Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 5: 9 Yin Zhen Jing Abuse Boxing King

The legwork pays attention to not being able to kick the waist, and the main attack is to attack the enemy's lower three lanes, the purpose is to severely damage the lower plate or make him lose his balance.


  The attack point of the leg method is too high, and it is easy to be copied by the opponent. However, in modern fighting competitions, for the sake of viewing, the rules encourage the use of three-way high whip legs or even leg draping, and there is no life worry in fighting competitions, so there will be frequent kicks and direct attacks on the head.


   Zhuo Yang can't attack Prince's lower three lanes, and Prince, as a boxer, obviously is not very proficient in high kicking skills, so Zhuo Yang kicked him at the start.


   There is a more important purpose, Zhuo Yang wants to use his legs to control the distance between the two.


   Boxing is very exquisite in distance control because of its project characteristics, which is the most particular of all fighting events. Similarly, the sense of balance in wrestling is also unique in the world.


   Zhuo Yang uses the white python whip method to limit and interfere with Prince's control of the distance. In any case, his legs are always longer than his arms.


Prince is 49 years old this year. He is afraid of being young and strong, but his age also means he has a lot of experience. In addition, today he is only a martial artist to make friends. Zhuo Yang could not rush to kick him to death, so he swung the whip several times afterwards. , He dodged or dived to avoid it.


   After trying each other out, Prince suddenly dived and approached, and then swinged fists from left to right and left and right to rise, a very beautiful combination of four combos. Compared with Rooney's boxing two knives, his punches were clear and lightning fast.


Zhuo Yang sinks his elbow and clamps his ribs to dissolve the hook, dives to avoid the left swing, then raises his left arm to block the right swing, and his right hand enters from below, turning his fists into claws, and throats lightly in Prince's throat. With a flick, he shouted at the same time in his mouth: "Middle!"


   Zhuo Yang’s fight palm, the front end can be divided into fingers.


   If it is a fight for life, this time has actually been divided.


  Prince was taken aback again, and after backing away from each other, he looked like a curious elementary school student.


   "Old Zhuo, what time is this?"


   "Nine Yin White Bone Claws."


   "It's amazing. What if you just used your strength?"


   "Severe cases of neck tendon damage, but severe cases may cause permanent damage to the trachea."


   "Fuck..., it might be a mistake to compete with you today."


   "Don't, Yiwu will meet your friends, I won't use it next."


"keep your word?"


   "Trick you Rooney to death the whole family."


   Rooney thumped his chest with anger: ""


   Zhuo Yang and Prince laughed, and continued.


  As the so-called Wu Huiyou friends, Zhuo Yang has been subject to many restrictions on his moves. He was able to control his strength in time by catching him just now, but these movements of knee bumps and elbow hits are impossible to stop at any move, so although the rules allow today, Zhuo Yang dare not use it easily.


Protecting his head with one palm, he took Prince with a hard forehead and swept a punch. Zhuo Yang seized the flaw again, and his left arm passed through the hall. He stepped up to lock his throat and twisted his crotch. Lins fluttered back flat.


   Then he reacted violently, and quickly slackened his right hand to catch Prince's back and slowly lifted him up.


   "Sorry, sorry, conditioned reflex, foul."


   subconsciously used grappling and throwing techniques. If there are no restrictions, the next step is to sit naked and twist. If you don't pay more attention to it, the fist-bone fairy picks it and hits the temple twice. This coherent move is called "hand wave five strings", which also comes from the "Jiuyin Zhenjing".


   "Ahem..." Prince coughed out of breath, and Zhuo Yang struck his chest and patted his back to make him breathe.


   "Old Zhuo, this thing...I can't fight you anymore."


   "There is a way and there is a way, I was wrong, I will pay attention to it next. Mark, give me another chance."


Zhuo Yang lowered his eyebrows and confessed his mistake, and Prince couldn't laugh or cry. Rooney looked discouraged. Only the security captain Wilder was the most leisurely. He was holding the fruit plate sent by Colleen Rooney and ate the dragon fruit very seriously.


   It's not that he looks down on the martial arts in the field, but that he has experienced too much. In the past two years, he has been numb by Zhuo Yang's training. What moves have not been tasted? Today is just a drizzle.


