Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Fight and practice wrestling again

At the World Cup in South Africa four years ago, there were many post-70s veterans in the Chinese team, with the average age ranking third among the top 32. Four years later, in Brazil, the Chinese team was significantly younger. Zhuo Yang, 29, is already the team’s veteran after Zheng Zhi, with an average age of 25.8 years, ranking third in the young list.

The youngest is Belgium, just over 25 years old, and the oldest is Argentina, which is 29 years old in a few dozen days.

In fact, many things can be seen from the age distribution in China. The only veteran who is more than 30 years old is Zheng Zhi. The youngsters who should have sprung up and are less than 20 years old have only one. They are only 87-89 years old. During three years. It seems that the average age is not big. In fact, the age structure is far less reasonable than it was four years ago.

This shows that the peak age of Chinese players' competitive level is generally very short. Most of them will not mature until they are 24 or 5 years old, and they will start to decline when they are less than 30 years old. According to this trend, when the World Cup in Russia four years later, there should be few left in this group of people.

Wu Lei, who is still under 23 years old, should be able to use it. Zhuo Yang is very optimistic about him, so let him perform as much as possible on the court. It can be seen that this kid really wants to score.

Four years ago, the Chinese team scored a total of 14 goals in South Africa. Four goals were scored, including 8 Zhuo Yang, 3 Li Jinyu, Deng Biaoxiang and Shao Jia, and one opponent Oolong.

In the first two games of Brazil this time, he scored 6 more, Zhuo Yang 4 and C Hai and Yu Hanchao have both benefited from Nigeria, but Wu Lei, who had cramped himself in both games, did not even **** Picking up, Zhuo Yang knew he was holding his stomach in pain.

Young people need encouragement and need to taste the sweetness, so Zhuo Yang Zai knew just now that the political correctness of the fair game was violated, but he still passed the ball to Wu Lei. After all, the opportunity is too good. After scoring a big goal, he went to quarrel with the Bosnia and Herzegovina team.

But I didn’t know how to score the ball because of my conscience, mainly because Wu Lei had too little experience in international competitions. I have never seen a goalkeeper like Begovic who is so fast in two meters.

As a result, the ball was not scored, and was chased by Begovic after being scolded. Wu Lei was stupid and could not speak a foreign language. In addition, he lost his heart and could only hide behind Zhuo Yang and watch him go back to scold in 18 languages .

Wu Lei admired the Zhuo team with five bodies: My brother would have too many.

Begovic couldn't scold Zhuo Yang, and after a while he was blown back with his mouth open. The Velasco referee came to separate the two. The opponent's injury and the termination of the game was only politically correct, not in the law enforcement rules. This is clearly known to the whistle. If the Chinese team took the opportunity to score a goal just now, it must be an effective ball, and the face is thick.

There is no way to write this stuff in the rules. Once the words are black and white, someone will wonder about the loopholes in this rule. For example, when the defender sees the striker passing him, he immediately dies and lays down on the ground to act as a dog, which is more effective than any defensive technique.

There is no more noise here, but Spasic and Besic, who had just killed each other, are still lying on the ground. It looks like it is really true, and the collision is quite bad. The Bosnian team doctor quickly came to save people.

The old Susic coach jumped on the sidelines and accused him of being unreasonable. The fourth referee, Chilean Oses, could not persuade him. The Chinese coach's team looked straight at frowning, and the grumpy kidnapper Ge Lombardo was about to go to the crowd and was stopped by Rijkaard.

Old Susic was well-known when he played football. The age of 59 now also shows that his seniority in European football is very high. Jieshuai is a junior in front of him, not to mention the fart boy Lombard in the coaching world. too much.

Sometimes in the circle, the older you are, the more you pay attention to the rules. In fact, the elder brother doesn't care, but Jieshuai loves the poor.

However, the strength of the Chinese team in the 32 World Cup in Brazil is very low, but only the star of the coaching staff is brilliant, but no one is convinced. In exchange for their fame when they played football, they can definitely kill other 31 strong players. Coaching staff.

Old Susic is not enough. Jie Shuai turned to assistant coach Neskens and said: "John, you go and shut him up."

The 63-year-old John Neskens is really awesome. Only Cruyff could convince him in those days, and Susic was a fart. Neskens was still the premier **** of football in that era, and the translation to the present is the second brother of Mongolia before the transformation of evil. Susic is indeed a star, but it is similar to the current ‘Grenade’ Hamsik level.

Neskens appeared in front of the old Susic in a posture of his hippie: "You howling to your mother?"

Old Susic certainly knew Neskens, just as no one knows Mongolian brother now. When he saw this man coming, he had already shut up, but unexpectedly Neskens came and opened his mouth and scolded his mother.

No one squeezed it, and the old Susich exploded again, and he scolded Neskens directly.

Neskens is a miserable master. The old guns in the life of the rivers and lakes are not nonsense at all. He simply came to lock his throat. The force is quite strong, and the intention to strangle on the spot is very obvious.

Old Susic was like a chicken pinched by his neck, and he couldn't scold it anymore. He grabbed Neskens' hands and struggled.

Two elderly people who are more than 120 years old add up to practice on the sidelines.

Jie Shuai: "..."

The chaos outside the sideline became a pot of porridge. Everyone stopped playing. They all came to persuade the frame. The more than 20,000 Chinese fans who occupied the absolute advantage of the number of people in the stands were very impressed.

After the chaos, Neskens was invited to the stands by a red card. His proud back image was a triumphant general, and he was greeted by Chinese fans shouting: Nes-Kens! Nes Kens!

Zhuo Yang also taught Wu Lei to calm down on the pitch, not to blame him for not kicking a single-handed ball, but to criticize that he was not resigned after being scolded.

"Have you seen it, you want to learn more from Old Neskens, don't you let you do it, do you still quarrel and teach?

"Zhuo team, you know I don't know how to speak foreign languages, how can I scold others?"

"Stupid you, forget it. Do you need to speak a foreign language? I have heard it for the first time. You can just open your mouth and curse. You can understand whether he understands it, what you want is Understand? Momentum! "

"Is this still possible?"

"Nonsense! Don't you Shanghainese claim to be invincible in quarreling? In the future, no matter who you talk to, you will use Shanghainese to curse, and you just feel better."

"Hey, brother, you know too much, I listen to you."

Zhuo Yang nodded with satisfaction, the child can be taught. Shy Wu Lei received the re-education, raised his head and closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the humid air of El Salvador’s night sky, and then turned his head towards Begovic in the distance, and his expression suddenly became grim.

"Little Red Guy--!"

Zhuo Yang: "..."

The game continued, Wu Lei wanted to score all crazy, but the person who wanted to score more than him is Zheke.


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