Golden Summoner

Chapter 304 Incident

Inside Peng Wang Auction Hall...

"...As we all know, there are many kinds of world beads for summoning giants, and the world bead we are currently auctioning is one of them. The biggest feature of this world bead is that it will not die even if the fusion fails, and it will not die if it succeeds. After fusion, you can summon giants, and the divine power blessing you get is more than 30 points. The starting price of this world bead is 25,000 gold coins, and the price will be increased by no less than 500 gold coins each time. The bidding starts now..."

As soon as the beautiful auctioneer finished speaking, people began to bid in the private rooms of the auction house. In a very short period of time, the starting price of the Boundary Pearl of 25,000 gold coins was pushed up to 30,000 gold coins.

Xia Pingan held a wine glass in his hand and squinted at the projection photo of the boundary bead on the auction table below. In the projection photo of the boundary bead, Xia Pingan saw the small seal characters in the boundary bead as "Big Five words: "Yu harvests giants"...

Xia Pingan's eyes were staring at the projection on the auction table, but the scene in his consciousness was the scene where the Dark Demon and the Corpse Demon met at the station.

The corpse demon finally appeared.

Xia Pingan was a little excited. As long as the corpse demon appeared in front of the God of Fortune boy, it would be impossible for the corpse demon to run away again.

Four of the five demons of the Blood Demon Sect have now been exposed.

All it takes is an incubus.

The Dark Demon and the Corpse Demon had just talked about the Dream Demon at the station, and then Xia Pingan saw a huge orange-red fireball rising in the night sky north of Beijing.

It would have been a huge explosion to cause such a movement.

To the north of Shangjing City, there seems to be an ammunition factory of the Great Shang State. The high explosives that the Great Shang State is planning to produce recently are produced in that factory.

The incubus did it.

The zombie demon will also take action tonight.

Xia Pingan in the box suddenly stood up.

"37,500 gold coins... The VIP in Box 36 bid 37,500 gold coins. Is there anything higher..."

On the auction stage, as soon as the beautiful auctioneer finished speaking, Xia Pingan felt a faint tremor from the ground beneath his feet.

"40,000 gold coins..." Xia Pingan asked the businessman in the room to quote a price. Without waiting for the beautiful auctioneer's final confirmation, and regardless of whether he got the shot, Xia Pingan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and stood up suddenly. He got up, opened the door of the box, and walked out directly.

40,000 gold coins is no longer a small amount. Everyone who comes here to auction the World Pearl has a steelyard in mind. Although the competition in tonight's World Pearl auction is a bit fierce, this price is already much higher than the usual auction price of the Giant World Pearl. .

This is also the highest price Xia Pingan can pay for the world bead.

Xia Ping'an was not the only one who felt the shock, the entire Pengwang Auction House felt it, and there was a slight commotion in the auction house.

"Sir, please rest assured that everything is normal at Pengwang Auction House and the auction is being held normally. We have sent people to investigate the cause of the tremor that just came from the underground. It seems that something happened to the north of Shangjing City..." Seeing Xia Pingan walking out In the private room, an auction house staff member immediately walked up with a smile on his face and explained to Xia Pingan.

Perhaps for the auction house, as long as nothing happens at the auction house, it is not a big deal, but for Xia Pingan, this is not the case.

Tonight, Shangjing City will be in chaos again after a peaceful few days. I don’t know how many people will die.

Under this situation, Xia Pingan, as the inspector, has no intention of staying at the auction house any longer.

He had to do something.

The door of the room next to him opened, and the man in the iron mask also came out, looking at Xia Pingan with doubtful eyes. He also felt that something seemed to have happened in Shangjing City.

"The world pearl I took will come to settle the payment later. Now I have something to do and I have to take the first step!"

After Xia Pingan finished speaking, he ignored the auction house service staff and strode directly outside the auction house. The man in the iron mask followed without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" the man in the iron mask asked.

"The Blood Demon Cult..." Xia Pingan said three words briefly.

After walking out of the auction house, Xia Pingan saw many people in the square and night market outside the auction house stopping, looking up at the night sky to the north of the capital city. There were looks of surprise and suspicion on everyone's faces, and they were talking a lot.

The orange-red fireball north of Shangjing City expanded and rose, turning into a huge mushroom cloud and blazing fire. It had already shot straight into the night sky for thousands of meters, illuminating the night sky north of Shangjing City. The black smoke was billowing behind the fire. , like the dark shadow of the devil rising from the ground, covering the clouds and the moon.

In this case, any idiot knows something is wrong, and something big.

Xia Ping'an took a look with his remote viewing ability and saw that the ammunition factory north of Shangjing City, dozens of miles away, had turned into a big pit. The violent explosion leveled the ammunition factory to the ground in an instant. All the houses and buildings within two kilometers of the surrounding area were affected and were collapsing and burning, like hell.

The huge explosion scattered many artillery shells and ammunition stored in the ammunition factory warehouse everywhere, and the furthest ones were thrown thousands of meters away. Those ammunition exploded one after another. The tragedy was indescribable, and the casualties and property losses were inestimable... …

Xia Pingan just looked up a few times, paused for a moment, then his face changed slightly, and with a wave of his hand, he directly summoned a thousand-mile horse with a flashing red light. He got on the horse, shook the reins, "Drive...", The thousand-mile horse neighed, let go of its hooves, and started running wildly in the night market of Tianyuan Bridge.