   After a round in three minutes, Prince already knew very well that he was not Zhuo Yang's opponent. This is not an opponent, it does not mean that Zhuo Yang is unrestricted, but just like today's shrinking hands.


   Such a good kung fu, instead of going to mixed martial arts to sweep the world, but playing football and piano, alas — what a pity.


After resting for a while, Zhuo Yang finally adapted to today’s rules in the second round. He no longer used strange tricks uncontrollably, and even his legs were very few, but the two fists and Prince hit you and me. .


  The Dafu Moquan, which opens and closes, is full of strength and integrity. It is the essence of the boxing method in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", which combines the essence of all advanced boxing methods from the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty.


   Five Elements Boxing, King Kong Boxing, Arhat Fuhu Boxing, Taizu Changquan... It is said that Huang Chang, a real man in the Northern Song Dynasty, combined the world's boxing techniques and created this set of great Fumo boxing.


   After that, many martial arts wizards developed their own superb fist based on the Dafu Moquan.


   Ouyang Feng invented the Spirit Snake Boxing. When he was young, he fought side-by-side with the fire war **** Xiao Tianzuo from the East in Persia, and he learned Dafu Moquan from Xiao Warshen. At that time, Ouyang Feng was still called Euclid.


   Quanzhen Taoist ancestor Wang Chongyang created Promise Xuan Gongquan based on the Dafu Moquan. This fist method is used by seven disciples in accordance with the Tiangang Beidou formation and can exert great power. It is one of Quanzhen’s Zhenjia martial arts.


   It is rumored that Zhou Botong’s Kongmingquan, Zhang Sanfeng’s Taijiquan, and Xie Xun’s Qishangquan all have their roots in the Da Fu Moquan in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing".


   But rumors are always rumors, and there is no trace in official history. Only the "History of Chinese Wushu" written by modern martial arts doctor Zha Liangyong is recorded. Feixue shoots the white deer from the sky, and the Laughing Man leans against Bi Yuan.


   Where did Zhuo Yang learn the Da Fu Moquan? I don’t know, maybe it’s a dream. No one can deny that there are bizarre magical stories in this world.


   A set of big Fumo punches caused the champion Mark Prince to retreat steadily, and his fists kept falling like raindrops on all parts of his upper body, Zhuo Yang Xinshan.


   stepped back and adjusted the rhythm slightly. Prince didn't know what it was, and tried to reverse the decline, just like a counterattack on the court.


   Suddenly, Zhuo Yang's figure appeared psychedelic and seemed to be gone. But it didn't really disappear, but you knew he was right in front of you, but you couldn't see clearly.


   This is called Feixu Jin, and it is naturally the superior martial arts recorded in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing". Combining elements such as light and shadow objects and even airflow in the environment, the body shape is cleverly hidden.


   Feixu Jin originated from the Shaolin Temple martial arts convention that was rumored to be thousands of years ago. The unknown sweeping monk used this stunt to defeat the four famous fathers and sons of the Xiao family and the Murong family on the spot.


   leaned forward and turned around, climbing and crossing the water under his feet, his body was as flexible as a dragon playing in the water. Frankly speaking, this trick does not belong to the "Nine Yin Scriptures", but the dragon in the eighteen palms of the ancient beggar gang swaying its tail. Zhuo Yang is a bit shameless.


   Zhuo Yang thrived, and his short body bowed his waist and split his fists up and down, blasting Prince's chest and abdomen like a giant hammer.


   There is no way to avoid it, but Zhuo Yang regained his strength immediately before hitting, and turned his fist into a palm. The way of exerting his force was also changed from Da Fu Demon Fist to Heart Destructive Palm. If it remains the same, it is easy to beat the champion to death.


   Even so, the boxing champion Prince was photographed so that he flew backwards, and fell into the net of the artificial turf court after flying four or five meters. His limbs were shaking constantly, and he twitched.


   Zhuo Yang Xin said: It's broken, it's broken.


   Rooney was dumbfounded.


  Wild's ‘Kacha Kacha’ eating apples, he got used to it.

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