Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 576: Eiffel wins the Golden Globe

   One of the important reasons why the Eiffel Tower is iron is to facilitate the removal.

   150 years ago, France lost in the Franco-Prussian War.'Prussian' is Prussia, and Emperor Napoleon never served as King William I.

   This defeat changed the pattern of Europe. France fell from the position of European hegemon. Prussia completed its unification and formed the German Empire, replacing France as the new hegemon.

   Ten years later, France, which established a republic, gradually recovered from defeat. In order to demonstrate its national strength and rebuild its national confidence, it decided to host another World Expo in Paris. The reason for this is that Paris has hosted the first nine World Expos for three times.

   In order to have an eye-catching landmark building, France invited the world to tender to build a tall tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris. There are two requirements: it can attract tourists to buy tickets to visit the tower; it can be easily demolished after the Expo.

   was it demolished later? This question cannot be asked without cerebral thrombosis in 128 years.

   On December 9th, the 2017 European Golden Globes were presented at the 128-year-old Eiffel Tower.

   The first floor of the iron tower is also the most extensive floor of the three observatories. Zhuo Yang retrieved his golden ball in the conference hall here.

   Previously, the European Golden Globe Awards were held on French TV 1 or the Opera Garnier in Paris. The precipitation was heavy, but the location lacked a little innovation.

   In the first time after the division of the double awards, UEFA also changed its head. The newcomers have a new look. The 2017 awards finally have some new meanings.

In fact, everyone knows that there is no suspense from the beginning, so when the host, French football star Ginola and host Ronaldo deliberately analyze the strengths of the final three candidates, the bottom will laugh from time to time. .

   Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi laughed a little embarrassingly, until Ginola announced that Zhuo Yang won the prize, they both let out a sigh of relief.

   The top three rankings are no different from the order of the World Footballers ten days ago. Zhuo Yang won the 2017 World Footballer and the European Golden Globe Awards.

   This year is the first after the double-award separation.

   Eight years ago in 2009, it was also the last time two flowers bloomed before the double-award combination. Zhuo Yang achieved a private double-award win for the first time after Ronaldo in 2002. After reopening the first two duo eight years later, he once again took over, everything seemed to be reincarnation.

Even if you don’t count the double-awarded Mr. Golden Globe in 2011, just talk about the Golden Globe Award. In 2005, 2006, 2009, 2017, Zhuo Yang surpassed Cruyff and Platini who won three times by four times. With the three ancient sages of Basten, they became the first person in the history of the European Golden Globe Awards.

   Da Luo, Pei Huang, Keegan, Di Stefano, Rummenigge, they are all twice.

   When Zhuo Yang won the Golden Globe Award for the first time in 2005, he also broke Ronaldo's 1997 age record of 21 at the age of 20.

   From 2005 to 2017, it spans 12 years. If anyone wakes up from a big dream in these 12 years, it would be surprised howoldareyou? Why is it always you?

   However, Zhuo Yang didn't even get the first place in the age ranking. He won the prize at the age of 32, ranking fourth only in history, losing to Stanley Matthews at 41 years old in 1956, Lev Yashin at 34 years old in 1963, and Cannavaro at 33 years old in 2006.

   Ginola bypassed Yassin and Cannavaro, and asked Zhuo Yang directly: "Are there any plans to break Matthews' age record?"

   Ordinary people would say a few polite words for the occasion, but Zhuo Yang replied decisively: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, because my princess doesn't allow it."

   The camera turned around, Kou Kou couldn't hide the triumph in his smile.

   She stipulated that Zhuo Yang was 40 years old as a bar, and she must not retire beyond this age. Kou Kou has reason to be proud of the overlord in the football world.

   But Ginola was a little embarrassed, and the originally prepared talk was useless, so she had to talk awkwardly.

   "Oh,...Is that really a shame. So, who do you think will break the Matthews record?"

   Zhuo Yang is speechless: Does someone have to break it? 41 years old! There are many people who have been kicked to 41 years old, but is it a human thing to win an award at the age of 41? Matthews is an ancient fairy, okay?

   ‘Magic’ Matthews was an England player before and after World War II, the best right winger of that era. He not only set the 41-year-old Golden Globe age record, but 50 years and 5 days is also the European professional league debut record.

   Zhuo Yang loves football enough, but still shudder at the age of 50. However, Zhuo Yang also knows that his mentality, like most top players, is essentially unwilling to be surpassed and become a marginal person before going to waste.

However, Matthews' 50 years and 5 days is not a world record. Today, the 51-year-old Miura Chira is still playing, and the 55-year-old Uruguayan player Robert Carmona is still playing. The record goes.

   As soon as Guinness is involved, it is too fancy. It is said that several clubs have already moved their minds and plan to sign some retired players and even amateur players over the age of seventy. They will sign a short contract for this purpose, and then let them go up and play a kick, just aiming at the Guinness record.

   But what's the point of this?

   Zhuo Yang, if he wants to, can sign with his Fort Madison at the age of eighty, and he can score goals. Believe it or not?

   But what's the point of this?

   Speaking of Fort Madi, in the final round of Group F of the Champions League two days ago, at the same time that Manchester City defeated Dun Mine 5:4 away, Fort Madi played a draw at home and drew 0:0 to the powerful Naples.

As a result, Manchester City 18, Castel Madi 6, Naples 5, Dun Mine 5, Castel Madi reached the top 16 of the Champions League with the lowest scoring group, and Naples, with the advantage of mutual win-loss relationship, somehow lost. A group third went to the UEFA Cup.

   For Zhuo Yang, UU reading is the result he wants to see most.

   I was so angry that I cursed the street, but who was the blame for your last three consecutive defeats?

   After the Champions League group match, all five Premier League teams successfully passed through the barriers, and all ranked first in the group. Atletico, Dortmund, and Monaco, the three traditional strong teams were slapped and eliminated.



Ginola’s problem couldn’t be troubled by Zhuo Yang. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he said: “Among us, the only person who hopes to break the age record for Sir Matthews’s award is Buffon. Am I right? Mr. Buffon?"

   Buffon, who was 40 years old, smiled happily. With his excellent performance at Juventus last season, he ranked fifth in this award, which is also a pretty good result.

   But Buffon knew he was hopeless, because he had withdrawn from the Italian national team without the World Cup, and Juventus had little hope of dominating Europe in the short term.

   However, Zhuo Yang's words made Ronaldo a kind of hope.

   The two of them are the same age. Since Zhuo Yang will retire before the age of forty, as long as Mr. Luo stays in his form until the age of forty, aren't Jin Qiu and Mr.'s prizes in hand?

   can't provoke me to kill you! On this night, Cristiano Ronaldo had a new goal. He vowed to break Matthews's 41-year-old Golden Globe award.


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