Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 33: Smoke billows behind me

Yang Yi returned to Zhongnan Mountain by himself, just like when he came back every time he went out, he didn't feel any disappointment in his heart.

No longer sad.

Morihei didn't come back, he followed the current Shu Kingdom Wuding army to make Zhao Chongtao go away, hoping to rely on martial arts to earn himself a splendid wealth in this world.

Yang Yi and Morihei had a fierce quarrel in Kaifeng, Yang Yi asked Morihei to go to Huashan with him, find Chen Tuan for guidance, and then continue to search for himself and find the way home.

But Morihei firmly opposes this. He believes that it should not be too deliberate. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to follow the fate. Obsessed with forced searching, it will only get farther away from the target.

Morihei's words cannot be said without reason.

It's a pity that he said this, but he didn't want to go back to the boring mountain as an excuse, rather than really insisting.

Yang Yi is not a person who is good at reasoning, and he can't quarrel Morihei. In fact, he will not quarrel. At this time, Morihei is no longer the Kunlun slave who respectfully respected the'Sheep One Man' a few years ago, and he started to call'Sheep One' without knowing it.

This change started slowly when the two played against each other eight years ago, when Yang Yi did not defeat Morihei within a hundred moves.

It took only six years for Morihei to go from being a mediocre gladiator who was extremely different from the Yangyi martial arts to a great martial artist who had equal shares with him within a hundred moves. This kind of martial arts learning ability, Yang Yi judges that only Wu Da Niu can compare.

The two returned to the Central Plains from Europa eight years ago. At that time, Yang Yi analyzed that he could defeat Morihei after 110 strokes and 120 strokes.

Eight years later, Yang Yi analyzed that he could defeat Morihei after 110 moves and within 120 moves.

In the past eight years, Morihei no longer practiced hard, and he even looked down upon Yang Yi. It took 300 years to practice martial arts to this level. Morihei thinks that even if he doesn't practice hard, sooner or later he will surpass Yang Yi.

During the two years of living in the Zhongnan Mountain, Yangyi still smelled the chicken and raised his arms every day, and then farmed and hunted. Morihei slept until he woke up naturally, and then either went to the mountain stream to play in the water, or waited for the sheep to call him to eat. Only occasionally pick up the weapon and wave it a few times.

These two years of hardship also consumed Morihei's last patience.

In the two years since he came to Kaifeng and Luoyang, Yang once heard of the chicken and started to fight every day, and then visited everywhere, hoping to discover something. Morihei sleeps until he wakes up naturally, and then hangs around in the bustling Goulan and wine shops. Only when I think about it, I will review a few martial arts.

Even in the chaos of war, Kaifeng and Luoyang, and even Chang'an, are still far more drunk than Constantinople. How can this not make Morihei lost?

The two quarreled about whether to go to Huashan to find Chen Tuan. In fact, the quarrel was inaccurate, and it was more like Morihei yelling at the sheep.

It was probably the last bit of awe that Yangyi had left. Morihe reluctantly agreed to go to Huashan, but he also declared that the way forward would end at Huashan.

Morihei made it very clear that when the trip to Huashan ended, it was the day when he parted ways with the sheep.

The two began the last part of their journey together, riding their horses towards Huashan.

When I walked to Fenglingdu, I encountered a chase, almost Baiqi was chasing and killing more than ten people. It’s nothing to do, and there is no enemy or me. As soon as Yang and Morihe retreat to the side of the road to see the scenery, it may be because they are riding tall horses and they are also dressed in the same robes. They look like escaped people, chasing them. The armored army man came and killed him without any explanation.

The two were forced to get involved in an inexplicable fight.

After running and beating for a whole afternoon, the chaser left more than 60 corpses and retreated. The chased ran away early, and Yang Yi and Morihei were unscathed except that they were tired.

Crossing the river and entering Tongguan, the two came to the Yuntai View of the North Peak of Huashan Mountain, where Chen Tuan's cleansing was done.

But when Chen Tuan was not there, the trail in Guanli said he had gone wandering, and the return date was unknown.

Three days later, Yang Yi and Morihei walked down the mountain with their eyes facing each other at the fork. At this time, they were going one east and the other west. Once Yang was a little sad, he suddenly wanted to go to Kaifeng again with Morihei. Since you are waiting, where can't you wait?

In this world that does not belong to him, the only one of his kind, the sheep gave up as soon as he didn't want to.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came, and an army of more than 500 men passed by. After seeing the two of them, the general of the army beamed with joy and quickly turned over and dismounted.

Those who were hunted down at Fenglingdu.

He was Zhao Chongtao, the military envoy of the Wuding Army of the Shu Kingdom. On the order of the Shu Emperor Meng Chang, he secretly went north to the Han Kingdom of the Bingzhou generation and reached a military agreement with Han Emperor Liu Chengyou to jointly fight against the Zhou Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jun noticed his whereabouts on the way back, and was intercepted at Fenglingdu. Fortunately, Yang Yi and Morihe helped in time, otherwise Zhao Chongtao would not be able to return to Shu.

Zhao Chongtao thanked the two for their life-saving grace and admired their martial arts skills, so he urged Yang Yi and Morihei to go to Shu, and he recommended them as generals.

Zhao Chongtao is an enthusiastic person and sincere. In the era of war, strange men and strangers are talents that every country is striving for, especially in martial arts. The two-person team in front of them is a strong general of the enemy. The Yang Yi with an indifferent expression even made him feel unfathomable.

But Yang Yi was very polite but refused without saying anything. Joining the army was the last thing he wanted to do.

Morihei's eyes are shining, he is brave and prosperous, and uses his best and favorite ability to pursue the life he desires most. This is the ultimate dream of every man.

Although Morihei was a Kunlun slave, he would not prevent him from becoming a general in the army.

From the time of the Tang Dynasty, Kunlun slaves were no longer rare in the Central Plains, and the Kunlun slaves who came to the Tang Dynasty were all trafficked as strong labor, so the Kunlun slaves in the Central Plains were all selected strong ones.

After the remnant of Tang, many Kunlun slaves and their descendants have fully participated in the wars of the war era due to their strength and physical advantages. Today, all countries have Kunlun slave soldiers and even generals.

Morihei was leaving, this time the sheep could not persuade him again. Seeing Morihei, who was eager to try his spirit, suddenly felt sadness in his heart.

Over the years, I have been with Morihei. Although I have fought a lot, Yang Yi knows very well that he has not encountered a strong opponent in martial arts. There is no Li Cunxiao, and there are no top martial artists such as Lao Yuan, Li Bai, Gao Lishi and Pei Min. I have met such sub-class martial artists such as Gao Xianzhi and Ge Shuhan.

However, Yang Yi knows the Central Plains Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and will never underestimate the heroes of the world.

But Morihei didn't believe it He thought this was a mental manifestation of Yang Yi's timidity.

When the sheep looked at Morihei who was about to leave, a strong sadness enveloped him. He said: "I...I'm in the mountains, not going anywhere. If it gets too messy outside, you will come back."

Morihei rolled over and got off his horse, knelt before the sheep and horse, and finally knocked him three heads.

When the sheep moved the horse to the west, they were already in tears. After more than 300 years of wind and rain in this world, there are not many things that can make him cry.

Smoke billowed behind him.

"A big sheep, I am going to enjoy the world, if I find the key and lock to go back, I will pick you up at Zhongnan Mountain."



(Note: Morihei is Ronaldo. You can refer to the book's third volume. Milan. Chapter 572. Morihei Fantasy Journey, and its two chapters.)

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