"You don't look well. Let me confirm, am I the one who makes you anxious?

If not, then I'm on your side."

Looking at the Sunday in front of him, Sha Jin smiled.

"If I understand correctly, what you said... is an extremely serious accusation against the family." Sunday's expression gradually sank.

And Sha Jin seemed not to care,"You did understand correctly, because evil is quietly growing around you.

We don't have to hide it, let's talk about your sister. Your sister's talent is unparalleled in the entertainment industry, but as you know, after returning to Pinocchio, her voice has not been very"harmonious".

What's more terrifying is that she can no longer sing. Who did it? People think the murderer is an outsider, but I know... you have another answer in your heart."

He smiled and said:"Now, your noble status has become a shackle, preventing you from arresting the murderer and avenging your sister. You are isolated and helpless, so you feel anxious.

But don't worry, I'm on your side"

"It is my great honor that Mr. Shajin is so considerate of me. So you are such a selfless and generous person, you should not ask for anything in return."

Although on the surface he seemed very happy about what Shajin said, everyone could hear the indifference inside.

Shajin did not seem to hear the indifference in his words, and still said:"Of course, you will not lose anything because of this. I just want to take back what belongs to me: my personal freedom, the personal belongings kept by my family, the bag of gift money, and……"

"The box for the cornerstone."

Before Shajin could finish, Sunday said it for him.

"That's right." Sha Jin did not hide his purpose at all.

"Cornerstone, I heard that it is a valuable asset of the Strategic Investment Department, a sacred stone that seals and protects the power of the Order, and each of the liquidation experts holds one.

Such a precious item is probably more expensive than other rewards."

He knew the value of the cornerstone very well, and he also knew how much it was worth to Sha Jin, one of the ten people in Stone Heart.

So, he couldn't agree to him so easily.

At this moment, the calmness on the surface of the two people could no longer be maintained.

Sha Jin narrowed his eyes,"But you also know that if you want the truth to come out, a high risk is necessary."

Sunday smiled and led the topic to a seemingly irrelevant point.

"Mr. Gold Dust, when you go out, do you always pay attention to your appearance? The tie should be on the center line, the shirt should not be exposed from the vest, the trouser line must be straight and always aligned with the direction of the shoe head."

"Of course."

But Sunday shook his head,"But I won't, because it's not proper. You should make sure everything is in order before you go out, and never deviate.

I never take any risks, the cornerstone must be kept by the family."

"There's really nothing to talk about?"

The negotiation broke down, Sha Jin's expression darkened, and the atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Sunday's attitude was also very tough,"Don't make me refuse a second time."

The expected breakdown in the negotiation did not happen, Sha Jin actually took the initiative to give in,"Okay, it's okay to just take back the gift money, you should give it to me. A businessman without bargaining chips, I'm afraid he can't move forward!"

The businessman's retreat at the negotiating table was, in some ways, an active admission of defeat.

This surprised Sunday for a moment,"You compromised faster than I expected. Unfortunately, compared to businessmen... gamblers need chips. I can give you a gift money, but before that, I want you to tell me in person——"

Sunday slowly walked to the conference table, where the things that the gold dust had taken away from the family were placed.

Looking at the box in front of him, Sunday asked,"What is in this box that you decisively gave up?"

His eyes were fixed on the gold dust.

"O three-faced soul, please use a hot iron to sear his tongue and palms so that he cannot tell lies or swear a false oath."

Sunday said these words like a prayer, and Sha Jin immediately felt as if a metaphysical force enveloped his mind.


Sha Jin looked at him solemnly,"What did you do?"

"Under the light of harmony, all sins are exposed. I beg Him to shine down and ask you questions on His behalf. Next... you have 113 seconds to prove your innocence and gain my trust."

Touching his chest, Sunday's face was pious and sacred.

"What if I refuse to answer?"Shajin was obviously unwilling to give in.

Sunday smiled and gave his answer,"Then give it a try and see if Tongxie will reject you."

