisitor knew that she would inevitably die this time, but at the last moment before death, she still did not forget to pull out the grenade ring.

"For the Emperor!!!"

The Inquisitor threw the grenade at the big demon and waited for his death.

But she didn't die.

Isis intervened in the fight.

"Slaanesh, Slaanesh, Slaanesh!"

Isis surged forward at breakneck speed, leaping to great heights on the shoulders of the Space Marines, scepter and chainsword in hand, the buzz of a chainsaw at her tail.

With a quick spin in the air, the arm of the secret-keeper demon was cut off, and the arm fell together with the judge.

"Hahaha, Slaanesh!"

Isis shouted the god's name, thus attracting Slaanesh's gaze.

"Die to me!!!"

The keeper of the secret also reacted quickly, but he swung his arm, but Isis dodged the attack from the gap between his arms, and slashed at the keeper's thigh with a chain sword. The chain saw contained psychic power. The sword was like a disintegrating force field, easily cutting off the secret keeper's entire leg.

The secret keeper suddenly became a little unbalanced.

And Isis went around behind the secret keeper, raised her staff high, and hit the secret keeper on the back of the head.

This staff acted like a power hammer or a power fist, and the secret keeper was knocked down.

After falling down, the Keeper of Secrets wanted to get up, but when he looked up, he saw a dozen bolt guns pointed at his face.

Pulling the trigger, the loyal bolter began to fire, and there was even a flamethrower. The flames sprayed under the action of Jusu fuel burned away the gorgeous silk on the secret keeper, and the bolt gun even fired on the big devil's face. There were wounds on it.

This made the secret keeper a little crazy. He put his hands on the ground and tried to get up.

But the next second, one of his hands was cut off again, and he fell to the ground unbalanced.

"Still remembering?!"

Another Space Wolves Space Marine severed the Keeper's other hand, leaving the Keeper with no possibility of standing up.

Under the continuous bombardment of firepower, the Imperial Commandos smashed the head of the secret keeper in front of them until there was no more sound.

"Phew, I feel much more comfortable."

Isis took a long breath.

"When the remaining four great demons of Slaanesh are killed, we can cross out the sin of Slaanesh on the stone tablet."

"Oh, my Emperor"

The Astra Militarum soldiers who witnessed this battle looked at Isis and couldn't help but praise: "She looks like a champion."

"Don't be dazed!!!"

The voice of the political commissar of the Astral Army brought the soldier back from his thoughts.

"There are four more demons!!!"

The remaining four demons pressed over from four angles, but this time, the Imperial Commandos were not needed to bear the pressure.

"Do you think only the gods of chaos have their own chosen ones? Thoros!!!"

A psychic portal opens over the battlefield.

Boom! ! !

Thoros landed from the portal like a Dreadnought. This lizard man was so tall that soldiers of the Astra Militarum could walk under his crotch.

"You handle one."

"As you command, Lord Isis."

Thoros held his big club and began to charge. His mere forward motion caused bursts of roars from the armor plates on the ground, which surprised the Space Wolves Space Marines.

"This demi-human, he is taller than the fearless veterans of our chapter!"

"I feel like he can overturn a Leman Russ tank."

"Over at the Empire, you can hold one back."

"Don't look down on us."

The Space Marines of the Wolf regiment were quite irritable. Being stimulated by Isis, they began to charge towards an unstoppable Keeper of Secrets. The Space Marines of other Chapters also began to assist them, so as to avoid this part of space. The members of the Wild Wolf Chapter were wiped out.

The empire's currency should not be sacrificed in vain.

Naturally, Isis will deal with the remaining demons.

"Isis, I've got it."

Katata's voice came.

"Open a psychic portal for me."

"That big guy can't get in here."

"Just open the door ten meters away, and I will take care of it."

Isis waved her magic wand, and the psychic portal opened. To be honest, Isis's psychic talent was really a bit scary. I'm afraid it was almost the same as the psychic talent of Tzeentch next door.

The ability to open portals at will with this hand alone is not something that ordinary psykers can match.

The portal was in front of the last big demon. Isis wanted to see what the new lizard priest could do, and then she saw it.

Before the Great Demon Keeper of Secrets understood what the huge portal in front of him was used for, a huge claw connected with metal and flesh stretched out of the portal and grabbed the Keeper of Secrets. Before the Great Demon Keeper of Secrets could wait, After struggling, he was already pulled into the portal.

"Oh ho~~ It's okay."

Isis approved of the lizard priest.

You don’t need to think about it to know that the secret-keeper demon of Slaanesh was captured and taken to the planet Godzilla. What good outcome could there be?

Nothing good really comes of it.

Because as soon as the secret-keeper demon came back to his senses, he found himself standing in front of a behemoth that was over fifty meters tall. He was being grasped by the claws of that behemoth, and he was with a bigger one. The figures are almost the same.

This picture is indeed too beautiful.

If the secret keeper was that huge beast, he would probably insert the small thing on his hand into his vagina and rub it, it would be very exciting.

But if he is the little thing being rubbed by XX

It seems more exciting when I think about it.

What Katata did was control Mechagodzilla to slam the Keeper of Slaanesh to the ground and step on it.

The ground roared, and even if the secret keeper was stepped on like this, he would probably be dead.

There are only three of the four Secret Keeper Demons left.

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