Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 7: The secret of immortality


Zhang Zhongjian flicked the sword in his hand, and Yang Yi's chest was cut open, and the pain caused him to cry again.

There were already seven or eight wounds like this on his body, all of them exactly three inches long, just enough to cut his skin and flesh, but they wouldn't hurt any deeper. In other words, Yang Yi hurts, but he won't die.

Zhang Zhongjian is a well-known martial artist in the Tang Dynasty and a master of swordsmanship with Yuan Tiangang. His control of the Longquan sword in his hand has already reached the limit.

The bearded Zhang Zhongjian didn't tie up Yang Yi, nor did he torture Yang Yi, because he didn't need it at all. The difference in martial arts fighting ability between the two was too far. One was on the highest mountain and the other was in the valley bottom. Let Yang Yi let go of his hands and feet, he can't run or avoid him.

Yang Yi didn't have time to regret, so he could only scream and beg for mercy, his fear was extreme.

Yang Yi met Zhang Zhongjian shortly after his brother Yuan Tiangang returned to Shu County, and Cheng Zhijie and Li Jing had to be blamed for this.

Duke Weiguo and Li Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, came to visit Cheng Zhijie, and then fell in love with him just as Cheng Zhijie was after Yang Yi. In the past few years, Li Jing came to the process mansion many times. He had also met Yang Yi before, but he hadn't noticed before. This time he noticed.

Yang Yi didn't feel any weird in it, because he was stupid.

Li Jing praised Yang Yi for his appearance and asked Cheng Zhijie for Yang Yi, saying that he wanted him to be his servant and took him to Hexi. Li Jing will patrol Hexi on behalf of the court and the Ministry of War in a few days.

Cheng Zhijie didn't matter, Yang Yi was just a waste of food in his Habayashi Eimoto. Apart from the fact that he invented football back then, he didn't use it for anything.

Old Cheng said let Yang Yi see it for himself. Lao Cheng was actually rushing people, but he didn't say it clearly, but Yang Yi couldn't tell.

He moved his heart and asked Li Jing: "Will you go to Hexi for a war?" Yang Yi was afraid of death, and he would never dare to go if he wanted to fight.

Li Jing struck his long beard and laughed: "The old man and Lu Guo have already settled the Hexi, and the Turks are fleeing. Where is the fight now?" Lu Guo is Hou Junji.

Just not fighting, Yang Yi said happily: "Okay, I am willing."

Li Jing is the number one martial artist on the horseback of Datang, and he beats the world's invincible hand with a single shot. Yang Yi, who doesn't know how to martial arts, has always admired Li Jing very much.

And since Luo Ji's death, Yang Yi has rekindled his mind to find out who he is. After twenty years of searching in Chang'an City, he has found nothing. If you look outside, you may find out.

Did not go to Shu County with Yuan Tiangang because Yang Yi always suspected that the real reason why Old Yuan went to Shu County was to hide from him and dislike him.

People in Datang have a strong frontier fortress complex. Yang Yi has lived in Chang'an for 20 years and is deeply affected by this emotion. He yearns for Hexi far more than Shu County.

So, he followed Li Jing away.

Soon Li Jing took the right **** Wuwei and set off to the west, and of course he also took Yang Yi, but his happy journey was ended within a few days.

After arriving in Qinzhou, Li Jing came to a visitor, Zhang Zhongjian, a bearded guest.

Yang Yi learned many stories about Zhang Zhongjian from his senior brother Yuan Tiangang.

Lao Yuan said that although Zhang Zhongjian also claimed to be a member of the Taoist School, he was actually an evil one and his martial arts master was a Kunlun slave. Datang people collectively refer to people with dark complexions as Kunlun slaves, whether they are pitch black, shiny black, semi-black or rubbed black, they are all called Kunlun slaves.

Hearing from Old Yuan, Zhang Zhongjian’s Kunlun slave master was probably the guardian of a mysterious sect in the far west of the Tang Dynasty, and he must be a great martial artist. This can be inferred from Zhang Zhongjian’s swordsmanship achievements.

As for the level of Zhang Zhongjian's martial arts, Lao Yuan has never played against him. In fact, top martial artists like them are avoiding competing with each other.

However, both Lao Yuan and Zhang Zhongjian had discussed with another female martial artist known for her superb swordsmanship in Datang. She was called Aunt Gongsun.

Lao Yuan beat Gongsun Auntie on the 63rd move, and Zhang Zhongjian won on the 55th move. Aunt Gongsun said to Old Yuan: You and Zhang Zhongjian will be equal in 80 strokes, you will lose in 100 strokes, and you will lose in 120 strokes.

