Golden Summoner

Chapter 287 News from the Demon Sect

While walking, Xia Pingan passed Master Shuiyue's Wuyou Building again.

Outside Wuyou Building, it is still so lively. A lot of carriages are queuing up. A group of rich people are waiting for Master Shuiyue to interpret their dreams. Compared with the empty house in Zhougong Building, Master Shuiyue spends his days here in Wuyou Building. Lou is making a lot of money, which is very enviable.

Not far from Wuyou Building, there is a mid-range restaurant called Baizhen Building. It is still lively at night, with people coming and going. The waiters of the restaurant are waiting for customers at the door. Xia Pingan thought about it and was not in a hurry. He went back and walked directly towards the restaurant.

"Guest sir, how many are there?"


"Please come in, please, a distinguished guest!" The waiter called out in a long voice and welcomed Xia Pingan into the door. Another waiter came over. The first floor of the restaurant was full, so the waiter took Xia Pingan directly to the restaurant. On the second floor, one person occupied a small table.

"Just have four or five of my specialty wines and dishes..." Xia Pingan said directly.

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir!"

Xia Ping'an is the restaurant's favorite customer. He is not picky, not short of money, and he is generous.

The two guys who followed Xia Pingan saw Xia Pingan entering the restaurant, but they did not follow him in. Instead, they sat down at a teahouse on the roadside outside and ordered a pot of tea. They waited like wild dogs guarding rabbits.

In a short time, Xia Pingan's food and wine were served. Three meals, one soup, and one pot of wine, the pairing was exquisite.

There were many customers in the restaurant. Everyone was chatting while eating. Xia Pingan was listening while eating.

Many of the diners in the restaurant are bounty hunters and summoners from the capital. From the mouths of those diners, you can know a lot of information.

Just to the right of Xia Pingan at three o'clock, there was a table that was still empty. After a while, four summoners came, three men and one woman, each in their thirties or forties, dusty and wearing leather armor. Carrying knives and medicine pouches at their waists, and looking like old men, the four people started ordering food and drinks as soon as they sat down, and then started chatting.

"Brother, the Tianyuanqiao Night Market in the capital is indeed well-deserved. There are so many world beads for sale. Grandma, if you have money, I want to buy the purifying world bead just now. I have found many world beads. We just met it today. Last time we were underground, if we had the purifying world bead, we wouldn’t be poisoned by scorpions anymore..." A bearded man said, with an envious look on his face. Regretful again, "Grandma, that purification world bead actually costs more than 1,200 gold coins, plus the divine mind crystal, it costs at least 3,000 gold coins to buy..."

The purifying world bead that the bearded man said is actually the world bead that "bears the thorns to plead guilty". After the world bead is fused, it can remove low-level toxins and some negative conditions from parts of the body. This world bead , Xia Pingan has been integrated before.

3,000 gold coins is a small amount for Xia Ping'an now, but for many low-level summoners, it is a huge sum of money.

"The treasures and world pearls in the world all gather in places with a lot of money. There are naturally a lot of world pearls in Shangjing City. But don't worry, second brother, we are here to make a fortune this time in Shangjing City. As long as we execute After several missions, if we are lucky enough to get a few world beads and sell them, these 3,000 gold coins will not be difficult. Sooner or later, we can collect the money for the purification world beads!" The man called the eldest brother patted the second brother's Shoulder.

Four summoners can earn 3,000 gold coins by performing several missions in a row with good luck. This is the living condition of most summoners.

"Brother, I heard that the Great Shang Kingdom is recruiting a lot of summoners this time. On the airship we came to Beijing today, there were more than ten summoners..." the woman asked, "I didn't know that the mission here was dangerous. It’s not dangerous. If it were like the mysterious void realm I encountered last time in Wolf Fang Valley, and the monsters inside rushed out before the people waiting outside rushed in, it would be too dangerous..."

"Don't worry, one of the magic gates in the capital city is at sea and one is underground. The Shang Kingdom has a strong defense line. Now there are some signs of the magic gate being opened. We still don't know what is behind the magic gate. We don't have to worry. Even if The magic door is wide open, and we don’t need to be the first to rush to the front. As long as we advance and retreat with the large army, we will seize the opportunity and act according to the opportunity, and we will be fine..."

