Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 4: Let's hurt each other

Among the 16 teams that have entered the Champions League knockout rounds this season, Manchester City has conceded the most goals, and the weak defenders are well known.

Monaco has scored 76 goals in Ligue 1 this season, averaging 2.9 per game, ranking first in the top five leagues.

Although Jardim is also the Portuguese coach, his tactical pursuits are quite different from those of Fernando Santos and Mourinho. No matter how they disguised, they were always defensive. Santos was more wretched and Mu Niao was full of aggressiveness.

And Jardim is the kind of fierce guy who makes a big deal, and plays with you endlessly if he doesn't agree.

Jardim meets Guardiola, just like dry wood meets a raging fire. The trend of this game was destined before the birth of football.

Regardless of whether the two captains Zhuo Yang and Falcao were intimate, talking and laughing before the game, they were a harmonious scene, but within two minutes after the whistle, Monaco right back Gibril Sidibe gave Zhuo directly Yang Shang moved, and even shoveled the ball out of the sideline.

It didn't hurt maliciously, but it was very fierce and decisive.

Zhuo Yang is not hypocritical, he has to care about every action, and football can't be played. He got up and quickly took a free kick to let the game continue.

In the past two years, French youngsters have sprung up like mushrooms, almost completely turning the French national team into an African team. The 25-year-old Sidibe is one of them.

But the 18-year-old Kylian Mbappé is absolutely extraordinary. He only officially entered the Monaco first team last summer and immediately secured Falcao's striker partner.

In the past six months, Mbappé is so famous that Zhuo Yang often hears him, and his fame is so big that he just turned the Chinese New Year, he has become a big hit in the 2017 European Golden Boy Awards.

Mbappé slid the ball from the flank, Sterling was already fast enough, but he was still thrown away by others. Tintin also got farther and farther away. Fortunately, Fei Bird, who played right back today, was unambiguous. The tackle stopped Mbappé's madness.

Otherwise, this kid can really rush to the goalkeeper Caballero in one breath.

Toure played a single midfielder today, Debusch did not qualify for the Champions League, Guardiola let Fei Niao as the right back. On the left, the inferior selected the best to Sarnia, and Stones and Otamendi partnered in the middle.

Double front midfielders Tintin de Bruyne and David Silva, trident Zhuo Yang, Aguero, Sterling.

In the 6th minute, Zhuo Yang escaped the Polish central defender Kamil Glick on the left rib and tried a long shot from outside the penalty area to test the old Croatian goal Subasic.

The low-flying football was steadily confiscated by Subasiqi. Before Zhuo Yang screamed "authentic", Subasiqi bounced up quickly, and after two steps, he drove directly to the side to find Mbappe.

Seven seconds later, the 18-year-old French boy completed the same shot outside the Manchester City penalty area and was also confiscated by the old goalkeeper Caballero.

Despite the different offensive styles, Monaco's offensive posture against Piao today is very obvious. Obviously they did not regard Manchester City as a super enemy worthy of awe. Compared to Manchester City, Monaco is actually the football giants.

But for Guardiola, the golden marshal on the bald head, Jardim, who has just begun to lose his head, is undoubtedly another turtle. Being so despised by the country folks, Gu Shao couldn't help getting furious, and immediately ordered the field: Chong, Chong!

So, from this moment on, the game has become a bad match between the two teams' defenses, and has become two pokers fighting on the street with daggers. You stabbed me and I stabbed to see who fell first.

Players don't have people who can keep their own feet. Good boys go to school properly when they are young. Guardiola was slapped. With a big wave of his hand, the players on the field started to cheer. It didn't take long for the opening to establish the idea of ​​who scored more goals and who scored more goals today.

As a result, Stones and Otamendi two central defenders, as well as Yaya Touré, suddenly complained.

The central defender can't rush up too, it's not plausible, and they are responsible for the important task of playing the ball from the backcourt when they are responsible for switching from defense to offense. Who is the ball for? Naturally, it is the midfielder Toure as the center.

Toure is really a **** man. Originally, according to the established tactics, the bird would stand from the full back to the midfielder when attacking, allowing Toure, who has midfield integration and offensive capabilities, to press up and become an offensive and defensive coupler. This is one of the most important reasons for Fei Niao, a midfielder in his post, to play a full-back.

But Fei Niao is Brazilian.

There is one Brazilian player in the world. As long as you dare to give him a wing and give him a military order to open the attack, all of them can become crazy. Don't think that Fei Niao is a defensive midfielder and won't show off. Don't think that "three Marcelos can't guard one Marcelo" will not happen here.

Toure looked eagerly in the middle of the road, hoping Fei Niao would come back to build a village, but Fei Niao ran on the hot wheels so that the grass on that side could be scorched. In this way, Toure did not dare to leave Stones and Otamendi.

On the other side, Sarnia also has similar responsibilities as Fei But he is an old clapper who knows that he is running out of time. It is rare to have this opportunity to make waves once today, and he can let Toure eyeballs. Zipan is bleeding.

The 32-year-old Brazilian uncle Fei Niao and the 34-year-old French uncle Sarnia framed the uncle Ivory Touré.

When Manchester City switched from defensive to offensive, it is reasonable to assume that the two central defenders should be responsible for the ball to Toure, and then let him be responsible for advancing, connecting Tintin and Silva to form an offensive organization.

But it’s better now. Falcao and Mbappé specifically rob Toure. The location is too sensitive. Toure, who is alone, does not dare to take the ball. The two central defenders are afraid to give him the ball. Fei Niao and Sanya were all hazy as they ran.

In this way, Manchester City's offense looked quite lively. In fact, the key players who can solve the problem are all running blindly and can't get the ball, including Zhuo Yang. Even if it can form an offensive situation, it can only be solved with sporadic long-range shots, or simply be resolved by Monaco with a foul.

When Monaco was attacking, there was Mbappé on the left and Bernardo Silva on the right-that was the talented offensive midfielder known as the B seat, plus Falcao, who appeared in the middle, the game only passed 20. Minutes, Stones and Otamendi were going crazy.

Monaco's offense unknowingly tests Manchester City's fragile defense line more and more. Fei Niao and Sarnia are still on the sidelines to release their youth that has faded away. Ivory Coast Grandpa Toure is always a trapped beast.

According to this development, Manchester City's first loss of the ball is definitely a high probability event, and the time will not be too long. But at this moment, Zhuo Yang changed the situation on the court with a defensive performance of not giving up or giving up.

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