Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 557: There is no more jade in football

   There was a lot of noise in the media, but Zhuo Yang, the focus figure, left Manchester City in a hurry two hours after the end of the game and flew to the United States overnight on his private jet.

   Kaka is about to retire, Zhuo Yang went to watch his last game.

   Kaka, born in 1982, is about to turn 35 years old. Compared to his time in Milan when he was crowned with jade, he now has a beard and a slightly fattened figure.

   jade, not very jade, but some middle-aged authentic greasy.

   However, in Zhuo Yang's mind, Kaka is still the jade son on the shore of Lake Como.

  In the eyes of the world, who doesn’t it?

   At the beginning of the year, Kaka and Carolina came to Manchester and told Zhuo Yang that they planned to retire. However, by the end of the year, only Zhuo Yang knew about Kaka's decision to retire.

   Actually, Kaka’s contract with Major League Orlando City has an optional one-year renewal option. In a total of 34 league rounds in 2017, he played 23 times and scored 6 goals and 6 assists. Although he is no longer the courage of Milan, he has continued the level of competition in the United States for three years.

   Kaka is still the number one star of the Orlando City Club and still has the star strength of the major leagues. It's just that he doesn't want to kick anymore.

   Orlando City is not a strong team in the major leagues, but a new army. The club only registered in 2010 and only had a first-tier team in 2013. It was already in 2015 to participate in major league games. Kaka can be regarded as the first batch of Orlando City teams.

   For three years, Orlando City has been in the second half of the standings. The 2017 season has just ended, and it ranks 18th among 22 teams. Fortunately, the major leagues are neither New Year's Eve nor relegation, and there is no survival crisis if they play poorly.

Excluding the star Kaka, the only well-known players on the team are the 32-year-old midfielder Antonio Nocerino of former AC Milan and the Jamaican striker Giles Giles, who has played for Fulham and West Brom in the Premier League. Barnes.

   Orlando City is very willing to execute the contract extension with Kaka, and in the eyes of outsiders, Kaka also has no reason to refuse.

   But Kaka decided to retire, and he didn't tell anyone in the circle. For the time being, Orlando City has not been notified, only Zhuo Yang.

   This time, Zhuo Yang did not persuade Kaka, he seems to understand him well now.

  Sometimes, Zhuo Yang also asks himself, in his football life, what is the difference between Kaka and Pigma. After thinking about it, the answer seems obvious. Six Musketeers are brothers, and Kaka is a football love.

   This is the only reason why Kaka only told Zhuo Yang.

   We are a couple, in the name of football.

   My wife is going to retire, how can my husband not come? Female junior holds gold bricks, and Kakabi Zhuoyang is three years older.

   AC Milan’s Zhuoca is the best double pride, perhaps in football history, the two offensive superstars in the same team are close together to achieve a win-win situation. In 2007, they won the World Footballer and the Ballon d'Or, and they were second to each other. In a century of football, there will be no similar second pair.

   Don’t think it’s easy, selfishness is the deepest nature of human beings.

   Zhuo Yang used to think that it was mainly his own credit, but later he discovered that it was actually Kaka.

  Because I did not win with Messi in Barcelona, ​​nor did I win with Ronaldo in Real Madrid, no matter how good the personal relationship is, but in terms of honor, he alone won.

   Zhuo Yang doesn't know why Kaka keeps his retirement secret, but since he wants to keep it secret, just let him.

   Kaka asked him not to tell anyone. Zhuo Yang agreed, but he didn't believe it. He told Guardiola.

   Don’t say no, or ask for leave. Seeing what the old guy looked like he was dying and dying, Zhuo Yang couldn't bear to make up other reasons to deceive him.

   However, Zhuo Yang also warned me: if you dare to tell others, I will get into your car and shit.

The old melancholy said with a sad face: If you don’t go, you can pull it now, open it, and there is paper in the glove box, smelling... well, go early and return early, don’t read books on the plane back and forth, ancestor, I beg go to bed.

  Since I don’t plan to tell anyone for the time being, Kaka will not have a special retirement match. What Zhuo Yang is going to watch is a charity match between Orlando City and Philadelphia. It's at the home stadium of Orlando, Exprolia Stadium.