This is the reason why Lao Yuan Zigan may be inferior to Zhang Zhongjian. Aunt Gongsun’s martial arts judgment is more powerful than her swordsmanship.

Zhang Zhongjian, Li Jing, and Li Jing’s wife Zhang Hongfu are the three brothers and sisters of Yiyi. Yang Yi is a little wondering why Li Jing and Zhang Hongfu are married.

When I saw Zhang Zhongjian, who was full of beards, and Li Jing, who was three-foot-willed, and Li Dejian, who was Li Jing's eldest son and had a big beard, Yang Yi felt that he had discovered something.

But in any case, there are two brothers, one is invincible in the world, and the other is the sword under the horse. And Zhang Hongfu is also a little-known female martial artist. No one can provoke these three siblings.

Li Jing said: "Yang Yi, this is my brother Zhang Zhongjian, you go with him."

Yang Yi felt uncomfortable right now, but at this time he was already a little white rabbit with no resistance.

Zhang Zhongjian took Yang Yi all the way to the east and north, either in a carriage or on a horse. One month later, he went to this place called Fuyu. It is much colder and desolate here than Changan. Compared with Chang'an, Fuyu's city is just a few villages.

When he came to his own city, Zhang Zhongjian made it clear: "Yang Yi, I actually noticed you a long time ago. You and Yuan Tiangang have been out of the mountain for twenty years. It is said that you were twenty-nine years ago 20 years ago, but you See for yourself, how do you resemble a forty-nine-year-old."

"Yang Yi, I want to know the truth about your immortality. Tell me, otherwise I will kill you."

A person lives seventy years ago, and it is considered a longevity by the age of sixty. Martial arts practitioners, Taoist practitioners, wealthy people, and officials, these people can live longer. Ordinary Datang people basically reach their 40s or 50s.

It is normal for Chang'an people to call themselves "old man" when they are over 30. When Yang Yi met Yuan Tiangang that year, he said that he was'twenty out of nine.' He just didn't want to be an old man. In fact, he was not sure how old he was.

Yang Yi looks like a man in his twenties. He was like this 20 years ago, and he is still like this now. Nothing has changed.

Fan of the authorities, Yang Yi didn't realize this, and Datang didn't have something that could record the appearance of a person in a single click. Without direct comparison, it would be difficult to detect what was wrong.

Thinking back now, Cheng Zhijie is too old to look like a human being compared to 20 years ago, and many people in Yulinwei are old and dead. Old Brother Yuan is okay. He is a Taoist and martial artist, and his appearance is not as obvious as ordinary people.

After all, Yang Yi himself was negligent, but his weirdness will inevitably be noticed by someone with a heart. Now I don't know if this caring person is Li Jing or Zhang Zhongjian, but Yang Yi falls into Zhang Zhongjian's hands.

Yang Yi was afraid of death, so he told Zhang Zhongjian what was going on with him as quickly as possible, but people didn't believe it at all, and no one believed it.

So Zhang Zhongjian began to slap him with a sword.

In the empty and rudimentary hall, a dozen large braziers are burning with raging flames, and flames are painted and carved on the walls, and even the stone pillars are hovering with fire patterns.

Zhang Zhongjian, wearing a big red robe, looked like a demon to Yang Yi, and his miserable cry echoed in the hall.

For a month, every time Zhang Zhongjian would mark Yang Yi with thirteen wounds, and after waiting for the wounds to become scarred, he tortured him again and made 13 more marks. Yang Yi's body was already scarred and scarred, as terrible as a spider web.

But Yang Yi really didn't know why he was immortal, or seemed immortal. UU reading

So Zhang Zhongjian believed it because he himself was tired.

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore."

Although Yang Yi was stupid, he didn't believe he would let him go.

"Kill you directly, and then burn it into bone pill with big fire. Whether it is useful or not, it is a kind of heart to give to the leader."

"Yang Yi, no grievances and no grudges, you can't blame me, you can only blame yourself for bad luck." After saying that, he raised his hand in Longquan and tried to stab Yang Yi in the throat.

Yang Yi was desperate. He regretted following Yuan Tiangang out of Zhongnan Mountain twenty years ago.

"Brother——, Old Yuan——, Yuan Tiangang——, you stinky nose, you said I will die behind you, but I am going to die today——"

There was a long howl in the air outside the hall.

"Hey! Hugh hurts my younger brother, Yuan Tiangang is here. Zhang San, accept—fate—come!"

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