Golden Greenery

Chapter 155: (Top) Streaking Wang Linxing Stadium

Mark Roberts, a British Liverpool man, is 40 years old this year. He is a middle-aged and old man with a stiff body and a round figure. He usually has no serious profession. He has done everything in bartending, advertising and cleaning, but he likes sports.

Roberts had lived in Hong Kong, China for several years. He also entered the stadium there for the first time in 1993. Since then, Roberts has fallen in love with the stadium, and is not limited to football.

Roberts has been to Wimbledon, f1, Super Bowl, horse racing, golf, Olympics, World Cup... he has visited more than two hundred different stadiums in ten years. Of course, he has been to the football stadium most.

Today is the first time Mark Roberts came to Camp Nou, this is a carefully selected game. All of Europe is paying attention to whether Barcelona can be ashamed and brave, and the eyes of the world are here tonight. So, Roberts came.

Spain at the end of March was still cold. Roberts was wearing a cheap black coat and covered himself tightly. Good luck, his position is not far from the front row, where it is close to the edge of the field.

The game is getting more and more intense. In the second half, the competition between the two teams has become fierce, and all fans are already crazy.

Okay, time is up, now!

Mark Roberts got up from his seat and ran to the front, unbuttoning his coat as he ran.

Mark Roberts, he has a nickname that is known to everyone in Europe-the streak king!


Zhuo Yang is fighting wisely with Ronaldinho. The two people live one game at a time. One hundred thousand spectators are fascinated by the cry. Suddenly, the shouts turned into an uproar, and boos and whistle blew up, and immediately they heard the referee suspend the game.

When Zhuo Yang and Ronaldinho looked up, they saw a person rushing into the playing court from the goal on the side of Maddie Fort, except for a thin bow tie around his neck, and there was no trace of it. And it was this bow tie that made him even more naked than naked.

The figure is quite tall, covered with white fat, and the skin is still white. The chest is written with thick crayon-"I have two of the best balls"

It is unknown whether the ball is good or not. Roberts's gadget is a little ridiculous. Anyway, when the brothers were in front of Roberts, a few pigs who were with the last seat than the long and short, could be proud and smile.

Doing one's business and loving one's business, loving one's business, and every business Don't look at Roberts's stature, but when he ran, he called a flexible, barefoot girl who ran on the turf like a rabbit with a hair loss. Flashing left and right, dwelling in a hurry, and even a lot of fake movements, so that a group of police security volunteers chasing him fell down like a dumpling.

How many brothers have you seen this? After stunned, he smiled straight up.

Ronaldinho said: "Hey, I remember." He shot Zhuo Yang's shoulder: "I tell you, Zhuo Yang, this product is much more famous in the world than us, people Send the name-streaking king."

When he said this, Zhuo Yang also remembered it, and had heard such a number one character. "I'm fucking, this is interesting. I said Ronnie, you can meet anything else here, it's so happy." The streaking king on the court ran more joyfully, and the whole stadium was full of joy.

"I have played football for the first time in so many years. I have seen people who ran into the court before, and I have seen a violent man who came up to shoot. The ball has also scored.... However, it is still like this one who dares to take off See you for the first time." Ronaldinho Ronaldo is very knowledgeable.

Piggy, Butcher and Second Brother are also standing by, commenting while watching this scene with great interest.

The second brother Montolivo laughed and said: "There was nothing, why did you mess with the dust? That's what it said, but...this **** is too spicy."

"Second brother, I think the streaking king is paying tribute to you." Zhuo Yang responded quickly. "You should have a good conversation with others, after all, like-minded..."

"..." The second brother could not laugh immediately: "Zhuo Yang, I solemnly inform you that the brother did not have to do..."

The elder brothers chuckled.

The streaking king ran from left to right. A group of people chased around and blocked him for a while, and there was really no way to get him. The players on both sides are skillful, but it is common sense that they can not participate in this kind of thing, and the club has also taught it, so the players are all watching the lively on the spot. The streaking king has a lot of experience. He has streaked more than two hundred times, more than most players have participated in the competition, so he is not guarding against these players.

The streaking Wang happily and leaped past the brothers, and the second brother with a grudge held his foot quietly...

When the streaking king Mark Roberts was taken off the court by the police, those with a bold posture could see the chrysanthemum in March. The nearly 100,000 fans of the Camp Nou stood up and applauded, expressing their sincere appreciation and admiration.


The game was over, Barcelona was eliminated by Fort Mady, Barcelona originally planned to take this opportunity to win the UEFA Cup this year's club championship that has never been fingered in the history of the club. It hasn't been touched, not because Barcelona hadn't been strong enough before, but because it was difficult for them to fall into the league cup. The Folk Expo Cup, the predecessor of the UEFA Cup, does not count. The time they took, the time in the football world is an ancient era.

Although the wish was not fulfilled and was eliminated by a secondary league, this round of competition with Fort Mady has had a profound impact on the Barcelona club.

The low tide of recent years has changed the minds of the Barcelona people, and the invitation to Rijkaard is part of the club’s revival plan. But this year's more slippery results made the young Dutch coach sit on the crater, everyone began to criticize him, even the fans said unequivocally, came to Camp Nou to see Rijkaard When will the class end. Without the godfather Cruyff and the new chairman Laporta, Rijkaard would have been swallowed alive.

But today this game gave all Barcelona people hope. The attacking football on the field is very in line with Barcelona's football philosophy. It is very pleasing to fans and the media. The reuse of the local Lamacian souvenirs that had been neglected but rooted, let everyone like it aloud. Rijkaard himself also found the direction of Barcelona's technical and tactical improvement in this game, and the victory became natural.

After this game, the Dutch gang that ruled Barcelona for many years gradually withdrew from the main lineup. Iniesta, Valdes and other Lamasias quickly came to the top and took the stage. Barcelona also made efforts in the second half of the league, rushing forward and finally pressing the old rival Real Madrid to win the runner-up.

After the season, Cocu, Ovimas, Reziger, Saviola, Garcia, Davis, Quaresma, Enrique, Rustu, Cruywitt and others left Barcelona Or retire, Deco, Giuli, Eto'o, Silvinho, Lopez, Ed Milson, Belletti, Navarro, and a new team of powerful men joined in.

In the new season, Barcelona formally established Ronaldinho as the core technical and tactical play. The technical flow offensive football is beautiful, and finally created another prosperity since the Cruyff era.

History said-Dream Team Two.

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