Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 695: Distance barrier butter hand

Many people don't understand why Zhuo Yang wants Fabian Delph to replace David Silva. Frankly speaking, even Zhuo Yang himself doesn't know why.


  Delph can also play in midfield. He was originally a full-back, but his type and Silva are in the same sky and the other underground.


   Under Laogua, Delph is basically a left-back, from dead bench to main force to dead bench. But he is much lower-key than Debuxi. Although he has a good relationship with Zhuo Yang, he knows his own strengths and never expects to be a second devil.


   Zhuo Yang Youzhao, Delph is obliged. On the bench are Aguero, Sterling, and Sane, the offensive Big Three. Delph, who is still in charge of so many, played on the field in a flash.


   Zhuo Yang chose Delph, not because he was awesome, but because he was more trustworthy subconsciously, and it felt more reliable than Debuich.


Even if Zhuo Yang is not counted, Manchester City has no shortage of stars and even superstars, but whether Akun, Tintin, Silva, Fei Niao, or Gundogan, Jesus, as well as Sterling and Sane, Zhuo Yang is considered Understand that, the key game is not the main game of extraordinary performance.


   Especially Akun and Ding Ding, let alone extraordinary performance, they can perform normally when they encounter key games, and they always can't play at their own level when they are critical.


   Sometimes this thing is something in the bones, it is not easy to cultivate, and it is also difficult to change. Whether they can cross that hurdle depends on their own destiny.


In the last ten minutes of fighting, what you need is not to pile up attackers. If you can score a goal, you will have enough manpower. What you need is steadiness and hard work. What is needed is Zhuo Yang to keep going east and never going west. .


   Debich and Delph may not be as good as Kun Zhasa's aura on the goal, but De Tu, Dum, Milner and other people are tough, but they are obviously more suitable than them.


   To put it plainly, Zhuo Yang needs cannon fodder at this time, bricks and tiles, and the others in Manchester City's front court are pearl jade and white jade soup. They can't do this job.




   In the 86th minute, Tintin made a cross pass after getting rid of the midfield. It was intercepted by Detu and Milner from the feet of Jesus. Liverpool then counterattacked.


   Debuich wrapped up Chamberlain in time, making his hastily pass through unsatisfactory, and Otamendi got it.


  Ota is the least pitted in Manchester City's defense line full of pit attributes. He is not as domineering as Lao Kong, nor as wise as Stones, but he is a tough guy.


   The collision with Mane shortly after the first half of the game caused Ota to get a hard blow on the chin. The chin was connected to the back of his head, and he felt that his brain was a little awkward, but he clenched his teeth and insisted.


   Salah's goal at the opening in the second half, Horta fell inexplicably while defending Mane, but after a slight concussion, there was a temporary balance problem, and he was too embarrassed to tell others.


   After kicking this time, Ota's brain is still not very bright, and with the arrival of the critical point of physical fitness, he feels more dizzy, but he is still embarrassed to tell people. Tough guy, don't be too hypocritical, pay attention to a slight injury and not get the line of fire.


   Facing Liverpool's ball, Horta stopped twisting his chest and turned to the right. As soon as the action was made, he knew he was wrong because Salah was on his right.


   The unintelligible brain, knowingly, still made the wrong choice, as if it had been wicked.


   The unexpected joy came, Salah didn't show up in his head at all, and the ball dropped to the bottom. Ota put his head on the grinding plate and Stones desperately to chase after him.


   Salah pressed the bottom line and swept the goal, the speed of the ball went straight past Edson in the front post.


   Zhuo Yang, who is still in the midfield, has a cold heart: Finished!


   Wijnaldum and Arnold both hit the empty goal, whoever breathes the ball will have it.




I don’t know how Delf came out. He was shoveling and spinning between the two of them. In the small penalty area, the football was unbelievably cleared out of the crossbar. Then he was caught by the two of them. Crackling and kicking into the net, it was so miserable that it was no one.


  Delph's difficult clearance is equivalent to two goals for Manchester City, because what he solved was Liverpool's second away goal in a lore match.


   Zhuo Yang and Manchester City teammates fished out Delph from the bottom of the net with tears, and there were three 43-yard sole prints on the men’s stomach. If it weren't for Tuye's fierce words, and the fact that Dum and Arnold were really unstoppable, Zhuo Yang would have to beat both of them if he didn't have the game.


   helped and turned around twice, and Delph was alive and kicking again, also a tough guy.


   This scene will become the most classic shot of England international Fabian Delph during his time at Manchester City.


   Inspired by Delph's heroism, the Manchester City people's hard work suddenly went up a step, and the people who would run into bad water gurgled out.


