Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 578: Manchester City Derby Infernal Affairs

   is blue for one day, and blue for life. Although Manchester City and Chelsea are not a blue, but in Lukaku's view, it is not Manchester United's red anyway.

   Lukaku is an undercover agent, he knows he is an undercover agent, Mourinho also suspected that he is an undercover agent.

   In the 2013 European Super Cup, the UEFA Champions League champion Bayern Munich played against UEFA Cup champions Chelsea, Guardiola and Mourinho's war continued.

   Scored 1:1 in 90 minutes, and scored 2:2 in 120 minutes. In the penalty shootout, Lukaku, the last Chelsea player to play, did not forget his undercover mission, he gently pushed the football into Neuer's arms.

   Guardiola won, Lukaku smiled.

   But his actions almost betrayed his identity. Although no evidence was found, Lukaku was sold to Everton by Mourinho a few days later.

On that day, Guardiola said to him: "Your foundation is up, so forget me and your mission for a while. But if you haven't followed me, it is still possible to get Mourinho's trust again. You will be successful. The bones are dead, let's go after a toast, take care."

   Lukaku did not forget his original intention, he succeeded. With one goal after another, especially the two goals in Everton's two wins against Manchester City last season, he finally regained the trust of Mourinho and returned to him after a lapse of four years.

   Four years later, Guardiola finally contacted him again. Just yesterday, Lukaku received a new task-to find out Mourinho's undercover in Manchester City.

   After deleting the text message, Lukaku's face is calm-this is the basic skill of undercover, but his heart is already surging.

   Blue did not forget me! I am still lurking in the deep sea in red.

   There can be only one undercover. Lukaku doesn't know who his comrades-in-arms in Manchester United are, but he knows there are. Manchester City must also have Mourinho's undercover agent. Lukaku's task today is to dig him or them out.

   Before acting, one must first make a judgment. The first person Lukaku suspected was the referee "Blind Man" Oliver.

   In recent years, Manchester City has a high winning rate under Oliver's whistle, while Manchester United often wins red cards in Oliver's enforcement games. These behaviors seem not like undercover, but pure black whistle.

   After the announcement of the designated referee two days ago, Mourinho immediately stood up and expressed concern about the justice of the law enforcement, but Lukaku became suspicious again.

   The thief shouts to catch the thief, wants to cover up, and deliberately exudes hostility, which is the simplest operation to clear the relationship.

   There is no way, when the undercover person lacks everything, but there is no lack of suspiciousness. Everyone looks like a ghost. Lukaku believes that he is not just thinking about it, because it is too difficult to see through a person in this world.

   In the third minute of the game, Walker kicked Herrera's head in the frontcourt, and Oliver immediately showed his yellow card. Lukaku was puzzled again: giving it so early, it didn't look like an undercover agent.

   Herrera, who replaced Pogba's starting lineup today, is definitely not an undercover agent. Just now, he was kicked and hugged his legs on the turf. When the brand came on, he immediately jumped up and vigorously. He is a dramatist.

   Lukaku suspects that Aguero is an undercover agent, because the Argentine scored twice in the Champions League four days ago, showing that his form is very good, but today Guardiola did not let him start.

  Aguero is from Uncle Bird? Was discovered by Gua Sir? Isn't it circulated that he is a member of Qi Xuanzong?

   In this year, everyone has multiple identities. If you don’t have five or six layers of skin off, you don’t even know who he is. Lukaku sometimes forgets who he is, just like in the song: we are all on the road, forgetting the way out.

   Lukaku is afraid of getting lost in the chaotic life undercover, so he sometimes takes the risk to remind himself not to forget his original intentions.

   A week ago, they challenged Arsenal in an away game. Seeing Manchester United's three-pointer was about to get, Professor Wenger was almost crying on the sidelines, and Lukaku was also immersed in the happiness of victory. Suddenly, he became alert. He is an undercover agent and should not be happy because of Manchester United's happiness.

   So, he had a clever idea to hook out a difficult dead spot on the front side of his house, and the little monster wanted to break the happiness that shouldn't be.

   Ke De Gea is ‘father’ again, and he saves the ball with an unbelievable pounce.

   The game was won as expected, but Uncle Bird became angry after the game.

   "I know there is a ghost in our team, you better pray not to let me catch it." After that, Uncle Bird fell the three-headed abalone lunch.

   Lukaku remained silent on the surface, but was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, a week later, he continued to get the starter. Obviously, Uncle Bird didn't doubt him. It was Lindelof who got the starter. Will he be an undercover agent?

   It is the mystery of God De Gea who said: "I didn't tell Uncle Bird that your click was deliberate. Isn't it interesting? Brother Lu, you secretly tell me, is it cool to hook it?"

   So Lukaku suspects that De Gea is also an undercover agent, but he is not sure whether he is an undercover agent. Mourinho sent him to test his fake undercover agent.

   Alas, the water in Infernal Affairs is too deep, I want to go home.

   The only insider exposed by Manchester United is Mkhitaryan, who has been completely excluded from the lineup by Uncle Bird. Lukaku did not dare to inquire, but his teammates all said that Mkhitaryan was Wenger's undercover.

   He was exposed because he missed his mouth while talking in a dream during a nap, and he was heard about "Erchang Dream" and "Teacher Me Tired" and so on.


In the 15th minute, Lukaku suspected that Rashford was an undercover agent, because he could obviously pass to Lingard, who had raised his hand for a long time on the left side of the backcourt, but had to forcibly lead it forward. Yang and De Bruyne broke off easily.

   is not an undercover agent, it is difficult to do such a stupid thing. Rashford is only 20 years old, alas, no one in the world can understand me.

   Rashford may be really stupid, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Lingard might be more like a ghost. He scored two goals in the last game against Arsenal, which was amazing, but at this moment in today's game, let alone shooting, Lukaku almost never saw him touch a football.

  Lingard looked like an undercover agent who came up to the game with a stealth mission. Is he also from Gua Sir? It shouldn't be. Without Uncle Bird, he would not be at Manchester United today. I heard that Chef Fan was disgusted when seeing Lingard. Only Uncle Bird became the halberd of the Manchester United Trident.

   The tridents are Lukaku, Martial and Rashford. Lingard is not only a halberd, but also the dance king of Manchester United.

   After stealing the ball, Zhuo Yang rolled over and pulled the Manchester United defense line. De Bruyne split the ball to the center.

   Sterling caught the ball and turned around, kicked the wall with Jesus, who was leaning against Valencia on the penalty area line, and then wiped the ball into the penalty area.

   Smalling slowed down, but Sterling also shot softly. His shot was more like a return pass to De Gea.

   Lukaku instantly suspected Sterling was an undercover agent, otherwise he could not explain why his shot was so joking. He was born in Liverpool, and may be red for a day and life. Although Manchester United and Liverpool are not the same red, they have always been red and blue.

   Lukaku secretly looked at Gua Sir, but Gua Sir didn't look at him, but shook his head quietly.


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