Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 27: Accepted the first apprentice

Yue Mu received his first apprentice in the 253rd year since he came to this world.

Yue Mu is Mu Yue, this is already his third official name in this world. As for the informal, he didn't need to take it to heart.

From leaving Chang'an to returning again, 130 years have passed, of which at least 100 years he has been looking for keys and locks and fighting various enemies. Fight for at least 100 years.

His enemies include bandits of all colors, soldiers, herders, citizens, hercules, gladiators, warriors, water pirates, pirates, as well as white and hairy bears, monsters with a unicorn, as for wolves, Lions, tigers, more.

In these 100 years, he has broken 28 narrow swords, 21 broad swords, 17 scimitars, 4 horses, 4 spears, 6 long knives, 19 bows and arrows, and two large axes.

In these 100 years, he has ridden 4013 horses and 116 camels.

Except for the blue frost sword that Gao Xianzhi gifted 137 years ago, all the other weapons and mounts were taken by him.

Now his weapon is a Tang sword, which looks like a sword but is longer than a sword. It has a single-sided blade. The blade and hilt are very long. It can be swung with one hand or chopped with both hands. When he was passing through Liangzhou, he snatched it from a Tubo who wanted to rob him.

The Tubo people are rampant in Liangzhou again, which shows that Datang has declined. When he left, he was still in the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, but when he returned to Tang, he was already shaky, and the prosperous Tang became a remnant.

The former Tang Dynasty could not be defeated by the enemy from the outside. Time passed for too long, and not only the deceased had passed away, but even Anlu Mountain, which had troubled the Tang Dynasty, died for a long time.

Chang'an City also lacks the splendor of the No. 1 city in the world. It has become dilapidated. It has been ransacked by Tubo and Uighurs three times in a century, and its population is less than half of the Kaiyuan era.

Wars have broken out, and there have never been so many mountain people in Zhongnan Mountain.

Yue Mu didn't stay longer at the original cabin, he just confirmed that Luo Ji's ashes had long since been integrated with the soil. The wooden house is gone, the plum tree is gone, and Luo Ji is gone.

Yue Mu found Luo Man Ke Shi Shan, in the extreme north of the west, the market town there was not very populated, but it did look like Luo Ji. Yue Mu's Cyan Frost Sword was broken there, and before it was broken, he stabbed to death five Roman Keshi herdsmen who tried to rob him.

He promised Luo Ji to send her ashes home. He also promised Xiaoqing to bring her ashes back to Chang'an.

He didn't do it, and they all disappeared completely. Although they all said that they would be rewarded by being a cow and a horse in the next life, Yue Mu knew that he was sorry for them.

In the 100 years of wandering around, Yue Mu traveled to every place with people to the south, west and north of Datang. He even went to places where there were no people. He doesn't know if these are all of the world, but it must be almost the same.

The key and lock were not found, but Yue Mu had seen all the people and determined that he was undoubtedly a Chinese at least in terms of race.

Returning a hundred years later, Yue Mu is undoubtedly the one who has gone the farthest in this world, far surpassing the former Master Xuanzang. He is no longer the mediocre Mu Yue in martial arts a hundred years ago, and his martial arts combat experience is also the most in the world, and it is not limited to a single weapon, not limited to horses.

The same is true for the ability to escape.

But Yue Mu knew that he was still stupid. If he were replaced by someone else, if the world allowed to cultivate immortals, other people might have cultivated into golden immortals with martial arts for so long.

And he is still a martial artist, perhaps barely called a great martial artist.

When encountering an unborn genius like Li Bai, Yue Mu knew that he was still no opponent. But apart from that grade, you should be able to fight with anyone.

When Yue Mu went to see Li Bai in Dangtu County, Danyang County, the poet and sword fairy of Tang Dynasty had been dead for almost a hundred years. Li Bai became seriously ill when he was sixty-one years old, but he didn't get sick and died, but he got drunk to death with a big drunk.

Yue Mu didn't know whether Li Bai was going to be happy all his life, because he was very unsatisfactory in the career he longed for, but it must be Li Bai's wish to use a drink to draw the end for himself.

Yue Mu had another drink with him in front of Li Bai's tomb. On the left side of his tomb, there was a ‘green lotus pond’ where he was buried with his green lotus sword. In front of the tomb, there is a very grand Taibai Temple, which lists more than 300 poems by Li Bai.

Yue Mu had a drink before each poem, and ten drinks before "For Friends".

Before going to see Li Bai, Yue Mu first went to see his brother Yuan Tiangang in Shuzhong. After seeing Li Bai, he went to Wufeng Mountain in Xingzhou to see his brother Zhang Guo.

Although Gao Lishi was not a good person, he was still trustworthy. He sent Lao Zhang's head back to the imperial Wufeng Mountain for burial and built Qixia Temple for him.