   Liverpool's corner kick did not cause any movement. After a quick retreat, the b seat brushed the side and sank to the bottom and was destroyed by Robertson, and Manchester City also got a corner kick.

   Tintin kicked a low flat arc, Zhuo Yang was restricted by Van Dyke at the front point, and after giving a random head, the football crossed the middle Stones and other big men.


   Karius didn't slow under his feet, and he fell to the ground with a few steps and punched the ball away.


   Debuich got angry, because he was just a little bit short, and Chamberlain was wrapped in his hind legs, otherwise it was very likely to stab the ball in.


   There was a fire in his heart, so Debich didn't pay attention to it when he fell down by inertia. It seemed that he was protecting himself, but in fact he wedges his elbow on Karius' temple.


   Karius was almost killed.


   Old rivers and lakes flow bad water like this, everyone knows that he is doing bad things, but you have no evidence, tears of Liverpool’s popularity are rolling in their eyes.


   Xu is because Silva was kicked off the field just now and Delph was almost cut off. This time Raos didn't even give Derby a yellow card.


   Detu's face turned black. He said to Debuich: "Matthew,'s passed."


   "Old Tu, I really **** didn't mean it, you guy... Chamberlain, he tripped my leg behind, I'm still thinking about finding a penalty."


   "Ahhh, shameless."


   Karius lay on the ground for three minutes. I don't know if it really takes so long or is deliberately grinding time. Anyway, waiting for him to get up and play again, the time has entered stoppage time.


   Delph lay down for a while, Karius lay down for a while, and the sideline gave him 4 minutes.


   Karius did not pretend, he had a minor concussion after Otamendi.


   Concussion is a magical thing. It is completely self-prosecuted and cannot be detected by any equipment. As long as I say he has it, concussion is also used to touch porcelain.


   But concussion does exist, and its symptoms are not only headaches and nausea. Some people lose their sense of balance when they are hit, and some people lose their sense of distance temporarily.


   Someone smashed you in the face with a punch. Don’t fight back, just hold your head and go to the hospital, telling the doctor that you can’t drive because you can’t estimate the distance between cars correctly. This is a sense of distance disorder, a minor injury, wait for him to take the money to settle you down.


   Karius is an old driver, he will not drive today.


   He doesn't know what distance disorder is, and he has never heard of it. Even if I heard it, even if I knew it, it was too late, because Zhuo Yang was forced to rush.


   Time is approaching, like a reminder, the benches on both sides of the field have all stood up and watched the field nervously. Life or death, this is a question.


   You know friendship for a lifetime. Tu Ye and Zhuo Yang's friendship is so good, like paint and glue, they didn't separate much this night.


   said that Kanter is great, but Zhuo Yang would rather meet three Kantor at a time than one Detu. Especially at this moment, Tu Ye looked into his heart, seeing Zhuo Yang dead, Manchester City was nothing, no matter how passive the game was, the two rounds were also won.


   So even if Zhuo Yang received the ball from the side, even if there was still one stop away from the penalty area, Tu Ye immediately posted it.


   He was not the only one, and Klein also doubled from the outside, very unreasonable.


   Zhuo Yang pulled the ball to the outside, tempting Tuye to accelerate, and then quickly swing back to the inside, making Klein cleverly cross-shift behind Tuye.


   So, UU Reading Zhuo Yang slid the ball in again, and finally made De Tu night stuck under his nose for half a second.


   Light swept across the corner of his eye, none of the unsatisfied teammates were in a very ideal attack position, and Zhuo Yang was vomiting blood in a hurry.


   Regardless of his three-seven-one, give it a kick.


   took advantage of the half-second gap and fired directly on the side road 35 meters away from the door.


   Zhuo Yang has few long-range shots today, because Karius’s goal line is very good, and long-range shots can’t stop this guy. But at this moment, De Tu was forced to do nothing. He could only be a dead horse doctor, hoping that one of his teammates could regain the shot.


   The Karius gate line is indeed good, but he suddenly got in the distance.


   He only thought that the shot was very strange. He was very close, close at hand, but he flew very slowly and slowly, and it took a long time to fly over.


   In order to shoot this close-range shot, Karius reacted quickly and quickly made a save action.


   Obviously, this is a super long-range shot, and he did it early.


   The football hit the edge of Karius’s double-opening glove, as if there was butter on it, ‘slipped’ and went straight into the net.


   I have been sad and regretful, but your eyes are full of tears at the moment, and the world is unconsciously empty.


   90+2, Carrius Butter, Manchester City 4:1, 5:5 total score, tied.

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