Although this was undoubtedly a threat to others, he didn't care at all. He put his right hand behind his back and looked at Shajin quietly.

The questioning began.

"Let me ask you: Do you hold the cornerstone?"

"Yes." On this point, Shajin didn't need to lie.

Sunday also affirmed it,"It's a very concise answer. You also understand the truth that too much talk will lead to mistakes."

"When you entered the country, did you hand over the cornerstone to your family?"


"Do the cornerstones you hand over to your family belong to you?"


"Is your cornerstone right here in this room right now?"


"Your memory has not been tampered with or deleted in any way, including but not limited to Liuguang Yiting's technology"


"Are you from the Ewekin clan of Tsygannia?"

Gold Dust sneered,"Yes, you even know this?"

Sunday did not answer him, and continued his questioning,"Don't the Ewekin people have any ability to read, tamper with, or manipulate their own or others' thoughts?"

Gold Dust shook his head,"No, does it matter?"

After a moment of silence, Sunday continued to ask,"Do you love your family more than yourself?"


"All the Evikin were killed in a massacre, weren't they?"


"Are you the only survivor of your clan?"


"Do you hate and want to destroy this world with your own hands?"

Hearing this question, Sha Jin was stunned, but in the end, he still shook his head,"I don't know"

"Interesting, then the last question.

Can you swear that the aventurine is lying safely in this box right now?"

Upon hearing this question, Doctor Truth on the side knew the result and snorted coldly.

Although Aventurine hesitated for a moment, he finally said,"Of course."

Sunday also stopped asking questions and said disdainfully,"It seems we can get the answer."

Then he looked at the box on the side,"Open it, Mr. Aventurine... This is your last chance to defend your reputation."

As he said, he pushed the box in front of Aventurine and sat down very calmly.

He glanced at the box in front of him, then looked at Doctor Truth next to the bookshelf not far away, and finally his sight returned to Sunday's face.


Although his tone was calm, the sarcasm on Sunday's face showed that he already knew the result.

He opened the box and saw the result in front of Sha Jin.

The box was empty. Sha Jin's pupils widened in an instant.

At this moment, Sunday no longer concealed his inner feelings, his face was full of the confidence of a winner.

"Are they what you are looking for?"

Since the beginning of the freshman year, there has been a lavender handkerchief covering something on the table.

At this moment, Sunday lifted it up, and instantly revealed two sparkling gems underneath.

Sunday smiled and said,"Thanks to your friend with unique vision, I can add a complete failure to your career."

And Shajin also looked at Doctor Zhenli, who had not said a word since the beginning of the meeting, with an angry look on his face.

"Latio, you bastard……"

Originally, he put the topaz into the box and put the aventurine together with the group of inferior jewelry. It should have been foolproof. Unexpectedly, a traitor appeared among his companions.

Doctor Zhenli closed his eyes and did not look at him again.

I don’t know whether he was guilty or disdainful.

Sunday was naturally very happy to watch this kind of drama,"Oh, your true colors are exposed. By the way, you only have seventeen system hours left to live. Cherish this time and savor the aftertaste of failure."

At this moment, Aventurine's emotions calmed down again, and he sighed slightly,"You might as well make your words more clear.……"

Sunday didn't mind answering his questions,"What I just performed on you was the baptism of harmony. You should have shown your loyalty under His light, but you insisted on your own way, full of lies, and turned baptism into a judgment. I really have no reason to unravel it for you."

Shajin sneered,"Haha, this is what you call harmony? Built on confinement and persecution?"

"You misunderstood, Mr. Gold Dust. Punishment is for blasphemers.���But I see your tenacious heart, so I will give you the possibility of a new life.

During these seventeen system hours, you cannot leave the dream, nor can you communicate with any companions. You only have two paths to take, which depends on whether you can complete my test within the agreed time limit."

"If you succeed, you will be able to integrate into the harmony and be with thousands of family members; if you fail, you will bear the wrath of the infinite husband and fall into the abyss of no return. That is why I deliberately emphasized the word"temporary"."

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