The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

At the suggestion of Eri Kisaki, they decided to take Xiaolan to Ginza to relax.

During the train ride, people were coming and going on the platform, and Officer Takagi carefully observed the surrounding situation not far behind them.

At this time, the train arrived at the station and people began to get off the train.

The chaotic crowd on the platform was inevitably a bit crowded. In front of Officer Takagi, a girl accidentally tripped and was helped up by Officer Takagi when she was about to fall.

"Are you okay?"

Officer Takagi looked worried, but the girl didn't recover all of a sudden. The way she fell down reminded Officer Takagi of the day when Officer Sato was injured.

He also helped Officer Sato up in the same way, but she didn't respond.

"Thank you, sir. Goodbye!"

Officer Takagi, who was caught in self-blame, didn't even notice that the girl had left.

He just looked at his hands and trembled all over.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the train that Xiaolan and others were waiting for was about to arrive. In the crowd, a man in black pushed Xiaolan on the platform and then left quickly.

The sudden push made Xiaolan's body lean forward and fell directly onto the train track.

Conan was the first to react. He rushed over and took Xiaolan's body into the space next to the train track, which saved the lives of the two.

Looking at Conan who was panting next to him, Xiaolan was a little confused. Why...

Mihua Pharmacist Hospital.


After receiving the call, Maori Kogoro rushed over quickly and couldn't help shouting when he arrived in the ward.

But soon he quieted down at the request of Eri Kisaki.

Eri Kisaki explained, "She has been sedated and fell asleep."

Kogoro Mouri was a little worried, "Is Xiaolan okay?"

Eri Kisaki nodded, "Fortunately, she just got a little scratched."

Kyousuke Fudo said, "But after this incident, she may be afraid of recovering her memory."

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but look at Officer Takagi, "Takagi! I asked you to watch someone, but you watched like this!"

Takagi lowered his head, looking very apologetic, "I'm sorry!"

Looking at Xiaolan in front of him, Conan's eyes flashed, and his right hand was in his pocket. There was a box there, which contained the two temporary antidotes that Ai Huihara gave him.


Back at the Beika Sun Hotel, Conan began to sort out the context of the matter again. Now there is one thing that must be solved, otherwise everything will be out of the question.

That is the matter of the gunpowder reaction. After the incident, the police quickly controlled the scene and gathered everyone together, just to find the murderer through the gunpowder reaction.

Gun smoke reaction refers to the phenomenon that when a bullet is fired, the gunpowder in the shell of the bullet is ejected along with the bullet.

This is not unavoidable, but there must be a way. What is it?

When he passed the umbrella stand, he suddenly stopped.

If I remember correctly, there was a transparent umbrella locked here at the time, but it seemed to be placed there casually after the incident.

"Conan? And this one..."

Opening the door, looking at Conan in front of him and the woman behind him, Sakin was a little surprised.

The woman nodded, "Nino Tamaki, nice to meet you."

Being brought here suddenly, she was also a little surprised. She didn't know what this kid who called himself a detective was doing.

Conan raised his head and asked with a smile: "Brother Sakin, don't you invite us in to sit down?"

Sakin moved aside, "Come in."

Nino Tamaki sat on the sofa in the living room, and Sakin was brewing coffee next door.

Glancing at Conan beside him, Jin said calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

After leaving Nino Tamaki's sight, Conan no longer showed that childish expression, "Xiaolan was attacked."


Jin paused in grinding coffee powder and looked at him with some surprise.

"Although Xiaolan was not hurt this time, we will continue to speed up to find the murderer."

"What does this have to do with me? Being a detective is your job."

Conan did not beat around the bush, "Borrow your identity, you are one of the few people who know my identity and have some connection with the police."

"Borrow my identity? Didn't Xiaoai give you the antidote? Kudo Shinichi's identity should be more useful than mine."

As he said that, the coffee was already

After brewing, he walked towards the living room with the coffee. After all, the guests were still there, and it was not in line with the hospitality to ignore them all the time.

Conan followed him and lowered his voice, "I am not suitable to see the police now. Even if I take the antidote, I want as few people as possible to see me."

"Thank you."

Taking the coffee, Nino Tamaki thanked him.

"So you want to use my identity to find Odagiri Toshiro?"

Sitting on the sofa, Sakin took a sip of coffee.

Conan nodded, "Yes, brother Sakin helped the police solve the case before, so it is most appropriate for you to take us to find Chief Odagiri."

After saying that, he looked at him expectantly, expecting his answer.

After thinking for a moment, Sakin agreed.

"Okay, after all, Xiaolan's matter is still quite worrying, it's better to solve it as soon as possible.

But this Miss Nino Tamaki?"

Sakin looked at Nino Tamaki on the side.

"I want to find out the truth about my brother and those police officers."


"Mr. Sagami, that's right."

In the yard, Odagiri Toshiro had just finished his Iai practice.

Sagami smiled, "Excuse me, Chief Odagiri."

Looking at Conan and Nino Tamaki behind him, his eyes stayed on Nino Tamaki for a moment.

Then he sighed, "I understand why you're here, follow me."

Under his leadership, several people came to a place like a reception room.

Odagiri Toshiro handed something to everyone.

"I found this in Koinu Toshiya's room a month ago."

It was a lighter, and Sagami handed it to Nino Tamaki. After all, he was just going through the motions.

Looking at the lighter, Jinye Tamaki was very surprised, "T.JNNO. This belongs to my eldest brother!"

Odagiri Toshiro nodded, "That's right, a year ago, Officer Tomonari had a heart attack while on duty, and this name appeared in the last case he investigated. That's why I remember it.

After I asked Min Minye, he said that he found out that Dr. Jinye was selling drugs privately, so he used this as an excuse to extort hush money from him. But Toshiya's name was not mentioned at all in the investigation materials at the time.

After I learned about it, I ordered Officer Narasawa to restart the investigation of this matter. Case."

Hearing his words, Jin Ye Huan looked at him in surprise, "Is it Chief Odagiri himself who ordered him to reinvestigate the case?"

Toshiro Odagiri crossed his arms and said calmly, "I didn't expect that Officer Narasawa was shot and killed. The case is now in the charge of Officer Megure."

Sakura said at this moment, "If the reinvestigation is Officer Narasawa's own intention, then you can prevent him from investigating your son, right!"

Toshiro Odagiri stared at him, with a sense of majesty in his eyes.

However, Sakura seemed to be completely unaffected and still looked at him with a smile.

Then, Toshiro Odagiri looked at him and said, "You are right, I do have a motive to kill the three of them."

Hearing his words, Conan on the side couldn't wait to say, "If Chief Odagiri is willing to let the truth come out, let us take a look at the investigation materials!"

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