Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 86 The Great Unclean One appears!

The Word Bearers were divided into two groups. One group went to the Chaos believers' position to kill the Chaos believers who were not dead and use them as blood sacrifices.

This is normal. Chaos believers are tools. If they die, they will die, not to mention that this is Erebus's order.

No one would be surprised if Erebus stabbed Abaddon in the back.

Another group of Word Bearers went to stop Godzilla.

Well, stop Godzilla.

"How to stop this?" A Word Bearer recruit pondered this question.

"I'm thinking about this too."

The Word Bearers veterans don't know how to deal with Godzilla. In this situation, the Titans should fight Godzilla, and only large Titan units.

But the Word Bearers didn't bring Titan units. This was a stealth battle, not a particularly tough battle.

Who will lead Titan units in stealth battles?

Iron Warriors or Emperor's Fists?

Godzilla looked at the Space Marines of the Word Bearers. As soon as he took a look, the Space Marines of the Word Bearers hid behind the bunker.

"It's bad, this guy is coming for us!"

Godzilla's footsteps sounded and got closer and closer, until they stopped at an extremely close distance.

The Word Bearers felt that the sunlight above their heads was blocked, but they did not dare to go up.

The recruit didn't seem to notice anything was wrong, and glanced up, meeting Godzilla's eyes as he looked down at them.


The ostrich tactic was useless. Godzilla raised his foot and stepped on the cover along with it. The Space Marines of the Word Bearers quickly relied on their extraordinary reaction speed to run in other directions, but they still didn't have time.

One of the Word Bearers was stepped on, and his juices exploded immediately after being stepped on.

The other Word Bearers moved away from Godzilla while raising their bolters and firing at Godzilla.

Most of the equipment of the Space Marines is the same. It can't even scratch Godzilla with just this light firepower. Godzilla will not be hurt even if he stands there.

But the Word Bearers who slaughtered the Chaos believers were very efficient. The souls of the Chaos believers were harvested and gathered together to open a demonic portal. What came out of the demonic portal was a huge green figure.


That green figure is a great unclean person of Nurgle's loving father, that is, Nurgle's great demon.

The body of Nurgle is bloated and fat, like a mountain. His body is full of rot and wounds. You can even see the intestines and internal organs flowing out of his stomach. There is a pair of huge antlers on his head. Extraordinarily strong.

He held a large plague bell that was held upside down. As he shook the bell, the bell rang, and swarms of plague flies flew out of the devil's portal and came to this real universe.

"very good!"

Erebus felt relieved when he saw the appearance of the Great Unclean One.

And Godzilla also saw the huge individual, and saw the Great Unclean One shaking the plague bell while holding the plague sword and advancing towards Godzilla.

He doesn't know what Godzilla is yet.

But it doesn’t matter, the loving father doesn’t care about the origin of the living beings, the Great Unclean One will include all living beings into his ‘big family’.

"Welcome into the arms of a loving father."

The Great Unclean One spreads his arms as if he really wants to embrace Godzilla.

‘Now only the great demon of Tzeentch is missing. ’

Godzilla faced off against the Great Unclean One. It stands to reason that the Great Unclean One's strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary demon.

The Great Unclean One is a little larger than the average Great Demon, but he seems to have some ability to expand his size, so that as he advances, he soon becomes as tall as Godzilla.

‘That’s right. ’

Godzilla didn't think anything was wrong.

‘Behemoth and Behemoth must be of the same size, otherwise it will be like the legendary Godzilla beating the male Muto, instead of a father beating his son. ’

Godzilla also walked towards the Great Unclean One, and the two giant beasts gradually approached the Chaos Believers' position. Cadia's scouts observed this scene from a distance with binoculars.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, this scene is really touching!"

The soldiers of Cardia have seen the Imperial Knight, but the 15-meter-tall Imperial Knight is very different from Godzilla.

"Is that giant beast going to fight that twisted demon beast?"

This is such a loyal scene. In the past, it was the knights of the empire who fought against the giant beast, but now this giant beast has come before the Great Unclean One.

The Great Unclean One holds a sword in his left hand and a bell in his right hand, and when he comes up, he opens his arms and embraces Godzilla.

Godzilla's arms were hugged, but Godzilla's arms shook and white light emitted from his body.

‘Internal radiation! ! ! ’

The impact force radiated from the body easily shook the Great Unclean One's arms away, and Godzilla hit the Great Unclean One with an iron mountain.

The Great Unclean One was knocked back several steps before he regained his balance.

"Are you going to refuse my embrace? Are you going to refuse to accept the gift of a loving father?"

The Great Unclean One opens its mouth, and its mouth is full of wriggling maggots. The scene is enough to make people with mysophobia and trypophobia die on the spot, but Godzilla turns around and flicks his tail to slap you in the face.

‘Hey, you want to be like Whitebeard and accept sons everywhere, right? I’m not in the One Piece world. If anyone dares to say that he accepts me as his son, I can slap his face to pieces! ’

After lashing out with his tail, Godzilla roared at the Great Unclean One.

There was a terrible wound on the face of the Great Unclean One, but it was healing quickly.

Nurgle's great demons have the blessing of a loving father. They are difficult to kill, but Godzilla is no ordinary enemy.

The Great Unclean One waved the great plague sword in his hand. This great sword was enchanted and full of highly toxic pathogens. Any creature that touched it would be infected.

But after Godzilla was hit, the wound was not infected.

Instead, the Great Unclean One was punched in the face by Godzilla while he was waiting for Godzilla to be infected.

‘G-cell defense, boy! ! ! ’

G cells are very resistant. The only disadvantage is that the activation of G cells requires a lot of energy. Without energy, G cells will gradually lose their activity.

In this regard, you can refer to Space Godzilla who is not Godzilla, but also has the name of Godzilla.

Seeing that the great plague sword was useless, the Great Unclean One turned to shake the great plague bell in his hand. In religious culture, the sound of the bell is often accompanied by oracles.

As the bell rang, countless swarms of plague insects of various sizes surrounded the battlefield, and Godzilla was also surrounded by swarms of flies. The buzzing sound of the fluttering wings of the flies was particularly harsh and disturbing.

Swarms of flies try to bite Godzilla's skin.

‘Damn, you’re playing dirty, right? ’

With this move, New Age Godzilla was surrounded by a similar swarm of insects when he fought Super Xianglong.

However, these swarms of flies are not comparable to Super Serosaurus, which is an ultra-ancient creature that can absorb Godzilla's energy.

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