Golden Greenery

: Chapter 75: Officials Fake Public Service for Private Benefits

There are no underdogs in Europe, but there are fish belly.

  Europe's seven big fish belly: Andorra, San Marino, Malta, Faroe Islands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein...

  Iceland used to be, but now it’s getting harder, and it’s replaced by Latvia, which is rapidly becoming bloated. As for the occasional Gibraltar, they are not even fish belly, at best they are fish food.

   Winning the Big Seven is the Chinese New Year, and even scoring goals are birthdays. If one day the ancestral grave rushes into a big game, maybe the National Day can change the day.

   In fact, Liechtenstein is relatively the least ‘sweet’ among the ‘seven fats’, because they also have a record of shining blind people and dogs.

  The country is too small to start a professional league. There is only one professional team in Liechtenstein—Vaduz FC, which has participated in the league of neighboring Switzerland from the beginning.

   After more than 40 years of hard work, Vaduz FC rushed to the third level in Switzerland, and after another 30 years of hard work, it finally reached the second level of Switzerland. Last season, Vaduz ranked fourth in the Swiss A, the ranking is not bad.

   Although Vaduz is registered to participate in the Swiss League, in theory he is still registered with the Liechtenstein Football Association, and Liechtenstein is only allocated one UEFA Cup qualifying place. In other words, even if Vaduz won the Swiss Super League championship, they would not be able to participate in the Champions League.

  The only possibility to play in the Champions League is to win the UEFA Cup. Of course, talking to Vaduz now is like Yang Yi told Li Bai about the steam engine.

  The players of the Liechtenstein national team are mainly from Vaduz, but the most powerful player in the history of the national team is not from here.

   Mario Frick was born in the amateur team Balzerz of Liechtenstein. At the age of 19, he was photographed by the Swiss Super League St. Gallen Club. At the age of 26, he moved to Serie B Arezzo.

   In the following nine years, Flick played four seasons in Serie A and four seasons in Serie B. He scored a total of 21 goals in Serie A. He is a striker.

   It was this experience that made Frick the most brilliant player in the history of the Liechtenstein national team, the well-deserved thigh of Liechtenstein football during that time.

   In the three seasons of 2006-09, the substitute striker Flick played for Siena has also played against AC Milan and Zhuo Yang many times. He still has the strength. He is the'Super Mario' of Liechtenstein.

   The 41-year-old Frick retired from Vaduz the summer before and now he is the head coach of this unique seedling.

   Flick scored a total of 16 goals in the national team and is the only player in the history of the national football to score in double figures.

  The national footballs were not established for a long time. They were only formally established in 1982, but it was not too late for their first international victory. In the Asian tour in the year of its founding, Liechtenstein defeated Indonesia 3:2. Six months later, he defeated Malaysia 1-0.

   This is nothing. In 2004, Portugal, who had just finished runner-up in Europe, had a difficult 2:2 away draw with Liechtenstein in the world preliminaries. Portugal had an own goal or Liechtenstein's own goal. This is Liechtenstein’s first score in an international competition, why Ronaldo’s love...

   In the following two years, Liechtenstein has played in various qualifiers, such as Iceland, Luxembourg, and Latvia. Who the **** is the belly of you, your whole family is the belly.

   At the end of last year, in the Liechtenstein friendly match, the Asian powerhouse Qatar, whose main force played 2:1, was added to the honor list.

   Now Liechtenstein FIFA ranks 181st in the world, the size is really big, but occasionally not so big.

   is such a low ranking, a very important reason is the lack of competition, except in the regular qualifiers, the niche teams not only have no bonus points for the competition, but also do not have too many opportunities for friendly matches. In football matches, both sides have to look at each other before they can kick it off.

   Generally speaking, it is a good thing to warm up before the World Cup, and it is not the turn of Liechtenstein, but this time the chairman of the Football Association, Earl Marxell, found Zhuo Yang's relationship. No one is an outsider, Maxell, who is 55 years old by seniority, had to call Zhuo Yang'Three Uncles'.

   The Koko family has a close blood relationship with the Liechtenstein royal family. At that time, the sequel of the emperor's grandson Hubert, that is, the daughter of Koko's great-grandmother, Duke Margaret, was the youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Liechtenstein at that time.

   The Koko family is generally older because of the poor population and the late marriage and childbirth. As a member of the Liechtenstein royal family, Maxell seriously talked about it, and had to call Koko a Sangu.

For those of relatives and relatives, it would be worthwhile to refuse. Anyway, the Chinese team really needs a sacrificial chicken. Zhuo Yang took the lead and arranged the game in the “hottest”, and it was at the Kazan Arena, the venue of the World Cup. .

In this case, Kou Kou also came, and as a special commissioner of the Football Association, he went into the room of the Chinese captain Zhuo Yang. It was obvious that the two of them have important bilateral football issues to discuss, and they must have deep discussions throughout the night. talk.

   The Chinese team does not engage in the humanistic care of certain European teams. During the World Cup, family members are not allowed to accompany the team, nor are they allowed to appear in the hotel where the team is located.

   The team governs the army strictly. Every time before the expedition, the ‘ten bans’ are clearly defined. Discipline is not a trifle, and no one can try the law by himself.

   Zhuo Yang certainly cannot be regarded as a violation of discipline, because he is the discipline itself. He is only making important exchanges with important Liechtenstein officials, and it is just a coincidence that the Liechtenstein official is his wife.

   For ten years, Kou Kou has three hatreds of football. I hate AC Milan’s concentrated accommodation before the game, and I hate the abstinence before the M Moser Real Madrid game, and the UU reading three hate the national team for not letting the army.

   In Russia in 2018, she hates nothing.

  Don't think that the non-dominant president Christine Josephine Zhuo is not a little girl anymore. She did it on purpose this time. He also co-authored her husband to be obedient to her, the team is disciplined, and his wife's words are natural.

   Of course, Zhuo Yang's privilege is also one of the disciplines of the team, and it is the highest level of discipline.

   Zhuo Yang has always wanted Kou Kou to play the World Cup by his side. He wanted to play in South Africa eight years ago. But as a captain, you must lead by example. It’s not impossible to have to be tough, but you still can’t save your face.

   Zhuo Yang knows that Kou Kou can't affect his game state by being around, but people are different, and others are not necessarily the same. It's really like some teams study and stipulate a few open days for family members, and that group of women have to turn the team into a live broadcast. This year, whose wife doesn't want to be an internet celebrity anymore.

   The wives and girlfriends of the national footballers are nothing more than the movie star and young model flight attendants. The circle is so big, when they are in intrigue with each other, no matter what occasion you are, they can fight for whoever stands in the C position. Believe it or not?

   So Zhuo Yang never speaks, and takes the lead by himself. But this time, he opened his mouth to himself without even thinking about it, because I don't want to wrong myself any more, and I don't want to wrong Kokoo because of football.

   Because I can, you still can’t.

   On the sunny stand of the Kazan Arena, Coco, wearing a Chinese Red No. 18 jersey, sat with his nephew, Earl Marxell. She doesn't care if it's appropriate to wear it, because she won't wrong herself anymore.

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