Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 826: Shortest penalty shootout in history

() I don't know the specific psychology of Vital Romero, which caused him to rush into the arena to worship Zhuo Yang. It may be a combination of the rebelliousness and limelight of the second youth in the rebellious period, or it may be true pure worship.

But his actions severely affected the confidence of the Brazilian team.

The Brazilian football players headed by Neymar are not one of the best in the Brazilian football world. Fans worship them very often.

But no one has ever experienced their own fans worshiping their opponents in front of their faces in broad daylight, and it is a great gift of three bows and nine bows. It has never been before in history.

It's like the wife of the three generations of three generations, who was so loyal and innocent, but suddenly took the initiative to give arms to other men, kiss and dedicate her life, and she was still under everyone's attention. .

There is no psychological preparation, no signs.

Which man can stand this? This is no longer a question of anger, but a destroyed dignity, destroyed self-confidence, and even the value and beliefs of the entire life have been subverted.

Especially Zhuo Yang shrugged at them, with a hint of sorry in his smile, but this was the self-effacement of the strong, the unique grace of the superior, and it instantly defeated the last psychological defense of the Brazilian players.

The self-hypnotizing self-hypnosis of the penalty kick was erected with confidence and collapsed suddenly. It was a vain thing, and how could it withstand such an unrelenting blow.

No matter from the historical record or the people's basis, Brazil is the biggest brother in the football world and the proudest existence. But the more proud a man is, the less he can accept the contrast of a sudden drop.

The Brazilian team went from high spirits to gloomy despair, with only Vital Romero in the middle. Those ambitions that were deliberately inspired by Luis Pompon were thrown into the deep sea of ​​Azov at this moment.

Romero has a respectable grandfather, and Mr. Clovis has a great grandson, who has done a great thing today.


After the episode, the game resumed, and the Chinese goalkeeper Wang Dalei first stepped on the goal line. He couldn't wait.

Eight years ago in South Africa, the 21-year-old Wang Dalei was the main goalkeeper, but because of the arrogant common problem of young adults, he was treated coldly by the national team for a long time. It was not until he finally matured and recognized his mistakes that he was recruited again. But the team's main glove has already belonged to the practical and diligent Yan Junlin.

There is no doubt that Wang Dalei is still the most talented goalkeeper in China, especially the characteristic of never stage fright, which is very rare. This product is born without knowing what it means to be nervous, and belongs to a very fashionable and socially awkward patient.

The first person who came up to punish him was the political commissar Peng Peng. In fact, he didn't want to lead the battle at all.

Pompong never stage fright on penalty kicks. In the 1/8 penalty shoot-out with Chile in the World Cup four years ago, he was also the first to take the penalty, but today he really does not want to be the first to eat crabs.

Having to stand on the penalty spot, Peng Peng is already numb, not only the heart, but also the internal organs are empty.

Does old Zhuo deserve the worship of Brazilian fans? Nonsense, of course it deserves. Not to mention, just today's hat-trick made the Brazilians have to obey.

Zhuo Yang scored three. Pompong is not very responsible for losing the ball. It is basically the midfielder. He scored the first goal of the Brazilian team today and blew the counterattack horn. There is nothing to blame for his performance. Yes, there is absolutely no merit.

But absolutely shouldn't be today. The behavior of the fans is not only a simple betrayal, but a naked condemnation and disgust, pointing to the nose and cursing the mother.

David Luiz, who was completely unable to concentrate, didn’t know if he heard the referee’s whistle. He just saw that Wang Dalei had been waiting for a long time. It seemed that after ten thousand years, he mechanically approached. Volleyed like a zombie.

Without calculating what angle to shoot, it is the left side that I am accustomed to.

Obtained clear instructions from the Zhuo team, Wang Dalei flew to the right, and his height of 1.85 meters showed a horizontal'meter' shape in the air, with his teeth and claws open.

But he didn't pounce on anything.

Pompong shot the football directly.


Peng Yisi walked back to the middle circle emptily, did not interact with Alisson, and no one greeted him or encouraged him. The Brazilian's attitude towards the first penalty shot missed seemed very carefree, as if there was no first penalty.

The 26-year-old Alisson was also thinking about it after he got on the goal line. He thought of substitute goalkeeper Edson.

Alisson played very well in Rome, but is Edson worse at Benfica and Manchester City? Especially after following Manchester City's bumper harvest last season, there was a high voice for Edson to take the lead.

