Golden Greenery

: Chapter 64: Transporting Coal to Newcastle

Hugo Lloris was delighted when he saw that Sergio Aguero came to kick the penalty.

The conflict between teammates was persuaded by Tottenham, and it was too ugly to fight in front of other people's homes. Of course, Manchester City players and Blue Moon certainly don't think so. Those who see funerals are never too old.

Lorris cursed and returned to the door, and Sun Xingmin walked out of the restricted area with his head down.

"Hi, Sun." Zhuo Yang reached out his hand.

After a light high-five, Zhuo Yang rubbed his head again.

Sun Xingyun didn't know what Zhuo Yang wanted to express, but at this moment, he suddenly envied Zhuo Yang.

Zhuo Yang has played for many teams in the Quartet. I have never heard of anyone who dares to treat him like Lorris treated Sun Xingmin today. Maybe, but Sun Xingyun didn't know.

In the match between Manchester City and Liverpool a month ago, Zhuo Yang angered his teammates Stones, Otamendi and Edson on the pitch. It was clear from the TV footage that the experts even had the right words. This was a hot event at the time.

But the three people who were scolded not only didn't answer back on the court, but after the game they faced the media, they also tried to round the court for themselves, and even acquitted Zhuo Yang by appointment.

People have to throw away.

Sun Xingmin didn't want to learn from Zhuo Yang, but he didn't want to be scolded by his teammates, let alone being scolded in public.

Five years ago, in the 34th round of the 2012-13 Bundesliga season, Hamburg lost to Schalke 1:4 away, completely losing hope of entering the top three Champions League.

In the game, Hamburg winger Sun Xingmin did not follow Huntelaar closely when he returned to defense in the 66th minute, allowing the Dutchman to complete a hat trick. The central defender Westman, who was transferred from Fort Madi, was overtaken by Huntelaar, but he cast his temper on Sun Xingmin.

Just like Lloris today, Westman's spit star sprayed Sun Xingmin with urinary alkali on his face.

The team leader Van der Vaart blasted Westman away and comforted Sun Xingmin. He still remembers Van der Vaart's comforting content that day.

—Don’t worry about that guy. When he was in Fort Mady, seeing Zhuo Yang was like a filial son meeting his father.

Sun Xingming knows that this comforting sentence actually contains provocation, but the rookie Sun Xingming still thinks of the big man Van der Vaart very well.

In 2015, Sun Xingyu left Leverkusen and eventually chose Tottenham among several teams, which is also a factor recommended by Van der Vaart.

After leaving Real Madrid in 2010, Van der Vaart came to Tottenham to play for two years and formed a fairly dreamy midfielder with Magic Flute, Bell and Lennon before returning to Hamburg.

Now 35-year-old Rafael Van der Vaart is in the Danish Super Jutland Club, but I heard that he doesn't play well in the game, and he is basically in the reserve team. It is estimated that this year is almost the end.

Tottenham star Van der Vaart told the media at Christmas last year: If I can, I will give Sun Xingmin 100 points.

Now Sun Xingmin is no longer a rookie, and has a faint figure of a top star, but he is still sprayed by his teammates on the court. But this time, no Van der Vaart was around to comfort him.

Brother Fan, are you okay in a foreign country? I want you…

Zhuo Yang didn't know that Sun Xingmin would think of Van der Vaart, who had long disappeared from his football memory, and he knew that Aguero wanted to take a penalty kick.

"Old Zhuo, let me kick it. I know the rules. I'll invite you to drink mate tea later."

"No problem, who is my brother with whom."

Guardiola annoys Zhuo Yang the most, and the penalty is allowed. Don’t you know it’s only 1:0 now?

Before Zhuo Yang came, the penalty kick was actually Manchester City's weakness. Aguero is the first penalty shooter, but he only shoots 68%, which is the flagstick in his chopsticks. Before, Pei Gong also tried Tintin, Sterling, Toure and even Fei Niao, but they were not reliable, and finally fell on Aguero, who needs the most goals.

