Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Emerald's Valentine's Day

"So happy, met a handsome guy outside?"


"Meet a lot of handsome guys?"


Zhuo Yang lifted Kou Kou's face and said solemnly: "My little Christine, look at the affectionate look with spring brows in the corners of your eyes. I can't think of other than seeing a handsome guy who is crying and crying. What else can make you like this...Can’t wait~ hey~~~~"

Kou Kou's tender green onions turned into crab claws, pinched onto the soft flesh of Zhuo Yang's old waist.

"The handsome guy didn't see any of them, but he caught a husband with wicked eyebrows." Kou Kou pinched Zhuo Yang's waist, but he weakened first. "Brother Zhuo Yang, I miss you..."

Although it didn't take long for the "separation", Valentine's Day is here. If you don't take advantage of this start, you won't be able to convince yourself. Manchester City is still wet and cold in winter. Recently, Kou Kou happened to be in Italy, and the two met in Florence for a love story.

In the 25th round, Manchester City beat Bournemouth 2-0 in an away game. Manchester City, which has won three consecutive league victories, has risen to third place, 9 points and 8 points behind Chelsea and Liverpool respectively. The point difference is reduced to single digits, and it doesn't seem so remote.

There will be a five-day interval, and five days later will be the FA Cup Final 18 knockout match with the British crown Huddersfield. After this, the Champions League reignited the war, so there is only a British crown, Guardiola made the decision of Zhuo Yang, Tintin, Sterling, Silva, and Fei Niao to take turns, and he did not even have the bench. Let them sit, concentrate on replenishing their energy and wait for Monaco to come and call for battle.

Since there is no business of his own, Zhuo Yang simply didn't care about the FA Cup game. He didn't feel embarrassed to ask for leave this time. He said hello to Guardiola and generally disappeared.


Manchester City is still falling with cold rain and sleet, and Florence, which is influenced by the Mediterranean sun and sea breeze, already has the warmth of spring.

In Amelia Flower Alley next to Michelangelo Square, the hardy Margarita daisies and violets gradually become charming. The Queen’s former residence at the end of the Flower Alley is still a paradise in peace.

It was originally the Queen’s Memorial Museum, but it is still, but it is no longer open around the clock. Instead, it has become every Wednesday, 5th and 6th. The opening time has also been shortened from 10 hours to 8 hours, from 10 am to 6 pm.

Valentine's Day in 2017 is Tuesday, and today it belongs to Kou Kou.

In fact, women are dragons in the cave, no matter whether they are useful or not, they want to pile into the cave as long as they like it. Kou Kou originally planned to keep the former residence of Huaxiang completely private, no longer open to the public, and the museum was also cancelled, making it the ‘hanging palace’ for her and Zhuo Yang.

Because she likes it here, the flower alleys and squares here are the places where their love in this life will meet again.

But Zhuo Yang euphemistically discouraged his wife. Although the Queen’s former residence is the private property of the Habsburgs, the income is entirely attributable to the Habsburg family, but the Memorial Museum has become a part of Florence's urban cultural tourism. For more than half a century after the war, the city government of Florence spent a lot of effort to promote Flower Alley and the former residence.

And for the Habsburg family, the museum's revenue is insignificant, but this can allow Princess Sissi to continue to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is more important to preserve the family's influence cryptically.

The Queen’s former residence is owned by the Habsburgs, not the private property of Koko. If you stubbornly change back to a private courtyard, it will be of little practical significance, and you will not live for a few days in a year. Second, there will be disputes with Florence. In the end, the family is not happy, why bother?

Of course, if Kou Kou insists, Zhuo Yang also intends to personally go to talk with Dad Kou and Dario Nadella, the city of Florence. The world is big, and no wife is big.

For Kou Kou, there is no husband. Since Zhuo Yang said it so reasonable, she also gave up the trace of possessiveness and followed the good.

At noon, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou walked out of the courtyard after dressing up. On Valentine's Day, wouldn't it be undesirable if we didn't go to the famous Vizio Bridge on the Arno River?

Although Zhuo Yang has been to Florence many times before, he has never been to the Old Bridge. This stone covered bridge, which was rebuilt in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, should be the most famous'Love Bridge' in the world.

Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance. Dante Alighieri, one of the three representative figures of the Renaissance, met his lover Beatrice on this bridge, and the bridge of love was named after this.

Nine-year-old Dante, on a bright spring day, came across a young girl, Beatrice, who was playing together. At that moment, I fell in love at first sight, and my heart was sweet.

Maybe poets are so precocious.

Later, the young Dante reunited with Beatrice on the Arno River Covered Bridge. The water under the bridge slowly flowed, the pigeons on the bridge leisurely pecked, and the lover walked towards him in the backlight.

At this time, Beatrice had married and became a woman, and was dying of illness.

How much love can be restored, there is a good girl in that far place, the so-called Iraqi is on the water side, I would like to become the angel you love in the fairy The last love is to let go, you Knowing that I don't just like you, but you don't have the answer I want in your eyes.

This is an ancient version of "The Bridge of Madison County".

It is said that after Beatrice's death, Dante wrote the "Divine Comedy" that has been famous for many generations in his longing and pain.

"The Divine Comedy" is hailed as one of the four great masterpieces in Europe, and the other three are "Homer", "Faust" and "Hamlet". For those who have never read "The Divine Comedy", just imagine it as the "Journey to the West" in Europe.

"Brother Zhuo Yang, have you seen Dante in your dream?"

"No, I have never met Wu Chengen either."

Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou didn't go to hang love locks on the iron chain of the riverside guardrail next to the old bridge. There were too many people there, including many yelling children.

It is said that the way the world hangs love locks on iron chains spreads from here. The lovers locked a lock together and threw the key into the river.

The tradition of love locks on the Arno River has been around for at least two to three hundred years. The number of locks of various colors on the guardrail chain is obviously not worthy of such a long history. Where did those locks go? Where did the love they represent?

I don’t know other places. A high school classmate of Zhuo Yang's hometown is in the village not far from the foot of Huashan Mountain. Several relatives in the family set up stalls on the mountain all year round. He said that the color TV refrigerators of relatives in those years were sold for copper locks.

Often when the lover here is locked, someone will pick it up with a crowbar when he turns his head. Sometimes, in order to compete for this lump of copper, it is not unusual for two mountain people to practice on the spot with a crowbar.

The ocean said: If the lock of love is useful, why do you need marriage?

Saying this on Valentine's Day is actually quite terrifying. Fortunately, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou didn't hear them. They walked hand in hand among the people in Florence, but they only looked at each other.

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