Golden Summoner

Chapter 26 There is a Chao family

The mud that submerged into the chest felt fine at first, but as time went on, it became difficult to breathe, and the legs almost became numb when standing.

The saber-toothed tiger on the edge of the muddy pond had teeth that protruded out of its mouth, almost twenty centimeters long, and were extremely sharp. The saber-toothed tiger lingered on the edge of the muddy pond for a while, then turned its head and started biting and devouring the corpse on the edge of the muddy pond with its companions. Come.

Nearly an hour later, after the corpse had been devoured and torn until only a pile of broken bones remained, the two saber-toothed tigers finally disappeared into the bushes.

Xia Pingan, who was trapped in the mud, waited for a while. After guessing that the two saber-toothed tigers were almost gone, Xia Pingan said to the other two people, "You guys wait here, I will go and take a look first..."

The two men nodded, and Xia Pingan slowly waded towards the edge of the mud pond. When he reached the edge of the mud pond, he picked up two stones on the ground and threw them into the trees in the distance. After observing for a while, he found that After the saber-toothed tiger confirmed that there was no ambush, Xia Pingan climbed up little by little.

The body below the neck has been covered with mud from the mud pond. Apart from the mud, there is no covering on the whole body, not even clothes.

Thinking of the generations where the Chao family lived, Xia Pingan could only temporarily accept his current appearance.

After lighting the divine fire, Xia Ping'an understood a little bit that his current role should be to have the Chao clan, or that he would now take on the historical mission of the Chao clan.

Seeing Xia Ping'an ashore, the other two people in the mud followed them and walked out of the mud. However, after walking out of the mud, the two people squatted down, took some mud from the mud, and smeared it on their own hands. His face, head, and neck were smeared with mud all over his body except his eyes, mouth, and nostrils.

Xia Pingan knew why the ancients did this. In the era when there were no clothes, smearing mud all over the body could keep mosquitoes away. In the forest, it could also cover up one's own smell and make it less likely to be discovered by wild animals. He also smeared it again.

The three people came to the pile of bloody remains and broken bones on the ground, and the other two people suddenly started crying, "Ada is dead..."

The dead man, called Ada, was their companion and friend.

The ancients of this era did not have names yet, only a simple title.

The three of them had just watched this man become food for the beast.

"Let's bury him in the soil. Don't let his body remain exposed in the forest and become food for insects and ants again..." Xia Ping'an said with a sigh.

While Xia Pingan was doing it, he recalled the historical materials and records in his mind about the Youchao family. Youchao family is the ancestor of Chinese humanities. He enjoys an extraordinary status in the history of the entire Chinese nation and is an important figure in Chinese civilization. One of the pioneers.

The deeds of the Chao family have been recorded in ancient books such as "Historical Records: The Chronicles of the Three Emperors", "Zhuangzi: Robber Zhi", "Han Feizi: Wu Zhi", "History of the Pre-Qin Dynasty", and "Taiping Yulan".

There are many legends about Youchao's deeds. According to legend, Youchao was also the first person to invent and advocate burial to give the deceased the final dignity.

The other two people looked at Xia Pingan in confusion, because no one had ever done this before. In the past, people in the tribe died when they died, and were thrown wherever they died, just like the dead beasts.

Xia Ping'an didn't say anything more, he just dug up the nearby ground with his spear and hands, and began to practice.

Although there was still danger in the forest at this moment, and the two saber-toothed tigers that had just left might come back, Xia Pingan still insisted on burying the deceased who had lost all his limbs.

The soil in the forest was soft, and Xia Pingan quickly dug a small hole. The two people next to him immediately understood what Xia Pingan meant and started digging too. The three of them started digging, and it didn't take long to dig. A pit.

Then Xia Pingan started to build up the remains and bones of the corpse bit by bit and placed them in the pit. The two people next to him also followed Xia Pingan and gathered the bones.

After all the bones were collected in the pit, Xia Ping'an filled the pit.

After burying their companions, the two people who followed Xia Pingan found that they felt much better.

There was a broken wooden spear on the ground not far away, which was the weapon of the deceased. Xia Pingan took the wooden spear and inserted it into the ground in front of the pit.

The other two people collected some acorns scattered on the ground in the grass nearby, as well as the tool stones that had been dropped before.

Xia Pingan followed the two men back to the cave where the tribe lived.

Along the way, the forest was full of insects, birds, and beasts roaring, making people have to be cautious.

On the way back, Xia Pingan saw wild taro growing on the side of the road, with fat leaves and many lush weeds. He stopped, cut the stems and leaves of the wild taro with a stone chip, and then cut the stems and leaves from the side with a stone chip. I bought some grass stems and leaves and put them on, and made myself a leaf outfit to wear on my body, covering three points.

The other two people saw it and felt it was novel and a little envious. Xia Pingan also taught the other two people to make a leaf costume and wear it.

After walking in the forest for more than an hour, the three of them finally returned to the cave where the tribe settled, taking with them the acorns they had picked.

There are thousands of people living in the entire cave. There is no fire in the cave. Everyone is naked and drinking hair and blood. The wild animals hunted and the acorns and chestnuts picked are food for everyone.

