Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 6: The volley is more suitable for rainy days

In the three games, today is the first time the Chinese team did not score in the first half. Although Bosnia and Herzegovina is mediocre, it is only relative. Most of their players play in the five major leagues, which is not comparable to the Super League players. Of course, except for Chinese Super League foreign aid.

The Super League is now well-known in Europe and has become one of the important options for many non-first-class players. The generous salary is naturally the most important reason, but the competitive competitiveness of the game is not to be ignored.

But this competitiveness is the competition between foreign aid and foreign aid. The Super League has become a league dominated by high-level foreign aid. The skeleton and central axis of most teams are composed of foreign aid, and local players have basically become supporting roles.

If the outstanding foreign aid of the Chinese Super League is formed into a team, Zhuo Yang is absolutely confident to lead them and the eight major heroes to break their wrists. However, the reality is that they lead the local elite of the Chinese Super League and are everywhere in the face of a quasi-second-class European such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. .

Teammates are trying to create opportunities, but the opportunities are still pitiful; each of them is desperately pulling the gap, but Zhuo Yang still encounters the suffocating version of the folder all the time.

Zhuo Yang believes that his teammates are very attentive. They must have a more collective sense of honor than foreign aid, and they love their team more, especially the national team. This is the simplest football feeling of every national team player.

But football is really a sport that speaks on strength. Skills are the most difficult place to make up for. All self-confidence, fighting spirit, and courage are ultimately based on strength.

Zhuo Yang has calculated that Chinese players are not as good as others, and their talents are narrow, and the situation is not as good as one year. It will last for at least seven or eight years until the batch of small players that thrive by their return to the national team Only after the child has grown up can it be improved.

Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have such troubles with the Chinese team. Although the country has a small population, the actual football population is much smaller than that of China. Leagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not very popular in Europe. They are often hanged by clubs in Croatia and even Macedonia, but because they are backed by big Europe, better players can climb to high-level leagues without barriers.

So if such a weak country with good luck meets a group of excellent players, the national team can immediately rush to Europe's first class. Although this group of players will fall to third-class or even fourth-class when they get old, but they are also brilliant. It's just waiting for the next reincarnation.

Now Bosnia and Herzegovina is due to the emergence of a wave of excellent players such as Ibisher, Djeko and Pianic-actually eating the rich heritage of the former Yugoslav football, on the road of quasi-second-rate to second-rate impact, this year’s World Cup and The European Cup two years later is their golden opportunity. Once missed, and want to embark on this path again, I don't know the Year of the Monkey.

On the way forward, I am afraid of being interrupted by accident.

The same goes for passing.

In the 49th minute, Zheke crossed the penalty area on the right side. His goal was his far-end partner Ibise, and Ibish was also very clever to deceive Meifang with his turn after the fake run, and successfully countered offside.

When the ball passes, you can basically lift your foot.

BiH also has Cheng Jiajin.

Right defender Vrsayevich appeared in the middle of the line, and Ibisher shouted ‘leak’ in his throat. He also pretended not to hear it.

Forcing Huang Bowen to shoot, Wang Dalei is too lazy to take care of him.

Ibisher shrugged and spread her hands: is bigger than your mother x when you can't see it?


Vrsayevich played for the Croatian League. He forced himself to add play to the level problem, but left-back Klasinac, who played at Schalke 04, could not use this as an excuse.

In the first round of the group's game against Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina lost 1:2 and Ibisevich scored a goal, the first goal in the history of the World Cup in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In fact, the first one was not Ibisher. Kolasinac gave Argentina an own goal at the opening, and that was Bochu’s Chu women’s ball.

The score of 1:0 is not enough for Bosnia and Herzegovina, so they continued to strengthen their offense after the second half started. Ibisher and Zheke are double center systems, and Bosnia and Herzegovina's wing offense mainly relies on two full-backs.

The "Gaxijun" and "Wulongjun" on the left and right sides have now become pure wingers, as if they lived in the Chinese team's half.

In the 55th minute, Wu Longjun was forced to the bottom by Zhang Chendong and Zhang Xizhe on the left and pulled back from the bottom line, but he couldn't find a break through the gap, so he played a wicked'side guard pass' on the attack. Wei's frontline was turned over, and the pass was looking for Jiaxiu on the right.

The reason why it is deeply disgusted is because the ball is easily broken, and once the ball is broken, the back field is empty enough to graze.

Sure enough it was broken, and Zhuo Yang personally shot the ball. He jumped in front of Jia Xiujun and took a jump. His head lightly unloaded the football from the air three meters away from his side because there was no one there.

Then Zhuo Yang just touched the ball three times.

The first time he poked the ball off Bosnia and Herzegovina's entire midfield offensive arc;

In the second poke, the two central defenders, Spasic and Sandic, overtake nearly four meters. They are not good at turning and speed. It is striding meteor that connects three touches.

The ball touched the ball for the third time and shot Begovic on the line of the penalty area.

It’s not that Zhuo Yang can’t pass Begovic, it’s just that the rain is getting bigger and bigger, which is bigger than the day when he climbed out of the Shawshank sewer to regain his freedom. Zhuo Yang feels that it is more worthy to shoot and rain.

1:1, the Chinese team equalized. This is Zhuo Yang's 13th goal in the two World Cups. He surpassed the king of the ball, Bailey, and France's famous Fontaine ranked fourth in the history of the World Cup.

The heavy rain drenched Wulongjun and his teammates like a chicken, and Zhuo Yang, who was also soaked in white, was like a white swan in the water. After embracing Rijkaard from the'black swan' on the sidelines, he also raised his thumbs towards the old cannon Neskens in the stands.

Bosnia and Herzegovina boss Susic Tieqing, who was bullied by Neskens' throat, immediately made a substitution adjustment.

He did not replace the Korazinac who had made a big mistake, almost equal to giving another Oolong, but instead replaced the Kajujun Vrsayevich, who played for the German second Brunswick. Ermin Bychakic. This shows that the right back is indeed a relatively weak link in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the same time, Salihović replaced the midfielder Hadžić with the famous Hofenheim. Bosnia and Herzegovina must win this game. Hadzic had no performance before. No mention of him.

Countless offenses, but not many goals, low offense conversion rate is the pot of the midfield. As for the pot that lost the ball, he can only find Jiaxijun to carry it. Who made him older but younger, the persimmon looks softer.

The rain is still falling, which is bigger than Bai Suzhen's day when he gave Xu Xian an umbrella. In the deep rain, old Susic anxiously hoped that the game would end soon, the good and the bad would end soon.

After everything was over, I went to China to comfortably dig for gold, and I heard that there were too many silly people there.

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