Golden Greenery

: Chapter 32?

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It's not that Guardiola doesn't pay attention to the FA Cup quarter-finals, but after the battle with Fort Mi, Manchester City will usher in the toughest period of the entire season.

Four days later, the Champions League away to Monaco, followed by Liverpool in the Premier League, and then two international match days, Arsenal and Chelsea lined up and waited after returning.

None of these are not blue-faced fangs, and Zhuo's confidant cannot be missed in any one. So even though the FA Cup is also very important, Guardiola took the initiative to give his confidant a free card.

Zhuo Yang said: Since I don't need me, I will go to Dubai to wait for everyone.

After the sudden strong wind ceased on the evening of Women's Day, it rained in Manchester before it dawned, and it continued to rain for three days without stopping. The weather forecast shows that the rainy season is approaching, and England has entered a cold spring.

Such weather is not impossible to train, but it is obviously not conducive to preparing for the 18th round of the Champions League. Monaco is located on the sunny Mediterranean in Southern Europe. At this time, Manchester is two seasons.

The most important match for Manchester City is undoubtedly the Champions League. For this reason, they can spare no expense. Guardiola and Zhuo Yang are part of the ‘do not hesitate’. Under the personal instruction of the owner Mansour, the game is over. The Manchester City team will take a special plane to fly directly from Fort Mi to Dubai, train for three days in the same warm and bright Persian Gulf, and then head to Monaco.

The rich can be headstrong, and the rich boss can do whatever he wants.

Zhuo Yang said, "I'll go first..." and disappeared, "...when you" floated, he was almost in Munich. Guardiola smacked his lips, and he realized that he had been careless for a while, and he had been scheming again.

Zhuo Yang ran to the left bank headquarters building in Munich, and flew to Dubai without any explanation, leaving all the staff in the building staring. Now there are people with private jets, so it's very convenient to fly around.

The ‘Diamond D-Jet’ business jet produced by the Austrian Diamond Aircraft Company is actually not as expensive as expected. The price is about 2 million Euros, which is about the same as a top luxury car. It is an economical type of private jet.

The turbojet single engine can take up to five people, and one pilot can handle it. It is an essential transportation tool for the rich to travel at home.

Zhuo Yang didn't use it very much. It was mainly configured for Kou Kou to make it easy for her to wander around the European continent. For transcontinental and transoceanic flights, it is best to take a large plane. The Diamond D-Jet's maximum range of 2500 kilometers is a little short, so you have to keep landing and refueling.

The Habsburg family is a major shareholder of the Austrian Diamond Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd., and is currently negotiating to open a branch in China, which is also led by Habsburg and Yiyang Investment. Once the branch is completed, the aircraft can be sold cheaper.

I wanted to take advantage of this free time before meeting with the team to spend two days in the duo world with Kou Kou, but unexpectedly not long after landing, the pig sister Ana Ivanovic came to the door.

Ivanovic is 29 years old this year. She and the piglet Schwein got together in 2014, which has been more than two years.

The reason why Little Pig and Pink Sarah broke up, the dog hasn't said so far, and Sarah hasn't explained it, anyway. Zhuo Yang didn't ask, because it really had nothing to do with him. Don't worry about other people's feelings, it is one of the sublimation of life.

In the past two years, Xiaozhu and Ivanovic seem to be doing pretty well, often letting the media ‘sneak’ pictures of them showing their affection if no one is next to them. At the end of last year, Ana Ivanovic announced her retirement in Munich, ending her 14-year tennis career.

After Graf and Kournikova, Ivanovic and Sharapova are the two most famous girls in women's tennis, and they have been in the women's tennis world for many years.

After Ivanovic retired, she did indeed pass the peak. The seven years from 07-14 were the pinnacle of Niu's competition. At the peak, she ranked first in the world singles, and she rarely fell outside the top five. But since 2014, the fall has been relatively fast, and it is basically impossible to appear in the top ten.

In 2014, she and Xiaozhu began to fall in love. You taste, you taste carefully.

After two years of falling in love, Ivanovic finally found out that he had met his lover in life and could be married. If you think about tennis, there is nothing you can continue striving for. It is convenient for you to announce your retirement in the year of playing.

The wedding date of the two has been determined, and just this summer, the former tennis girl Ana Ivanovic became a pig sister.

Detu and Winona also decided to get married this summer. After this summer, the Six Musketeers will completely transform from a team of boys over flowers to a married greasy boy group.

Although Sister Pig retired, she is still a well-known figure in the tennis industry. She came here as a guest of this year's Dubai Tennis Open.

In February and March every year, it is the best time in Dubai to be neither hot nor cold. At other times, it is really not a place for people to stay outside in the scorching heat and cold. So every February and March, Dubai will host many sports events, and the annual Dubai Tennis Open is one of them. UU reading www.

When Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou arrived, the Internet was nearing the end. They were forced to go to the scene to witness the Ukrainian beauty Svitolina defeated the Danish "Sweetheart" Wozni with 6:4 and 6:2. Aceh won the championship.

Single-player sports like tennis are actually more cruel, and once the competitive state declines, it can't hide it. The cost of training tennis players and the elimination rate in the process are more shocking than football.


In the afternoon at the Riverside Stadium, when Guardiola was leading the team to fight Mi Castle, Zhuo Yang, Kou Kou, and Sister-in-law were having a barbecue in a steakhouse opened by a man named Rust Gokse in Dubai.

No one knows about Rust Gokse, but when it comes to his gangster title, ‘Sayan Brother’, it’s famous.

This guy used to work as a chef in a steakhouse in his hometown of Turkey, and his craftsmanship is average. But after all, an ordinary job can't conceal a sulky heart, and he has become an Internet celebrity with a twisted serving posture.

After that, Sayan set up his own business, but the first store was very unsuccessful because it was too expensive for the Turks to afford. After learning from the pain, with the help of the planning company, Sayan moved the battlefield to Dubai, where there is no more expensive but more expensive, and he has since reached the pinnacle of his life.

When the three of Zhuo Yang walked into Sayan's shop, David Silva scored a goal in the opening 3 minutes.

The salty brother, who was combing the retro oily head, grabbed his enchanting right hand, and let the coarse salt pass through his salty elbow in the world and spilled onto the golden steaks of the three of Zhuo Yang.

Aguero scored another goal in the 67th minute of the second half, setting the score to 2:0.

On this day, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou had a gimmicky but ordinary steak, and Manchester City made it to the FA Cup semi-finals.

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