Master Tongxuan Zhang Guo is now the third immortal of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that he has lived in the mortal world for more than 3,000 years. When people mention him, he will be called "Tongxuan True Immortal", or Zhang Guolao.

Yue Mu only stopped at Lao Zhangtou for a month, because there were many people in Wufeng Mountain and Qixia Temple. Then he walked out of Wufeng Mountain and was going north to visit Bohai, Gaoli and Fusang.

He had been to Bohai before and was taken by the dog thief Zhang Zhongjian. At that time, he was called Fuyu.

In this world, except for Goryeo and Fusang, other Yue Mu who can go have already been there. He plans to see if there are keys and locks in these places.

But as soon as he walked out of Wufeng Mountain and entered Xingzhou, Yue Mu met his first apprentice.

There was a seriously ill woman lying on the side of the road, beside her was a thin child begging, not begging for food but for money. He needed money to collect medicine for his mother.

Such a child gave gold and silver to his harm, so Yue Mu took out more than 30 copper coins on his body. Unexpectedly, the child couldn't get up on his knees, but instead asked him for gold and silver, because now Tongbao is worthless, and these coins are not enough to seek medical treatment.

"Uncle, I have a family heirloom, can I sell it to you for money?"

The child took a small silver medal in the shape of a hibiscus flower from his neck, with a Chinese character engraved on the stamen.

"What's your last name?"

"My last name is Wu, and my name is Wu Daniu."


Yue Mu paid for someone to save the woman, and bought a small yard on the spot in Xingzhou to live with them.

The woman's original surname, An, is a Sogdian. The Sogdians began to enter the Tang Dynasty as early as the Zhenguan period. After Kaiyuan, the Sogdians of the Tang Dynasty were completely indistinguishable from the Tang people except for their looks.

The woman's man, Wu Daniu's father, was named Wu Pingyi, a villager who didn't know much.

Wu Pingyi was an honest farmer in Daizhou. He married a woman as his wife in Daizhou and gave birth to Wu Da Niu in Daizhou.

Daizhou is at war. Fighting is killing people. As long as they are people, they will kill. Wu Pingyi was hacked to death, and the woman took Wu Daniu and sent him to Xingzhou.

Wu Pingyi's grandfather is called Wu Zhizhong. In fact, the woman didn't know, he only remembered that the man said that his grandfather was also a general of Chang'an City before, and later died in the chaos of Anlu Mountain.

The woman also knew that this silver medal was a heirloom of the martial arts family. For Yue Mu, this was enough.

He lost Wu Huiqing's bones, and now he has met the descendants of their Wu family brothers and sisters, and he is probably the only descendant.

In the 253rd year of coming to this world, Yue Mu received his first apprentice.

In the years of war, there is nothing more effective than martial arts, and Yue Mu can only know martial arts.

Wu Daniu is 11 years old, except for being thinner, he looks like a 14 or 5 year old boy.

When Wu Daniu was 13 years old, the woman was still dead. Before she died, she said to Daniel: "The Wu family has a family motto, you must keep it in mind. Chang'an is a bad place, you must kill Chang'an again."

Yue Mu shook when he heard the words, but it didn't matter if he thought about it. The Wu family should hate Chang'an, which is reasonable.

"Da Niu, kneel down for your master and kowtow."

After saying this, the woman died.

When Wu Daniu was 17 years old, he had grown to the height of Yue Mu.

At the age of 18, Yue Mu had nothing to teach him.

At the age of 19, Yue Mu was no longer an opponent of Daniel.

At the age of 20, Yue Mu believed that even if Li Bai or Senior Brother Yuan were alive, they could not be the opponent of Daniel.

The 21-year-old Wu Da Niu looks like a giant, half a head taller than the already tall Yue Mu, with superb martial arts and infinite power.

"Master, the name Wu Daniu doesn't sound good, please help me change it to a better new name."

"Da Niu, the name of UU Reading is just a title, it doesn't matter what you call it. But this name was given by your parents, I can't change it, you...change it yourself in the future."

"Yes, Master."

Having lived in Xingzhou for ten years, Yue Mu is about to change places. He wants to go to Gaoli and Fusang. But the grown-up Wu Da Niu didn't want to go, he said he wanted to make a break in this troubled time.

Yue Mu felt that what he said was right, it was a pity that he always followed himself with such a great ability.

Before leaving, Wu Daniu knocked Yue Mu three times, knocking the blue bricks to pieces on the ground.

Two years later, Yue Mu got nothing from Goryeo and Fusang. When passing by Jizhou, I heard that Hedong Jiedu made Li Kejian two years ago to accept a son with outstanding martial arts and infinite power. He was the thirteenth son. Godson.

Li Ke's adopted sons all follow his surname, and he named the thirteen emperor Li Cunxiao.

Yue Mu did not stay, and went straight back to Zhongnan Mountain.

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