Seeing that Aguero came to play was a double happiness for Lloris. Yixi was so happy that Sun Xingmin was so happy.

As long as it is not played by Zhuo Yang, Lorris will feel happy and confident.

The idler coach "Bald Crane" Tuchel in the stands asked Lien Gallagher, the former Oasis lead singer next to him, "Do you think Aguero will punish him?"

Tuchel is idle, just watching the game has nothing to do with Manchester City, Tottenham, Laogua, Zhuo Yang, Jingdogan. He is also a rock music lover and met Gellerg a few years ago.

Liam Gallagher is undoubtedly a talented person. He has a bad temper and a bad mouth, or else he wouldn't have disbanded such a good Oasis band because of a fight with his brother.

Gallagher and the former Oasis were **** Manchester City fans, and Manchester City was still a mediocre poor boy. Back then, Oasis fan Beckham persuaded Gallagher to turn to support Manchester United, but he was bashed away by him: since ancient times, red and blue are incompatible, get out!

Princess Diana died in a car accident in France that year, and the whole country mourned. Liam Gallagher stood up and poked his lips and said: Many people never give their mothers to the grave, but they cry because they don’t know the princess. It's too hypocritical.

How about it, does this buddy have the quality of being a bargainer? Tell the truth all day long.

Both the former rock star and the popular idle football coach need to maintain a certain degree of media exposure, so today the two appear together in the stands of the city stadium.

Seeing Tuchel asking himself, Gallagher answered without hesitation: "I can definitely kick in, Aguero..."

Before the words fell, Akun's push shot accurately hit the right post.

"...It's a dog."

Lorris's joy continues, but happiness is like the memories of the Green Wind band, always fleeting.

‘Oh! ’

Zhuo Yang slipped the shovel to get the football into the goal first, 2:0.

"It belongs to whom it should be." Tuchel stood up and applauded.

On the sidelines, Guardiola also spread his hands and shrugged, his face covered with ‘’.

‘’ is an English idiom, literally translated as ‘carrying coal to Newcastle’. Newcastle is the coal capital of the United Kingdom, so the meaning of ‘’ means: take off your pants and fart—a redundant act.

Then the game ended in the first half.

The infighting between Loris and Sun Xingmin greatly affected the morale of Tottenham, Uncle Bo had to do something, so he replaced Sun Xingmin with Lamela. UU reading

Can't change Lorris?

Sun Xingyun didn't argue for himself, he just thought of Van der Vaart again.汜减bxW x.C*o汜

Strong dialogue, usually means 2:0 and 1:0 in the first half, but not very big. The second goal means that Tottenham has no retreat. If you don’t want to lose the strength of a strong team, you can only risk being missed in the second half. Fight for the risks.

As Pochettino had hoped, Tottenham was missed.

Tottenham persisted until the 70th minute, and then Ding Ding received Zhuo Yang's pass in the penalty area and shot diagonally to the next goal, 3:0.

Perhaps Uncle Bo realized something at this time. He replaced Sissoko for Ali, who was in extremely bad condition today.

The subsequent game belonged to Sterling who replaced Aguero. He scored twice in the 80th and 85th minutes, allowing Tottenham to taste a bitter 0:5 again. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

When the camera was shown to Sun Xingmin on the bench, he was expressionless.

East Asians are accustomed to showing no signs of sadness and joy. Sun Xingmin was actually quite relieved when he saw Lloris's sad face in tears.

The final score is 5:1. In 90+2, Sterling and Foden, who replaced Zhuo Yang, made a pass error in the backcourt. After being intercepted by Eriksson, he scored a goal to bring back the face. Mi He Mi

At that moment, Edson really wanted to learn from Lloris, and went to spray Sterling. But he just thought about it, because in Manchester City, only Zhuo Yang has the power to spray people.

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