Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 196 194. Happy Birthday (1)

When making an aquarium, the ecosystem is considered to be the most important, but Ao Muyang knows that the fish tank is also important because it is the container of the ecosystem.

The fish tank he bought is very good. It costs 8,000 yuan for a fish tank alone. It is as tall as a person. The lower half is a cabinet and the upper half is a fish tank. There is a unique hidden filter tube inside, so there is no need to change the water every day. It can be changed once every month.

There is an LED light at the bottom of the fish tank, which can change a variety of colors and can change different colors in different areas at the same time, so as to create a more beautiful ocean world.

In addition, there is a touch LCD screen on the cabinet of this fish tank, which integrates color display and temperature display, and has a dark blue two-in-one water pipe inside, which can effectively reduce the noise of water overflow.

Ao Muyang brought the fish tank back, and he asked Ao Fugui to help move it into the house.

Ao Fugui's eyes widened after seeing it: "Hey, Yangzi, your aquarium is so beautiful."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Beautiful, right? Well, I feel the same way. It's a double-arc acrylic ecological aquarium, with a hyperbolic high-pressure glass design and a big flap."

As he said that, he pushed Ao Fugui out, closed the door, locked it from the outside, and then jumped over the wall.

The general stood outside the door and looked at him in astonishment, wondering what kind of trick was this?

The head of state also looked up and wondered, it wanted to keep up with Ao Muyang, but it couldn't jump up, after all, this was a courtyard wall.

The general immediately ran over, stood up against the wall, turned his head and looked at the head of state, motioning it to climb on itself and jump onto the wall.

In view of the pranks the general had played on him in the past, the head of state was a little unbelievable. It tried to jump on the general's head and was ready to jump down at any time, but the general didn't move.

The head of state jumped lightly again, so it jumped onto the courtyard wall.

The general stuck out his tongue and looked at it happily, grinning as if he was laughing. In short, he is always happy when facing the head of state now.

The night before yesterday, he was not completely unconscious after being shot by an arrow. When he was picked up, his eyes were half open, so he saw everything the head of state did.

The head of state jumped in from the wall, and the general climbed in from the dog hole, and then they watched Ao Muyang clean up the aquarium curiously.

It is not easy to make an aquarium, which requires rebuilding a small biosphere inside.

Ao Muyang has experience in this regard. He first checked the heating line at the bottom of the aquarium. This thing can heat the bottom sand and water to keep the temperature of the aquarium constant.

The heating line is fine, and he began to add bottom sand. This is all the sand he fished up from the bottom of the sea. It is very fine, and there are small plankton living in it. These plankton are the basis of the food chain.

Then, he began to add seawater, which he also salvaged from the deep sea. It was completely pollution-free. After pouring it into the transparent water tank, it seemed as if it did not exist. It was particularly clear and transparent.

After pouring the water, he opened the carbon dioxide tube and slowly released carbon dioxide into the water to adjust the pH value of the seawater.

After laying a good foundation, he put the coral blocks he bought into it and dripped a little gold drop into it.

Corals are the stars of the aquarium. They are beautiful and can provide shelter for fish and shrimp.

There are no corals in Hongyang. Ao Muyang bought them with money. One piece costs 500 yuan. The price is very high, and they are easy to die, so he added gold drops.

Next is the algae, which he found after carefully searching on the seabed.

Pseudo-tree algae is not a specific variety of seaweed. There are green algae, brown algae and red algae among them, but because they look like small trees, they are called this.

Put the pseudo-tree algae into the aquarium, and they will take root in the mud and sand at the bottom of the tank and live, just like a small tree potted plant.

Later, he adjusted the biological filtration system, added water grass nutrients that are in line with natural existence, and used the oxygen supply machine to create a gentle water flow, so that the outline of an aquarium appeared.

He clenched his fists, and the last task was to put in the biological community.

He built this aquarium for beauty, so he put some tropical fish in it, such as clownfish, butterfly fish, rainbow parrotfish, etc.

In addition to these ornamental fish, Ao Muyang also put some small mantis shrimps in it. Of course, he didn't put the fierce shrimps he raised, just ordinary small shrimps.

In addition, mantis shrimps, small pearl oysters and some small crabs, multiple species entered it and began to live together in it.

When he finished this aquarium, it was already the Mid-Autumn Festival. He called Lu Zhizi in advance and asked her if she had any arrangements.

Lu Zhizi was also on holiday. She didn't want to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival alone. She happily accepted Ao Muyang's invitation after receiving his call.

The atmosphere of the festival in the village is always strong. Starting from the afternoon, some children carried lanterns and walked around the village. The elderly in every household burned paper money at the intersection and door to commemorate their relatives. The smoke was misty and the feeling of the festival came.

In the evening, some families set off firecrackers.

Lu Zhizi pushed the door open and said, "Brother Muyang, I saw a child playing with fire at the intersection..."

She said halfway when Ao Muyang walked out of the house. He was holding a cake and smiled as he walked: "Teacher Lu, happy birthday! General, head of state, call!"

Head of state: "Meow meow meow meow!"

The general stared at the freshly baked cake, drooling from the corners of his mouth.

Ao Muyang had to kick it before it reacted: "Woof woof woof! Gulp gulp!"

Lu Zhizi covered her mouth with a look of surprise. After a while, she put down her hands and looked at Ao Muyang with sparkling eyes and smiled: "The cake must be delicious!"

"Then let's take a look at the birthday present." Ao Muyang put the cake on the dining table under the Wanxiang tree, and then pulled open the sheet covering the aquarium.

Then, a water world appeared in front of Lu Zhizi.

It was evening, the sun was setting, and the cold light of the aquarium was on. Different areas had different colors, red, orange, red, and green, and the lights were intertwined, as gorgeous as a rainbow.

Seaweed fluttered in the water, and small schools of fish shuttled freely between the reefs. Clownfish came in and out of the gorgeous corals on the left and right of the reefs, and the whole water world was bustling.

Looking at this beautiful aquarium, Lu Zhizi was stunned. She stared at it for a while, looked up and asked: "Did you make it yourself?"

"Of course."

Lu Zhizi stopped talking, came up and hugged him with open arms.

This time, it was Ao Muyang's turn to be stunned. It was his first time hugging a girl, and his heart couldn't help but beat a few times, and his face was a little red.

"Thank you, thank you." Lu Zhizi said softly.

Ao Muyang swallowed his saliva, and the general looked up at him. Was the cake too tempting? Why did this cake smell so good?

He patted Lu Zhizi's back gently and said, "This is what I should do. In fact, I should thank you. You have helped me a lot and helped our village a lot..."

"Don't talk."


The sea breeze blew, and the branches and leaves of the Wanxiang tree rubbed against each other, and the fragrance was lingering.

Ao Muyang hadn't started to enjoy it yet, and then Ao Xiaoniu's loud voice rang out outside the door: "Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang, my mother asked me to bring you mooncakes-Ouch!"

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