Listening to those summoners chatting, Xia Pingan suddenly remembered that he had almost forgotten about the Demon Sect.

As the people at the table chatted, Xia Pingan gradually understood why there were more summoners in the capital these days.

There are two magic gates in Shangjing City, one in the sea and one underground. In order to cope with the crisis of the magic gate opening, Beitang Wangchuan has issued a recruitment order to greatly increase the mission rewards of bounty hunters in Shangjing City and prepare to form a summoner employment Legions and summoners who heard the news naturally gathered towards the upper capital from all directions, looking for opportunities.

After listening for a while, some of the summoners at the other tables were also discussing topics such as the Demon Sect and the bounties offered by the Great Shang Kingdom, and Xia Pingan became clear.

As long as you join the One Sun Realm Summoner in the Summoner Mercenary Legion, your daily basic treatment is one gold coin, your salary will be paid daily, and the rewards for completing tasks will be calculated separately. All the trophies for you and the Legion will be kept for yourself. With these conditions, you are good to go. It can make many summoners flock to the capital city.

The summoners in the Judgment Army are all the best among the summoners, and the selection is strict. The basic salary of the one-sun summoners in the Donggang Inspectorate is only 39 gold coins per month, which is only less than the one-sun summons in the mercenary army. The teacher's treatment is slightly better.

A gold coin, even in the upper capital, is enough for a summoner to live a good life for several days.

A large table of food for five or six people in this restaurant usually costs less than ten silver coins.

Is Beitang Wangchuan busy with this recently? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince really has everything on his plate...

Xia Pingan understood clearly. After finishing his meal, he paid three silver coins and a few copper coins to the waiter for consumption, and then went directly to the restaurant.

As long as the gold coins in your hand are not used to buy world beads or to buy a house in Shangjing City, you will find that it is actually quite easy to spend. One gold coin can be spent in Shangjing City for many days.

"Xia Pingan..." Xia Pingan had just gone downstairs when a voice suddenly sounded behind him, and then a hand patted his shoulder.

Xia Pingan turned his head and saw Qu Youqian with an excited face.

As soon as Qu Youqian saw Xia Ping'an who turned around, he was stunned and quickly retracted his hand with an embarrassed look on his face, "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just saw your back, and I A friend I met looked so much like me that I recognized the wrong person..."

After not seeing him for a few days, Qu Youqian had grown a mustache, his face was darker and more mature, and he was dressed like a bounty hunter. There were two similarly dressed people beside him.

Xia Pingan was still the face of Yangcheng at this moment, so Qu Youqian certainly thought that he had recognized the wrong person.

Xia Pingan smiled and left the restaurant without saying anything else. When he walked to the door of the restaurant, he heard Qu Youqian talking to his two companions.

"I'm not lying to you. I really know Xia Pingan, the inspector of the Donggang Inspection Office. We signed up to join the Judgment Army together. I didn't expect that just because we haven't seen each other during this period, he became the inspector. Check it out..."

"I just signed up to join the Judgment Army and became an inspector not long after? It's less than a year, don't brag, maybe it's someone with the same name. You're treating me today, don't even think about defaulting..." Qu Youqian's words The two companions didn't believe it at all.

The two people in the teahouse across the street saw Xia Pingan coming out of the restaurant. After looking at each other, they dropped a silver coin and then walked out of the restaurant.

As he walked, Xia Pingan turned around and entered an alley, and the two people behind him quickly followed.

A few seconds later, two slight groans sounded in the alley.

Then, Xia Pingan walked out of the alley with two money bags in his hands, collected the money in the money bags into his space warehouse, and threw the money bags into the garbage.

Seeing the patrolling Adjudication Army on the street, Xia Ping'an stepped forward, said a few words to the patrolling Adjudication Army, and pointed towards the alley. The team of Adjudication Army rushed over quickly, and saw the person fainting in the alley. Two people, and those two people had bruises and swollen faces, and they were tied into a ball by the snare technique and couldn't move at all.

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