   All ticket income from the game will be donated to the victims of the 8.2 magnitude earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico in September this year. Kaka is kind, if he weren't so famous, he wouldn't even have this game, and he would immediately disappear at the end of last month.

   It stands to reason that a player like Kaka is worthy of the Brazilian national team or Milan, Real Madrid, and Sao Paulo when he debuted, and even Orlando. Whoever came forward to organize a retired farewell game to bury his career.

   Ke Kaka said that he didn’t need it, but it would make it uncomfortable.

   In fact, Kaka is very clear in his heart that the big clubs are now at the busiest time of the schedule, and the national team is also doing everything possible to make time for the World Cup. If you really want to prepare for a high-level retirement game, you have to wait until the end of the World Cup next summer, or even later.

   What does that mean? It's like charity.

   Low-key is the ultimate luxury.


   The small city of Orlando in Florida is most famous for its citrus fruits, Disney and NBA Magic, as well as the Yo-Yo World Cup. The influence of the football city of Orlando here is only average.

   The Citrus Bowl Stadium, which can seat up to 60,000 people, only came to less than 9,000 today, which shows that the public is not too enthusiastic about charity. It was also one of the venues for the 1994 World Cup and the Centennial America’s Cup last year.

   Among the nine thousand people, only Zhuo Yang, who was in thin casual clothes, knew that this would be Kaka's last run in football. In Orlando in November, the climate is very comfortable, a bit like spring.

   There is nothing to hide from such a big **** coming to the citrus bowl. The home team Orlando City Club enthusiastically invited Zhuo Yang to kick off the charity match. After thinking about it, he did not refuse.

   Coming to the middle circle, Zhuo Yang kicked the football symbolically to Orlando's No. 10 player, Ricardo Izekson dos Santos Reiter.

   Kaka with a beard and stubble smiled, his smile as clear as in Lake Como and La Finca. Stopping the ball firmly, he walked over and hugged Zhuo Yang tightly.

   Time seems to be frozen, and the warm sunshine in the winter afternoon in the northern hemisphere shines on them, like a holy mu in a church.

   The teenager who came out of Sao Paulo conquered the entire football world with his smile, conquered the most unruly genius in the football world, but was unable to conquer injuries, years and regrets in his heart.

   The master of Mo is like jade, the son is unparalleled in the world. After today, there will be no Jade in football, and everyone else is unworthy.

   A ray of sunshine followed, from Sao Paulo to Milan, to Madrid, until Zhuo Yang said, "Master, my beard hurts my face."

   They laughed, their smiles were brighter than the sun, but they saw the faint sparkle in each other's eyes, like the afterglow of the setting sun flowing over clear water.

   There is nothing to say in the next game, but Zhuo Yang regretted it. He felt that he should ask Orlando City for a cameo. Because the score was 3:3 and Kaka didn't score a goal, he wanted to go up and pass him the last kick.

   It was too late. In the 70th minute, before Zhuo Yang moved, Kaka was replaced. Colombian forward Carlos Rivas has no idea how honored he is.

   Kaka walked out of the court without exception, and then the iconic two-finger heaven prayer action. Zhuo Yang counted, and it took him 22 steps to get out of the court.

   The next day in Orlando, Zhuo Yang returned to Manchester. Kaka informed Orlando City that he would not renew his contract, but did not explain why. UU reading

   Kaka leaves, and there are only three brothers of the Six Musketeers left in the current Grand Slam players.

  What is a grand slam? The player who combines the World Cup champion, the Champions League champion and the Ballon d'Or (World Footballer) is one. In football history, there are a total of eleven Grand Slam players, Bobby Charlton, Paul Rossi, Ged Muller, Beckenbauer, Zidane, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Kaka , Meng Er, Shi Xiaozhu, and Grandpa Mo.

   is as great as Zhuo Yang, and there is no grand slam.

   One month later, December 17th was a day without any special features. On this day, Kaka officially announced his decision to retire through the media at his home in Sao Paulo.

   No one knows why he chose this day, because they all forgot, only Zhuo Yang still remembers.

  On this day exactly ten years ago, on December 17, 2007, AC Milan player Kaka won the European Golden Globe Award.


   "Master, regarding your new career, I recommend a very good teacher to you. Would you like to go?"

   "I will seriously consider it. Zhuo Yang, promised to remember us."

   "I'll talk about it until that day. Also, quickly shave your beard."



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