The old man was very happy.

Hearing the words of the black-robed man, Haruhi Mogi stood up instantly.

"Hmph, if you want me to like you, you'd better wait for the next life!

People like you who are so shameless and timid are not my taste at all."

As he said, he pulled off his black robe.

What surprised everyone at the scene was that the person under the black robe was not a human being as they thought.

Instead, it was a robot with a loudspeaker on his head.

"Okay, I'm hungry but I don't have the energy to fight. Please enjoy this dinner!"

Although the black robe was taken off, it did not interrupt the words of the person on the other side of the loudspeaker.

I don't know whether he deliberately ignored Haruhi Mogi's actions or the sound was recorded in advance.

Looking at this scene, Haruhi Mogi gritted his teeth, obviously very angry, "It turned out to be a dummy with a loudspeaker installed, damn it!"

Even Kogoro Maori, who was standing by, frowned at the robot, "It's too much! Who is so excessive!"

Hearing his words, Ikumi Gunda sneered, "Oh, I didn't expect that the famous Mr. Maori didn't even know this!"

Kogoro Maori was a little confused.

And Ikumi Gunda continued, "Isn't it clearly written on the invitation? It's the phantom of the son abandoned by God!"


Mogi Harufu explained, "The so-called phantom is Phantom, which means elusive and without substance."

Then, Chikan Nozomi took over the topic, "As for the child with the human radical, it means the child of a beast, and this usage is often used for puppies or ponies."

Next, it was Okami Nozomi, "The phantom of the son abandoned by God comes from the New Testament, referring to the goat that is not blessed by God.

So this sentence refers to the goat's kid."

Then, Hakuba Tan continued to explain, "Goat in English is goat, and there is another way to say the goat's kid.



Hearing his words, Maori Kogoro exclaimed.

Glancing at him, Hakuba Tan smiled, "It should be easier to understand if you put it that way!

Kid the phantom thief."

Hearing this, even Xiaolan realized something and said in surprise, "Could this be..."

Chikan Kyouyo smiled, "Yes, the prey he has set his sights on will never escape. His gorgeous techniques are like illusions."

Qintian Yumi said, "A genius criminal who plays with the police with his countless faces and voices like stars."

Next was Okami Zhushan, "He is the greatest delicacy that all of us detectives are salivating over."

Even Mogi Harufu said, "Prison is like a non-existent thing for the villain who comes and goes freely."

Finally, Hakuba Tan, "And he is the only existence that can confuse our thinking. People only see him in a white cloak and can do everything.

This person is, Kaito Kid!"

After hearing his words, the scene fell into silence.

This group of detectives has such a strange habit, they have to use a long paragraph to explain something that can be explained in one sentence.

This made Sakin a little tired.

Seeing that he had not said anything, Hakuba looked over, "Um, Mr. Sakin, do you have any different opinions?"

Sakin shook his head, "No, there is no doubt that your explanation is perfect, and this signature is undoubtedly what Kaito Kid meant.

But I only ask you one question, although Kaito Kid likes to write some boring things in the preview letter, have any of you seen him write a riddle at the end of his signature?"

In Sakin's peripheral vision, he saw that Maori Kogoro clearly rolled his eyes when he complained about the preview letter.

Seeing this, Sakin's mouth corners slightly raised an arc.

And the others present also fell into deep thought after hearing Sakin's words.

Then Shajin said leisurely: "And every action of Kidd has caused a huge sensation.

What good does it do for Kidd to go to so much trouble to quietly find seven detectives, no, six detectives? He might as well find the police from Section 2. They will definitely not let go of anything related to Kidd."

Da Shang Zhushan couldn't help but say: "He may also want to gather the seven great detectives in the world here to compete with each other in wisdom, in order to make us bet our lives on the treasures he stole in the past.


Qintian Yumi also said: "I think they must be watching our every move somewhere, otherwise they wouldn't have installed surveillance cameras everywhere."

Hearing her words, everyone except Shajin looked at the walls around them.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Qiantian Yumi raised her eyebrows, "Why, Mr. Shajin, do you disagree with my opinion?"

Shajin smiled, "Of course not, I basically agree with your opinion. Although I don't think Kidd planned this incident, he will definitely not allow the existence of such people who use his name to do bad things.

He is a proud man, I am sure he must be watching us somewhere.

As for the anti-theft video recorder..."

He laughed at this point and didn't say anything else.

Everyone present had different opinions on what he said, but generally speaking, only two people agreed with him.

One was naturally Conan, and the other was Hakuba Tan.

Both of them had a deep understanding of Kid, and naturally understood that what Shajin said made sense.

And they all knew that Kid would always return the things he stole. The two just smiled at the treasure that Okami Zhushan said Kid stole.

"Dong Dong Dong..."


Everyone turned their heads and saw Ishihara Aki pushing open the door of the restaurant and bowing to everyone.

"Now I'm going to serve you appetizers."

Seeing this, Gunda Ikumi said, "It seems that his so-called last dinner is about to begin."

Seeing Ishihara Aki pushing the dining cart past, Chikan Kyouyo called her.

"Ms. Aki."

Ishihara Aki looked at her, "Yes! "

Chijian Shiyo said lightly: "Could it be that your master ordered you to place each dish on the table in order?"

Ishihara Aki nodded, "Yes, the master asked me to start with Mr. Baiba and serve the dishes clockwise."

Chijian Shiyo frowned, "Really, this game has just started and we have to eat this last dinner. I really don't understand his intention!"

The big boss on her right smiled and said, "Haha, if you are worried about poisoning, you don't have to. These dishes are all made by me."

The Baiba Tan beside him interrupted him, "Even if it is, these tableware such as knives, forks and spoons for eating, as well as these wine glasses and coffee cups, were all placed on the table at the beginning.

All of us sat according to this name tag. Although I don't think that kid will kill people, if he wants to test our ability, it is very likely that he will play some unfunny jokes on us.

Besides, we are not even sure whether Kidd asked us to come here.

So to be on the safe side, it would be wiser for us to wipe all the wine glasses and knives and forks first. "

Mogi Haruhi nodded, "You are right, I don't want everything to go according to his pace.

How about we play finger-guessing to change positions?"

Hearing his words, Maori Kogoro couldn't help asking, "But, what if we are unlucky and use poisonous tableware!"

Mogi Haruhi smiled, "If this is the case, we can only blame fate and be sad in the coffin!"

Mouri Kogoro's face darkened instantly.

Even Xiaolan frowned, "What!"

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