The two were equally divided technically, and Alisson knew that his biggest advantage was that he was five centimeters taller. That's all.

Not daring to think about it anymore, Alisson saw Maro who was angry on the other side.

Maro did look angry, as if Alisson owed him money. But he has no reason to do so. He dare not say that he abused Neymar and Marcelo on the right flank. Maro let Brazil's most powerful left flank do it in 120 minutes.

Zhuo Yang's hat-trick is a great contributor, and the No. 2 hero who can force the Brazilian into a penalty shoot-out is Maro. Today is the battle for his complete fame. Maro should be proud and arrogant. Where can the anger come from?

Is Brazil sorry for you again? No, you have turned over now, and you can understand that you are so aggressive in playing Brazil, but is it necessary for you to be so arrogant and angry?

Even Zhuo Yang couldn't figure out why Maro glared at Alisson, feeling that he wanted to kick Alisson to death and knock the goal down.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Maro began a long run-up, Alisson prepared to meet his hard steel. In terms of team intelligence, there is no data on Marro's free throw habit because there are too few.

However, the right-footed player of the right-back, most of them are used to shooting his left side, and Alisson bet on this side.

He emptied, because an angry Maro gave him a light spoon.

This is why Zhuo Yang chose Maro to take the lead. It makes you believe that he will 100% hard draw, but it is just a spoon.

After the first round of penalty, the Chinese team led 1:0. The scheming Maro created a good start for the team and started football. He immediately changed from anger to ecstasy, just somersault all the way back to the middle circle.

After Maro accepted the hugs and touches of his teammates one by one, Wang Dalei couldn't wait to step on the goal line.

Eight years ago in South Africa, the Chinese team played 1/8 with the Netherlands. Because of the lack of strength, the Chinese team had to foul the Dutchman frequently. As a result, they were sentenced to five penalties.

Wang Dalei threw one out, frightened three, and then was sent off with a red card for being too mad. After that, Dalei gained fame, and Europe called him "Torlei" because the last goalkeeper who made the Netherlands so deflated was Toldo.

But eight years later, this nickname disappeared. For one thing, he was silent in the Chinese Super League and did not become popular in Europe. Secondly, everyone knows that the penalty bug is mainly because of Zhuo Yang, and the goalkeeper is just standing by the giants. Shoulders.

Da Lei didn't care about this. It was an honor to stand on Zhuo Yang's shoulders. Da Lei simply liked to throw his opponent to death and the feeling of seeing his opponent as a dead father.

Especially when the opposite is Neymar, such a famous player.

In the face of Zhuo Yang’s penalty kick bug, Neymar is actually the most confident one, because in Barcelona, ​​he and May’s boss and Scar figured out a few targeted plans, which were successfully implemented in La Liga.

If it is regular game time, Neymar is still the chief penalty shooter of the Brazil team, so today Tite has always hoped that Neymar can take the initiative to take the first penalty, but wait and wait, he just doesn't make a statement.

Neymar knew what Tite wanted, but he didn't want to be the first. Neymar would never admit that he was timid, nor would he be killed, but he knew that if they were replaced by Messi, Scar, or even Ronaldo, they would definitely rush to kick the first one.

Neymar wants to be the king of heaven, he wants to be the king of the ball, but he has never been a lonely hero.

If the fan just ran into the field and spit on my face, even if it was thicker, would I not be so sad. Damn, why are you doing this today?

A year ago, did I leave Messi, or Messi left me?

Unwilling to think about it, but he had to think about it, Neymar pushed to the right, pursuing the blind spot.

Wang Dalei once again flew into the air, but the football flew again and missed the goal post. Wang Dalei was a little disappointed, but he got his wish when he saw Neymar's deceased father's expression, and he used a carp to beat him to further stimulate Pian Mar.

Walking back to the middle circle with his head down, Neymar deliberately stayed away from Peng Peng, for some reason.


Zhang Tiedan walked into the restricted area with the same indignant expression, Alisson really wanted to despise him.

Again? Is this the only one of your acting skills? Do I have a mentally retarded face that looks so easy to deceive?

But Tie Dan was really angry, he had eaten too much today.

Brazil scored four goals, all crushed by pure ability. The Chinese team's back line, except Maro, the other Dazhi, Xiao Jiang, Tiedan, and the big friends who were replaced, all suffered enough.

The iron egg moved from the center back to the left back, and the only thing that did not change was the monkey walking and various fancy abuses. After the Brazilians couldn't provoke Maro, from Neymar to William, from Kuniao, proud bones to dog leftovers, they all ran to the left of the iron egg to brush their sense of existence.

