Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 988: Willing to be a slave

Zhuo Yang suddenly appeared in the Crystal Palace, startling Xiao Tong.

According to the pre-arranged schedule, Zhuo Yang will stay for two more days to participate in some social activities after the completion of the knighthood ceremony, before returning to Madrid tomorrow. Also in accordance with the agreement in advance, Zhuo Yang will inform Xiao Tong to pick him up at the airport, but how come he came back suddenly?

"Brother Tong, don't ask anything, I'm so tired, go to bed first."

Xiao Tong looked at his watch wonderingly: What time do you sleep at this time of day?

However, for Xiao Tong, Zhuo Yang only needs to be safe, and he should not worry about other things, and his private life should not intervene without invitation. So, as long as Zhuo Yang is back, that's good.

Zhuo Yang fell asleep until dawn the next day.

He was almost blown away by the women.

Beverly was willing to do anything, and she did not refuse any requests from him.

In addition to getting married.

At home on the shore of Lake Como, Beverly Deng knelt on the ground in fright, even crawling on the ground.

"Zhuo Yang, I am willing to marry you, I am willing to marry you, but I cannot."

"I don't deserve you. I have betrayed you, hurt you, and deceived you. These are my sins. Zhuo Yang, I owe you this life, it is never clear, but I still can't marry You, because I don’t deserve it."

"Zhuo Yang, I am mean and dirty. Marrying you can only increase my sins. Only girls like Her Royal Highness Princess Christine are the only women who can deserve you."

"Coco is the only one, I don't know what happened to you, but I can't marry you, it will make me guilty."

"Zhuo Yang, Beverly is willing to be your slave, to be your slave, to do anything for you."

"I will be waiting for you here, you can come and let me do anything for you at any time. Zhuo Yang, you can also call me at any time, as long as you want, I will immediately go to you and do anything for you. I Swear, I am willing."

"But I can't marry you, I don't deserve you. Forgive me, Zhuo Yang."

Zhuo Yang spent three and a half years on the spit stars, did not convince Beverly to marry him, or even talked about Beverly from the floor, she kept kneeling like that.

Of course Zhuo Yang knows what Beverly means by "willing to do anything", but he really just wants to get married, but she just means "anything" other than marriage.

She even creeped in to take the initiative to ‘do anything’ for Zhuo Yang.

As a result, Zhuo Yang did not let Beverly do anything and left Lake Como in disappointment.

Beverly, I really came to marry you today, not to have fun. Lao Tzu has passed the age of fun, and now he just wants to find a woman to get married and have a baby.

Beverly agreed to give him a baby, as long as he gave birth, but he did not want to get married.

Zhuo Yang wants to have children, not illegitimate children.


Despite being banned for a long time, Zhuo Yang's work is still in Madrid, and the football ban cannot reach Royal Ma Yin. He is still a teacher in the piano department.

And fist does not leave the hand and mouth, the football is not going to play, the necessary training to continue. A few days ago, Zhuo Yang communicated with Galeries Lafayette by phone. During the suspension, he will train with Real Madrid B team Castilla to guide young players.

With so many people's salaries, I can't play a few days as a youth training assistant coach and I can't lose money.

Castilla is also training in Real Madrid Sports City, and even their home stadium, Di Stefano, is in Sports City, just across the road from the main training ground of Real Madrid's first team.

In the new season, because Real Madrid's dressing room has already swayed, and the B team Castilla coach Alberto Torrell wants to see the world and go, Real Madrid club appointed Zidane as Castilla Head coach. That is to say, Zhuo Yang will be under the ancestors of Qi Zu during this time.

Qi Zu's coaching alone is still so stinky. After the start of the new season, Castilla has lost the game. If this continues, the end of the season is definitely going to be relegated from the West League. That person will lose a lot. Qi Zu called Zhuo Yang to help him quickly.

46-year-old Real Madrid captain Fernando Hierro replaced Zidane into the fat coaching staff. After retiring, Hierro played soy sauce in the Spanish Football Association for a while, and also worked half-time to participate in coaching and sports management courses at Real Madrid University.

Without Zhuo Yang, Real Madrid did not seem to be affected in any way. In the 8th round of La Liga, they beat Levante with a 5:0 away. C Ronaldo scored twice and J Ronaldo scored.

A battle of Pis Juan, not only made Real Madrid become enemies in morale, but also screaming cannibal tigers, but also tactically more rounded, J Ronaldo has performed well in both games, the media He also began to violently praise him.

It seems that Real Madrid is not without Zhuo Yang.


Zhuo Yang stared blankly at the ceiling in a daze, and his internal organs were still feeling the pain of tearing his heart. Breaking up with Kokoo is like tearing off the flesh that is already in one body with him, and he is bruised all over.

Zhuo Yang does not intend to let the news of breaking up and breaking up the marriage contract come out of his mouth. He is waiting for the Habsburg party to announce that this is the last decent he left to Koko.

Zhuo Yang wanted the outside world to think that he was a scum man, and it was Koko who actively broke up with him, not that she was dumped by Zhuo Yang.

Another point, he did not want to publish the news from his own side, thinking that his dad and mom could delay the day and the day, and he could not face their question.

Therefore, Zhuo Yang is anxious to find a woman who can marry him, just to block the mouth of his parents with a new daughter-in-law. Of course, this is his apparent purpose.

The torment that broke up with Kou Kou ceased to bite Zhuo Yang's nerves and soul all the time, and only a new experience could begin to fight this kind of tarsal pain. Everyone is like this, Zhuo Yang is inevitable.

Another way to alleviate the pain of falling out of love is to immerse yourself in your work and become a dog, so you can be less cranky.

To do so, Zhuo Yang flew himself up from the bed, washed himself in a hurry, and then paddled a few mouthfuls of bread and went straight to the Royal Horse.

Although the teaching background and artistic achievements of the Royal Horse Music Piano Department are not ranked high in Europe, because of the Spanish and Portuguese beauty college students with Latin charm here, at least in terms of face value, the Royal Horse Music can kill Hanyin and Miyin. Colleges and other front-line institutions.

Professor Zhuo Yang, with brackets, is the girl’s favorite teacher, and the colorful women like to surround him and listen to the highly educated teachings.

Throughout the afternoon, Professor Zhuo was seriously distracted several times, and he almost blurted out and asked: Who are you willing to marry me? Niu, can you marry me?

Fearing that he could not control any more ridiculous things that violated the dignity of the teachers and the morals of the teachers and students, he had to hurry to end the teaching and escaped to the Crystal Palace.

Alas, let's go to Castilla tomorrow to do a good job, there are bachelor lords, there will be no accident.

However, Zhuo Yang ushered in an unexpected visitor, and the so-called misfortune is not alone. The arrival of this friend made him fall into another kind of collapse.


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