Everyone looks for food outside the cave during the day. At night, they return to the cave and find a place in the cave to lie down and sleep.

When they heard that Ada had been killed by a wild beast, Ada's family howled and cried.

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon for the people in the tribe. Although everyone is careful enough, every once in a while, someone will die in the mouth of the beast and become the food of the beast.

Some people were sad, but more people in the cave, men and women, were attracted by the leaf costume Xia Pingan was wearing. They couldn't help coming over to look and touch the three of them. He collected various things and then taught people how to make leaf costumes.

That night, Xia Pingan ate some acorns and freshly cut elk meat, curled up and spent a cold sleepless night in the cave.

The next day, there were more people wearing leaf costumes in the cave. More people felt that wearing leaf costumes was indeed better, and they began to follow suit.

Xia Pingan called his two "little friends" from yesterday and told them, "It's not safe to live in a cave. Poisonous snakes and insects can kill us. We have to learn from birds and build nests in trees." I can avoid those snakes and insects and have a safe place to sleep!”

The two "little friends" thought Xia Pingan's words made sense, but they didn't know how to build a nest in a tree like a bird.

"I can build a nest, but I need your help. Just listen to me!" Xia Pingan said to them.

The two "little friends" nodded.

After finding a helper, Xia Pingan began to find a large tree with lush branches near the cave and began to build his first wooden nest.

No one else knew what Xia Pingan was going to do, but the two people who followed Xia Pingan to pick fruits yesterday listened to Xia Pingan's words and became Xia Pingan's helpers.

Xia Pingan asked them to use stone chips to cut some branches as thick as an arm. Xia Pingan himself went to find some vines, peeled them apart, and started to weave simple ropes with the vines.

In this era, there were no nails, and nests built in trees could only be fixed with vine ropes and the like.

Seeing Xia Pingan busy, other people in the tribe were very curious, but they didn't know what Xia Pingan was busy with. The small wooden nest Xia Pingan built in the middle of the trunk of the big tree was gradually taking shape.

Xia Pingan used the three branches in the middle of the trunk as a pillar, crossed the cut trees, and fixed them on the trunk bit by bit with rattan ropes, gradually forming a small space.

The gaps between the tree trunks are filled with hay, and then sealed with mud. Then the wild taro leaf thatch is woven to cover the nest. The nest is also paved with a warm quilt woven with hay and juniper straw. …

After three days of busy work, a "tree nest" that looks crude and rough, and is not very big, just enough for three people to lie down and sleep in it, is completed.

In Xia Pingan's eyes, this tree nest is simple, like a child's toy, but in the eyes of those who live in the cave, this tree nest is nothing more than a luxurious villa.

As soon as the tree nest was built, they found that Xia Ping'an and the three of them could lie down and sleep in it instead of sleeping in a cave. They could also be protected from wind and rain and avoid insects and snakes. Everyone in the cave was shocked. They came to visit the tree nest one by one. Everyone is extremely envious.

Everyone wanted to have such a comfortable nest, no longer having to sleep in a cave, but no one knew how to build it, so Xia Ping'an naturally directed everyone. They began to choose tree trunks, weave rattan ropes, cut trees, and use trees. The rattan ropes were used to build the tree nest on the tree trunk bit by bit, and the gaps in the tree nest were filled with mud and weeds.

Xia Pingan now has the Chao clan, and he is teaching the people in the tribe how to build nests in trees and live in them.

As time passed, the entire tribe built more and more nests in the trees. Unknowingly, Xia Pingan became the most prestigious person in the entire tribe, and everyone listened to him.

These days, some tribesmen hunted elk, bison and other animals. Xia Pingan also taught everyone how to use stone flakes to cut the animal skin bit by bit, scrape off the grease on the animal skin bit by bit, and then use earth ash and stone tools to cut it off. The animal skins are soaked in stone powder, tanned and dried, and finally divided into pieces to become warm swaddling clothes for babies in the tribe and clothing for adults to keep warm...

An old man died in the tribe. In the past, the dead old man was randomly thrown into the forest. Xia Pingan had people dig holes in the ground, find a place to bury the dead man, and organized a funeral ceremony. No longer will the dead be discarded and left exposed in the wilderness.

After gaining prestige and finding that everyone listened to him, Xia Pingan began to organize and train young people in the tribe to turn their wooden spears into javelins and throw them out, using the throwing method to hunt food.

One person may not be able to hit the target by throwing a wooden spear or javelin, but dozens or hundreds of people organize themselves and coordinate the division of labor. In this way, the efficiency and success rate of hunting will be greatly improved. No matter how ferocious the beast is, it can survive with organization and tools. In front of people, it can only become food.

People in Xia Ping'an's tribe gradually lived in tree nests one by one, and wore clothes made of animal skins and leaves to hide their shame. The number of prey they hunted also gradually increased. The quality of life of the entire tribe was greatly improved, and there was a huge improvement. reputation.

Two months later, several surrounding small tribes began to come over and learn from Xia Pingan how to build tree nests, how to make clothes from animal skins, and how to weave quilts from hay and juniper straw...

People in the tribe began to call Xia Ping'an Dachao...

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