At 0:8 in Recife four years ago, Tiedan was also present, and he is the only person present in the back of the Chinese team today. New grudges add old hatreds, if the iron egg is not hot, you are not a person. Others don't know how much self-control he used to suppress the urge to shovel a Brazilian on the spot.

At this moment, he really wanted to kick Alisson to death.

Zhuo Yang and Sforza chose Iron Egg for the second kick, not because he was solid and calm, but because he was still able to control his emotions under tremendous pressure. The four years of training in the Bundesliga have not been in vain.

Zhang Tiedan pumped his right side angrily. He wasn't too particular about it, the angle was not sloppy and it was still half high, only pursuing the power of anger.

Alisson judged the wrong direction, and fell to the left like a clown. The iron egg was still not reconciled, and he gave up with a fist and roared at him.

After two rounds, the Chinese team led 2:0.

Are you surprised or surprised?

The stands of the Rostov Stadium have been completely occupied by the crazy shouts of Chinese fans. The Brazilian fans are silent, and half of them have closed their eyes and prayed. Among those who opened their eyes, half were anxious, half were crying or almost crying.


Thiago Silva is not the team's regular penalty shooter, but Tite put him in third.

Although the goal was scored four times, the Brazilian defense did not make a big mistake today, especially the two central defenders Pompong and Tizi, which can be said to be impeccable. The failure of the Chinese team to seize the opportunity with the exception of Zhuo Yang who was'irresistible' proved the strength of the two.

Tite is not an arrogant Brazilian media. He knows that Udeshui, Exon, Alan and Kadasi are not mediocre.

As a central defender, Ti Xi and Peng Peng both scored to save Brazil, which gave Tete confidence.

Tixi is the captain, he should be plug and play, he should be a brick of the revolution.

Does Ti Xi lack footwork? The Brazilians, even the chefs of the team, will not lack the footwork of kicking penalties. In fact, as long as they are professional players, there will be no shortage of substitutes for the youth team of the Malaysian C-League.

Champions and runners-up with Italy in 1994, the Netherlands in the 1998 semi-finals, and Chile in 1/8 in 2014. The Brazilian team had won three penalty kicks in the World Cup before today. As a result, Brazil became the invincible division of World Cup penalty kicks, and everyone said it was because of footwork.

The media and fans need to find a reason, the Brazilian team needs to strengthen the psychological advantage of penalty kicks. Footwork is a very good subject.

But in fact, the true heroes who won three times were Tafarrell and Cesar, Brazil's goalkeeper.

Alisson’s idol is Tafarrell, and Tixi’s idol is Dunga. In the summer of 1994, the 10-year-old Tixi watched on TV as Dunga scored Brazil's fourth penalty kick. He and his idol cheered together.

Tixi also saw Italy's fifth appearance, Robert Baggio, fired an anti-aircraft gun.

Twenty-four years later, the 34-year-old Tixi also fired anti-aircraft guns at the Rostov Stadium. He did not follow his idol Dunga, but inherited Baggio's sorrow.

He also stood in the restricted area with his hands akimbo like Baggio 24 years ago, with his head bowed and he did not want to leave for a long time.

Suddenly, the thrilling penalty shootout was overwhelmingly clear. Brazil missed three free throws and the Chinese team made two free throws. If Yu Deshui, who played third, made a free throw, the game would really be over.

The Chinese fans in the stands are already crazy, while the Brazilians are all praying. Tens of thousands of people are struggling and crying like dead fathers.


You Deshui was not angry. He even asked the referee Ma Ziki casually: can he take off his sneakers and punish him barefoot in terms of rules?

Ma Riqi said, "Do you really want this?"

"Forget it, UU reading, I just ask casually."

The whistle sounded, and the audience was silent for an instant. Zhuo Yang, Dazhi, Chinese players, coaches, and all the fans held their breath, and all the Brazilians were too scared to gasp.

You can hear the sound of stepping on the ground from the run-up of Yu Deshui.

‘Boom! ’

Alisson judged the right direction.

He even felt his fingertips touch the football.

A wild wave suddenly hit, Zhuo Yang and his teammates rushed towards You Deshui with distorted expressions.

The football rubbed the root of the post into the dead corner, 3:0, the shortest penalty shootout in the history of the World Cup ended. The Chinese team succeeded in revenge, eliminated the incredible Brazil team and reached the semi-finals.

Did you guess right?


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