Golden Greenery

: Chapter 25: Stole Chickens in Edinburgh

  Ergul's status as the crown prince is a huge obstacle to Zhuo Yang and Princess Charlene.

   Zhuo Yang wanted revenge and couldn't directly deal with the crown prince by means. That would indeed hit the Grimaldi family in the face, or even the entire aristocratic circle. In many cases, these decadent classes are all prosperous, and they can also be called stubborn.

   Only if the protective skin of the crown prince on Ergul is peeled off first, things will be easy. In fact, once Ergul loses his status as the crown prince, he is not as good as a dog. Not to mention that Zhuo Yang can round him up. The world is full of guys waiting to beat the drum.

   For the same purpose, Zhuo Yang and Xia Lin came together.

   Charlene visited Edinburgh on a private trip, under the pretext of visiting the Children’s Museum and Holyrood Palace. In fact, she did.

  In the Palace of Holyroodhouse, their secret meeting was assisted by Prince Harry. This buddy was both righteous and rebellious. He talked about a girlfriend of African American descent and who he loved. He is only one year older than Zhuo Yang, the second son of the late Princess Diana, and now holds the title of Duke of Sussex and Earl of Dumbarton.

   The love between Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou is the idol of anti-traditional figures in the aristocratic royal circle. Those who have this psychological appeal include Prince Harry and Princess Charlene.

   Prince Harry exchanged a few words with Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou, and he avoided it. He is not suitable for these things to participate in, just pretend to be confused.

   After making each entourage avoid them, Zhuo Yang and Xia Lin looked at each other. The same civilian status, the same athlete background, the similar age, and the same action goals make this meeting very logical.

   "Sister Xia Lin, please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhuo Yang. Thank you for calling me that."

   "It should be." Zhuo Yang said: "First of all, I declare that our husband and wife have no malice or any bad intentions against the Grimaldi family and the Monaco royal family. All grievances come from Ergüle."

   "Sister Charlene." Koke also said: "If Prince Jacques can successfully inherit the crown prince he should have been given, I am willing to promote the restoration of the intimate partnership between the Habsburg family and the Monaco royal family."

   Because of the'Zhuo Yang attack incident' and the subsequent resignation of Kou Kou and Midale, the relationship between Habsburg and the Grimaldi family has dropped to a historical freezing point, and contacts have almost been severed now. For both parties, this is actually a very regrettable thing.

   Koko is the Duchess of Vienna of Habsburg and the eldest princess of the family. From a certain perspective, her statement can be understood as the power behind the first European family willing to become the two-year-old Prince Jacques.

   In an instant, Princess Charlene felt no longer alone, and the old antiques behind Ergüle no longer became scary.

  Women are weak in nature, but the mother is strong. For the future of her children, Xia Lin can do anything, the key is that she knows how to do it.

   "Then... do you have a plan? What should I do?"

   The three people talk directly to the subject.

   In fact, the plan is not complicated. Zhuo Yang needs to convey important information to the prince through Charlene, and at the same time let Charlene strengthen her confidence. After all, the key person to bring down Ergul is the prince.

   To make the prince believe that Zhuo Yang can do anything for revenge, and he will not hesitate to die.

   This matter, there is no blood, I never end.

   The talks ended soon, and then Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou went to Prince Harry to talk nonsense, trying to convince the Prince from Chelsea fans to Manchester City fans, Princess Charlene flew directly back to Monaco.

   In the evening, Charlene saw the prince who had finished a busy day and greeted her how she was doing in Edinburgh.

   "My boy, my father, I met Christine Josephine, Duchess of Vienna of the Habsburg family, in Edinburgh. Of course, her name is Christine Josephine Zhuo."

   "Christine told me that Zhuo Yang asked Ergüle to apologize to him in public, otherwise he would be formally prosecuted in the European Criminal Court and he would never die."



   In the end, Zhuo Yang did not turn Prince Harry into a Manchester City fan, but Harry also gave him the bottom line. In fact, supporting Chelsea is only a tradition that follows on the surface. Anyway, you have to support one to appear royal. But in fact, he likes basketball, and the team he really supports is the Los Angeles Lakers.

  British guy with a humble head and brain, too lazy to tell you more, Zhuo Yang curled his mouth and pulled Koko up and left.

   "Brother Zhuo Yang, have you been to Edinburgh in your dreams?"

   "I have probably been here, because I have a bit of an impression of the estuary and the bay here, and that was before I saw you. I remember that this area was not called Scotland at that time, it was called the Kingdom of Alba, I don't remember very clearly."

   "Is Edinburgh beautiful then?"

   "It's really not very beautiful. There is no city with only one castle. Except for scattered villages, it is a wasteland. When it rains, the mud and cow dung in the castle live together, and you can't walk."

   "What do they eat?"

"The black oatmeal was mixed with peas and boiled to make a paste. The nobles and commoners ate it all at once. It was terribly unpalatable. I stayed here for about a month and stole more than 20 chickens from the castle to stew. Later they Seeing it tightly, I didn't have to steal it, so I snatched a ship and went back to the mainland."

   "Puff~~hahaha~~~" Kou Kou smiled happily.

  The city of Edinburgh is named after the castle. Zhuo Yang looked back at the familiar old castle on the top of the granite hill and shook his head, not sure whether it was the place where he stole the chicken. UU reading

   The two went from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to the Arthur's Seat, a low mountain that looked a bit like a stool, and went to the Swan Lake next to it. It was supposed to be a noble swan with its neck bent to the sky, elegant and graceful, but it is estimated that Kou Kou was greedy when talking about stealing chickens.

   "Brother Zhuo Yang, have you ever eaten swan? Is it delicious?"

   "Oh, my beautiful girl, I can't eat it because it's delicious."

   "Why? Afraid you can't steal it?"

   "Oh my god, only toads want to eat swan meat, wife, you...ahhahaha~~"

   Kou Kou: "..."

   After waiting for Zhuo Yang to laugh enough, Kou Kou, who was a little angry, spared the swan, but still took him to eat the grey goose and breed it.

   Grey geese are not as good as swan white except that they are grayish in color. They are basically similar in body shape, and they must taste very similar.

   European ancestors domesticated grey geese and turned them into domestic geese, while Chinese geese were domesticated by big geese, which is also called red goose. Therefore, Chinese geese can float with white feathers, while European geese can only be ugly ducklings.

   Grey geese are also the same as European geese. They have some woody meat quality, and the rough cooking methods of Scotland are not delicious. They basically belong to the local people who don’t eat dishes that are only taken by tourists.

   After a meal, Kou Kou frowned, and Zhuo Yang almost suffered from internal injuries.

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