Golden Greenery

Chapter 166: (Last) Young Master scared him away

The old Lithuanian man was not a big leather merchant at all. He was a small grocery store owner. Who wouldn’t put gold on his face when he went online? This old grandson's only hobby in his life is to hook up young women. He is particularly good. Because it is much more difficult for young women to seduce the emptiness, loneliness and not picky eaters than young girls with a beautiful heart and a higher sky. Xie Lier is purely a netizen.

This old guy is very good at playing this hand. The master in the master, his shape is also quite good, the man is like a dog, and the standard is a middle-aged man with connotation. Also willing to spend money, especially in her mouth will force bi, the woman was completely blinded by his flickering lard. His shot success rate is extremely high, higher than the free kick success rate of Six Musketeers. The old man doesn't cheat money or perverts, he likes to hunt for sex. His wife and four children were all arranged in a stable and harmonious manner by him.

Unmarried beautiful girls like Cheryl make old men rare, and have rarely seen them before. At the first sight, the time was almost ripe. The old man rushed to Hanover immediately. He was not far away anyway. He didn't know who Cheryl's boyfriend was. Otherwise, he might not be so brave.

There is no need to elaborate on success. At the beginning, Cheryl was obsessed with her new feelings. But if she really wants her to leave Mertesacker for that, she can't do it at all. The subconscious attachment and the temptation in reality embarrass her-she thinks she is embarrassed. If you don’t get hit by Mertesacker, after the old Lithuanian man has played enough, Cheryl will have a great chance of repenting because of her inner guilt for Mertesacker, and will double in love later. Her Pell.

In psychology, this is called the "derailment rebound theory" (it seems to be such a name, I can't remember clearly...). It is said that this theory was created by the Japanese. Those Japanese husbands who have been married for many years with aesthetic fatigue, continue to hunt for **** in accordance with this theory. After having repeated guilt, they rebounded themselves back and forth violently again and again. Keep the marriage fresh and maintain love.

The ghost knows whether this theory is an excuse...

If so, Cheryl will gladly agree to Mertesack's proposal, and they will live happily ever after. Like most couples, they have a few children, and when they are empty, they go out and secretly, and then join hands with Ai Ai until they grow old.

But when Mertesacker broke through all this, the two sides tore their faces, so that Cheryl had no way to look back. She could only self-suggest, advertise, and stand alone.

These days, Cheryl and Lithuanian man are mixed, and of course the old man is hooked. In order to prove to herself that this is love, the little girl was obedient to the old man, and even cheated herself a little. She did this to convince herself: See, I love this man more, this is love, I can do everything for love.

But she didn't tell the old man that her boyfriend was the big star, Grandpa Mertesacker. She couldn't say it, everyone had to face.

But the curious old man bumped into her and talked to the scar, which could not be concealed. After being questioned by the Lithuanian small boss, she had to say the name of Mertesack.

The old man panicked right now: broken, I'm doing something! Broken, broken.

He is a fan. Of course, he has learned from the newspaper that the size of the Six Musketeers has long been known, and he knows that the brothers of the Six Musketeers are all in one body, and they are all cruel. This Hanover is the site of Six Musketeers, and it really makes no difference to pack him up and run away a bedbug. Not to mention anything else, as long as the Six Musketeers showed a little wind, the Maddie fans were mixed, and the Nazi remnants were everywhere. Let these people stare at him, and don’t want the old man to return to the warm home of Vilnius in his life. .

The old man was experienced and decisive in his affairs. He walked the rivers and lakes with safety first, and immediately decided to have a large number of businesses to deal with urgently. He hurriedly kissed Cheryl, who was at a loss, and couldn't even leave the gun. When Ribéry was furious, Lithuanians were already flying in the sky.

Since then, Cheryl has never seen this Lithuanian middle-aged man who makes her dream, because people have changed all communication and contact methods, disappeared without a trace in her life, as if never It happened as if it was just a dream for her. It's just a nightmare? Is it a dream?

The ignorant woman simply doesn’t understand why, and she doesn’t know at all, it’s not her derailment that hurts the man who loves her deeply, it’s because of the words she said to clarify herself and advertise herself, those The malicious and harsh language really hurt Mertesacker. It was those words that completely made her cut off her way back. Perhaps it was a road to salvation.

The stupid and ignorant woman buried a love story that should have been circulated and praised by the world. The destroyed love was originally a beautiful fairy tale. However, a woman will never know what she has lost, maybe she already knows, but she does not want to let herself know.

Of course, all six Musketeers are unaware.


Compared to Zhuo Yang, Mertesacker wants to see a lot more. It was different from Zhuo Yang because of the entanglement and unreasonableness of Reshakova. Once the grandma said, let go. Li Xiaoqing inadvertently woke Zhuo Yang in one sentence, and this sentence also let Grandma Mo recognize his heart. He frankly admitted that he hated Cheryl, and gritted his teeth. But the pure-hearted Mertesack will never do any It is not that he is incapable, but that he thinks it is not worth it. He would not pretend to wish Cheryl happiness in the future, what kind of eggs, fortunately not happy to do my fart!

Grandpa loved it with deep affection and hatred brightly.

Don’t laugh at hatred. People who hate are not narrow-minded, but because they have a clear sense of grievance. As the saying goes, vengeance must be wieldable!

This hatred made Grandpa not to forgive Cheryl again, nor to give her a chance to come again, that's all. Treating this feeling, as time passed, Mertesack gradually became indifferent, because he was a man who was always walking forward, because there was a woman in front of him who truly loved him and cherished him waiting for him.

The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference!

The best way to delete information on your computer is not to uninstall it, but to overwrite it with new information after uninstalling. To forget a relationship or a person is not to forcibly erase the relationship and person from the brain, but to find a new replacement.

If Zhuo Yang was not accompanied by Li Xiaoqing, how could he get out of that negative emotion so easily. Although he is not a couple with Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing's tenderness and lovelyness greatly soothed his frightened heart.

Grandpa Mo, who was far more injured than Zhuo Yang, heard Xiaozhu say: "My girl, Lydia, there are many small actors and models in their circle. I have seen several of them, all of which are organized. There are discs. But we are the players but we are very popular..."

Piggy's sullen mouth and face saw scars and eyebrows fluttering and dancing, and now Vasiba caught his head and lowered his eyebrows immediately after glaring at him.

"How is it? Grandpa. Tomorrow I asked Lydia to make an appointment. See you next time. Anyway, you are idle..."

Grandpa Mo gladly agreed.

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