Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 327: I will not accept an apology

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"Zhuo Yang, yesterday's game was wonderful, congratulations."

"Thank you, it is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

"Welcome, Christine, you haven't been here for a long time."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. How are you?"

The procedural greetings are very indifferent, and the sentence grammar is fixed.

The day after the match against Monaco, Zhuo Yang did not return to Manchester with the whole team, but according to the prior agreement, after lunch, he went to the Grimaldi Palace with Coco to meet with Prince Albert II.

The prince is much older, but he is not really old. As a monarch, 59 years old is considered a young and strong school. It's just that compared to the last time Zhuo Yang saw him, he was indeed old, because that was nine years ago.

Before the start of the new season in the summer of 2008, Zhuo Yang accompanied AC Milan to Monaco to participate in the European Super Cup that year. Before the game, he visited the Prince, who was only 50 years old at the time, and expressed his gratitude and apologize for his favor and love. .

The prince once strongly invited Zhuo Yang to join Monaco football, but he returned to the Chinese team that summer. Since that time, Zhuo Yang hasn't seen the prince again, and to be honest, the two have nothing to meet.

"Zhuo Yang, I admire your efforts and achievements for your country's football career, but to tell the truth, I still regret not being able to cooperate with you nine years ago." After the guest and host were seated, the prince mentioned the past. , Is also playing the emotional card, let Zhuo Yang miss his good old days.

"Thank you very much for the prince's love. It is indeed a pity that I failed to cooperate with Monaco Football. I am Chinese. It is natural and the most right thing to play for Chinese football."

The prince said kindly to Kou Kou: "Christine, you are more beautiful than you were when you were a kid. I hope that you will come here more when you have time in the future to visit this old man like me, just like in the past." Therefore, the identity of the old elders is playing the emotional card.

Kou Kou smiled and nodded lightly, without answering.

After talking about some things, the Prince's leading topic gradually approached the purpose of today's meeting.

"Zhuo Yang, Christine, not as the Prince of Monaco. As a father, I solemnly apologize to you today. I apologize for the encounter and pain you shouldn't endure, and I'm sorry."

Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou tried each other. After a moment of silence, Zhuo Yang said, "Sorry, Prince. We will not accept this apology."

The prince was a little surprised, Zhuo Yang refused very bluntly and was very unskilled.

"Your Majesty, some things that have happened in the past few years have nothing to do with you, Monaco, or the Grimaldi family. This is just a personal grievance between our husband and wife and Mr. Ergül, so you don’t need to Apologies. Where does Qian come from?"

I play word games very much, but this was originally the skill of the talks. They are all shameless, and they are all disguised in different ways.

"Zhuo Yang, I understand you, but I am Ergul's father and the prince of a country. Is this not enough?"

"Er Gül is an adult, just like me, adults must be responsible for their actions. Your Majesty, I respect you very much."

"Er Gül, after all, is the prince of Monaco." said the prince.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect. If Ergül was not the prince, there would be no talks today, and the matter would have been settled a long time ago. I don't have the habit of procrastinating in doing things, just like my football."

Zhuo Yang's answer was tit-for-tat, and he refused to give in.

In Zurich more than two months ago, Ergüle was frightened by Zhuo Yang's murderous insanity. The real **** was running out, and people became crazy. Now he has been arranged to go to the United States for treatment. It is said that there is a kind of electrotherapy at Houston Memorial Hospital which is not bad.

The appearance of Ergüle, let alone whether it can be cured, is because of the faceless feces and urine flow that day, and the image is not suitable for the position of prince. The prince is the king of Monaco in the future. Does anyone who has passed by has that temperament?

The morale of the “royalists” within the Grimaldi family who supported Ergul was low, while the “successors” mainly composed of young upstarts gathered together. Currently morale is high. They support the two-year-old Princess Charlene. Prince Jacques is the prince.

This farce is not only a dispute between the old and the new country, but also a dispute over the right to speak of the financial industry in Monaco.

How can the prince not see through these? He is like all the lofty and powerful kings in ancient and modern China and abroad. In fact, he really hopes that there will be such party disputes underneath. As long as he controls a certain degree, it will be good for his rule.

From this point of view, in fact, simply replacing the prince, the best way for the prince is to keep on dragging it down so that the two factions of the royal family and seizing the prince will keep fighting underneath. This is in the best interest of the prince. Anyway, I'm not too old, so let's wait for more than ten years.

But Ergüle is now stupid. Even if electrotherapy is cured, no one else is stupid. Everyone can see that Ergüle's courage and temperament do not meet the requirements of a prince of a country. UU看书www. is a cold joke if it is stored again.

Changing the prince became a helpless but logical thing, and the voices within the family were gradually unifying, but at this time the prince became more solemn. The reason is just as he said to Zhuo Yang-I am a father.

The prince is very aware of the dangers behind him, Zhuo Yang will never let Ergüle go. He hasn't done it now just because he cares about Monaco's face. Once Ergul's status as the crown prince is abolished, he will definitely not live long.

Ever since Zhuo Yang returned to Europe, Ergul was secretly monitored by people of unknown origin. At this moment, he was sent to the United States for treatment, and there were still various ghosts around. Who are they from? Does this need to be asked?

Although Ergul was unsatisfactory, although he was an illegitimate child, he was also the prince’s son and the prince’s first child. Although the most ruthless emperor's family, but tiger poison does not eat seeds. Even if the prince doesn't like this useless son, but he doesn't want him to die, he can't be a prince and be a rich man.

But did Zhuo Yang agree?

The prince did not move people with unknown origins around Ergul, because Zhuo Yang had not moved Ergul. Those people were actually shown to the prince by Zhuo Yang. This was tacit understanding of each other.

Once the prince used the means to move Zhuo Yang's people, this tacit understanding would cease to exist, and Zhuo Yang would naturally no longer care about Ergul's identity, and all actions would be launched immediately. This is subtle, and both sides know it well.

Zhuo Yang holds Sharma and Schmolin as witnesses in his hand. Will he be afraid of turning his face with the Grimaldi family? It's nothing more than talking about decent for the time being, don't know what is good or bad.

"Zhuo Yang, can you turn over the past and look forward to everything."

"I'm sorry, Prince, I can't agree."

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