Because Xia Pingan already knows where the corpse demon is causing trouble.

Without hesitation, the man in the iron mask also summoned a thousand-mile horse and followed Xia Pingan to run wildly in the Tianyuanqiao Night Market.

In the urban area of ​​​​Shangjing City, no one is allowed to ride a horse except carriages.

The people on horseback and carriages in the night market also gave way to the two galloping horses.

A team of the Judiciary Army on duty in the Tianyuan Bridge Night Market had just seen the situation in the north of Shangjing City and were still confused. In the blink of an eye, they saw someone galloping towards them on Tianyuan Bridge. The captain of the Judgment Army team immediately rushed to the road, making a gesture of casting a spell to intercept, and stopped the two running wildly.

Xia Pingan immediately reined in the horse, and the galloping horse almost stood up with its feet off the ground.

"I am Xia Pingan, Inspector of Donggang..." Xia Pingan directly took out the Inspector's identity token on the horse and loudly ordered the team of the Adjudicator Army, "Notify the Adjudicator Army immediately, Qingwei Town A large-scale corpse transformation has occurred. In order to prevent the spread of corpse poison, the Judgment Army immediately dispatched troops to intercept..."

The name Xia Pingan is very popular among the members of the Judgment Army these days.

As soon as he saw the inspector's token that Xia Pingan took out, and also said the information that "a large-scale corpse mutiny occurred in Qingwei Town", the face of the captain of the Judgment Army team who intercepted Xia Pingan changed instantly.

Qingwei Town is a town on the outskirts of Shangjing City. It has a population of more than 100,000 and is well connected with transportation. There are many market towns around it, and it also leads to the urban area. Once a large-scale corpse mutation occurs in Qingwei Town and spreads, the consequences will be Unthinkable.

The team leader of the Judgment Army quickly moved out of the way, allowing Xia Pingan to rush out on horseback, and then the team leader immediately notified the Judgment Army.

Xia Pingan and the Iron-faced Man rode horses and quickly rushed out of Tianyuanqiao Night Market and came outside. At this moment, the street outside was sparsely populated, with almost no pedestrians left. The two rode horses and ran wildly on the street.

Xia Ping'an rushed directly in the direction of Qingwei Town, the sound of two thousand-mile horses' hooves sounding like thunder and running like the wind.

"How did you know something happened in Qingwei Town?" The iron-faced man rode on the horse and turned to ask Xia Pingan. He was also surprised. He and Xia Pingan were both at Peng Wang Auction House just now. How did Xia Pingan know about Qing Pingan? Is there a large-scale corpse mutagen in Wei Town?

"A strong person sent me news..." Xia Pingan replied.

Is the God of Fortune boy considered a strong person? In Xia Pingan's eyes, of course he is. There is no dispute, so Xia Pingan feels that he is telling the truth.

But hearing these words in the ears of the iron-faced man gave him a different feeling. He was right next to Xia Pingan, but he didn't know who had passed on the news to Xia Pingan. The cultivation of the strong man that Xia Pingan said Why, at least above him, could Xia Ping'an be supported by a strong man from the Eight Yang Realm and the Nine Yang Realm?

This made the iron-masked man feel slightly chilled, feeling that he still underestimated Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan and the Iron-faced Man rushed to Qingwei Town as quickly as possible. When they rushed there, Qingwei Town was filled with screams. People infected with corpse poison were everywhere chasing those normal people. Some people happened. The zombies have left the town and are looking for targets everywhere. The two towns around Qingwei Town have been affected and some riots have begun.

There were no troops or adjudication troops stationed around Qingwei Town. When riots broke out, they could only provide support from other places. Xia Ping'an and the Iron-faced Man were the first to arrive.

Seeing the two people rushing towards them, seven or eight transformed zombies rushed towards Xia Pingan and the two with red eyes and drooling...

Looking at the clothes of the zombies, each one is a resident of this town, and one is a policeman. The mouths of each zombie are bloody and bloody. They have completely lost their minds and turned into bloodthirsty beasts.

Before Xia Pingan could make a move, the iron-masked man waved his hand, and a fire snake flew out. The seven or eight zombies that rushed towards him were turned into ashes in an instant by the fire snake passing through their bodies.

The fire snake's fire was like a candle lit in the darkness, attracting more zombies at once.

"I'll stay here while you go and clear out the zombies that have fled to nearby towns..." Xia Pingan said directly to the man in the iron mask.

The place where the two of them are is is the main traffic intersection from Qingwei Town to Shangjing City. The zombies in the town are spreading in all directions. As long as you hold on here, you can block the zombies first and prevent the zombies from spreading. Come.

The man in the iron mask disappeared in a flash without saying a word.

Looking at the large group of zombies with red eyes rushing over, Xia Ping'an cursed secretly. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a hundred elite slave soldiers. The elite slave soldiers formed a battle formation and blocked them. intersection.

The fierce fighting started instantly...

The next chapter will be updated later!

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