Golden Greenery

: Chapter 1?8? Great Reunion and Beautiful Story

"Master Tu and Xiaozhu think that our love is not down to earth."

"Why be grounded?"

"Yes, why?"

"What is the earthly atmosphere? Whose earthness should we take? Why should our love take other people's earthly air?"

"Good question. Wife, Bingxue is as smart as you, and you can see through the essence at a glance."

"There are no two identical people in the world, and no identical love."

"No, certainly not."

"So the word grounded gas itself is a false proposition. Pursuit of purity is the source of everything, football is the purity of sports, piano is the purity of music, and love is the purity of two people."

"Those vulgar dogs won't understand these truths."

"Brother Zhuo Yang, do you think I'm a little cautious?"

"No! Absolutely not."

"I'm just looking at you and... frowning, it's just very uncomfortable."

"I've fallen."

"I would suspect that my beauty and charm are diminishing in your attraction."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Zhuo Yang accelerated his actions. "There has never been a day without you, which proves that my family is still unparalleled."

"Can you understand my small eyes? ... I like your hands on your waist."

"As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of 38,000 mink, you are afraid of a one-foot-eight waist... Of course I understand it. If you look at any handsome guy, I will kill him... The waist is so soft..."

"I won't."

"Where are the two handsome guys?"


"How about three? No more."

"Disgusting." Koko straightened her legs. "Brother Zhuo Yang, you can't contact the man-in-law anymore."

"It's been blocked, you know."

"You also said you wanted to invite her to the Chinese Super League blowing competition..."

"She can't go."

"Brother Zhuo Yang, it's normal for women to be attracted to you, but the woman knows that you are my husband, yet she dares to ask you for a late-night snack... I'm so **** off."

"Hmph, you look like you haven't eaten enough."

"What if she goes to China and uses your reputation to do things by herself?"

"Let Jiushan arrest her and lock her in a place no one knows about. She was tortured twice at the 18th National Congress of the Qing Dynasty."


"Okay, Jiushan and the others are never unreasonable, nor do they teach the law."

"Very good."

"Wife, is it not difficult for Lucia?"

"No problem."

"Annie who wrote the letter of recommendation... What about Pique? The chief female chef of French cuisine is still a bit influential."

"It's okay, I'll just explain." Koko raised her hands above her head. "Recently, I am planning to use the platform and funds of the Left Bank to re-establish a set of restaurant and chef rating standards. Why should Michelin have the final say?"

"Wife, I want to discuss this matter with you." Zhuo Yang slowed down. "It was Lucia and Daniel's steak test that inspired me."

"Look, the Michelin rating is actually very low. He is a popular restaurant and chef rating, and the rating itself is out of the way."

"Is there a rating for football? Piano is only rated for amateurs, and our professional music is not rated for modern or classical music."

"Don't bother with Michelin?"

"Let's play something more advanced... Sit up... Competition, chef competition, turn the Left Bank Chef Competition into an authoritative competition like the Piano Shaw Competition."

Kou Kou pressed her husband's eight-pack abs. "Good idea."

"It can be cycled every four years, like the World Cup. It can also be held every five years like Xiao Sai. Too frequent is not good, the importance will be reduced, four to five years is just right, let every celebrity chef be at his peak. There are four or five opportunities to participate in the period, which is precious."

"It's probably not easy to organize the competition."

"You can skip the competition system, let each participating chef be in his own kitchen, and the jury of the competition will judge on the spot." Zhuo Yang said: "The first and second year preliminaries, every French cuisine in the world will be judged on the spot. All chefs can sign up, and the competition will begin when they pass the qualification review.”

"The rematch in the third year, a knockout match like the Champions League. After the elite competition, the best of the best will continue to be selected, and finally eight to 16 players will form the final."

"At the elite competition, there will be bonuses and certificates. We will give him the title of God of Cookery for the champion of each session, and you will award him the award yourself."

Dolphin pose is a difficult movement of yoga, but it can't help Koko. "Husband, you are so smart, this is a great idea."

"As a qualified foodie, all you can think of is a framework, and you have to figure out the details for your professionals."

"I'm also a foodie."

"I am a lion."

"I am a lioness."

"A male lion and a lioness can mate more than forty times a day..."

Koko: "...too many. I heard toad once a day, but it's a long time."

"I'm a toad."

"I'm a mother toad."

"The lotus flowers are floating in the lotus pond. The male toad hugs the female toad's waist, and they fall together with the wind. The male toad says that the female toad is showy."

"Hahaha..." Kou Kou laughed and tightened her whole body, almost pulling out Zhuo Yang's three souls and seven souls.

"Brother Zhuo Yang... do you like ice cubes or jelly?"

"Don't talk... I like it..."


Zhuo Yang's heartfelt confession of performance art was a great success, and the little awkwardness of the couple disappeared as if it had never existed.

The loss of beauty referee Daisy Goldsmith is not in the consideration of the two 'selfish' dog men and women. She was blocked by Zhuo Yang because of the untimely 'meal appointment' call.

In this way, Daisy, who was in love for the first time, lost her first love, which never existed, and it took a long, long time for her to understand something.

Without Zhuo Yang's support, Daisy's field control ability in the British Championships law enforcement Sunderland and Manchester City Academy team was seriously questioned internally. Without Zhuo Yang's endorsement for her, that game became Daisy's law enforcement career. peak.

After that, she can only linger in lower-level games, even as a linesman in lower-level games. And after such a "sad" accident, she gradually shaken the ideal of refereeing.

Career women have never lacked motivation to move forward. Daisy turned more enthusiasm into coaching, and since then aspired to become a famous coach like Guardiola. She respects the passing and controlling style of play, aiming at the Premier League, and her new ideal is to cultivate a football superstar like a certain "heartless man".

Those who love life are never alone.

Sarah Lucia was also re-arranged by Koko. A month later, she went to the "Left Bank·Florentia Square" as the new chef. In fact, the Florence Left Bank Plaza store has a much higher status than the Liverpool Left Bank Castle, because this world Koko and Zhuo Yang are there to make love.

With his back against the towering tree on the left bank, Daniel won the custody lawsuit with his ex-wife because he had enough social status and economic ability to provide little Michael with a good education.

Both Lucia and Daniel went on to become one of the Left Bank's most outstanding top chefs, living up to the nurturing of Koko and Toyoung. The difference is that Daniel Thomas, who has experienced the hardships in the world, is loyal to Zhuo Yang, who has been blessed with knowledge, and is loyal to the left bank.

And Lucia became Zhuo Yang's life black because of the initial injustice. She always insisted that Zhuo Yang, who was stubborn and ignorant, was not worthy of the noble Princess of Vienna at all.

His Royal Highness is wise, and the only confusion in his life is that he fell in love with Zhuo Yang's crooked melon and cracked jujube.

All in all, it's a wonderful reunion story.


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