Golden Summoner

Chapter 51 Ending

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Pingan appeared in the tea hall of Guangzhou Hotel on time.

As soon as he entered the tea room, Xia Pingan saw Officer Qian Lan and a middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses sitting in a corner of the tea room chatting about something. Xia Pingan walked towards the two of them.

Officer Qian Lan spotted Xia Pingan and stood up, and then the middle-aged man in a suit and glasses also stood up.

Today, Qian Lan is wearing a light blue women's suit and high heels, with long hair hanging over her shoulders, like a beautiful white-collar beauty.

"Hello, Mr. Xia!" Officer Qian Lan smiled and shook hands with Xia Pingan, and then introduced the middle-aged man wearing glasses to Xia Pingan, "This is Lawyer Mu Yuan, Lawyer Mu, and this is Mr. Xia!"

"Hello, Mr. Xia, hello!" The lawyer seemed very enthusiastic and quickly shook hands with Xia Ping'an.

"You two, let's talk. I'm here today to introduce you. If you have any questions, please call me!" Seeing Xia Pingan's arrival, Officer Qian Lan took her blue bag and left with a smile. .

After Qian Lan left, Xia Pingan and Lawyer Mu were the only ones left in this teahouse.

Lawyer Mu stood up and politely poured a cup of tea for Xia Pingan. While pouring the tea, he said complimentarily, "Mr. Xia is really young and promising. He joined Optics Valley News Agency at such a young age. He will definitely have a bright future in the future!"

"Lawyer Mu, you're welcome. I'm in a hurry today. Can we get to the topic quickly?" Xia Pingan said directly.

"Refreshing!" Lawyer Mu sat down, "My client is deeply sorry for the harm and inconvenience caused to Mr. Xia and Mr. Xia's sister. The two of them have regretted their original impulse in the detention center these days. When Mr. Xia and I meet this time, on the one hand, I want to apologize to Mr. Xia on behalf of my client, and on the other hand, I also want to discuss with Mr. Xia how to resolve this matter as soon as possible!"

"What does Lawyer Mu's settlement mean?" Xia Pingan asked with a smile.

"Well, my client has indeed never seen Mr. Pressure, the Xianghe City Police Department is also under pressure!" Lawyer Mu spoke to Xia Pingan carefully, and the slightly greasy and sly eyes of the adult behind the eyes stared unblinkingly at Xia Pingan's face.

"I'm a victim, and there's nothing I can do about it!" Xia Pingan said with a smile and spread his hands.

"I know that Mr. Xia is the victim. When my client turned over Mr. Xia's house before, he made it a little messy, but he did not see any guns. The money taken was not 500,000 yuan, but 30,000 yuan. Yeah, I wonder... is there some misunderstanding? Maybe the gun is still in the house, and the other money that Mr. Xia lost may be somewhere else in the house. Mr. Xia might as well take some time to go back and look for it again. Look for it, maybe you can find it!”

As Lawyer Mu spoke, he had already taken out a bank card from his body and pushed it from the table to Xia Pingan.

"Lawyer Mu, what do you mean?"

"There are 500,000 yuan in this card. It is an anonymous bank card. The password is the first six digits of the card number. This is a small amount of financial compensation and apology to Mr. Xia that my client's family has put together. Our client knows these things about Mr. Xia." I can’t go back home, and staying in a hotel outside is expensive and inconvenient. That day at Mr. Xia’s house, my client broke and messed up some things in the house. This is a small amount of compensation. I hope Mr. Xia can accept it. !”

Xia Pingan smiled, glanced at Lawyer Mu, and took the bank card unceremoniously, "Okay, I received this apology. I will find time to move out of that house in the next few days. When I move, I will Let’s look again and see if the gun and money I reported missing before are somewhere at home!”

"Thank you so much!" Lawyer Mu said happily, sighing secretly in his heart, communicating with smart people will save his worries, and he can earn his legal fees steadily. As for his client, he is interested in understanding the case. For lawyer Mu, speaking from the bottom of his heart, he deserves it.

It is common sense in the law that buying and selling does not break the lease. Pretending that you are the new landlord, breaking the door, twisting the lock, and entering the tenant's home to take things is tantamount to theft. You are also acting mischievously. This time you kicked the iron plate and provoked the people you shouldn't mess with. , I really can’t blame anyone for getting myself involved.

Then again, if it weren't for these idiots, I wouldn't be able to make money from my job.

"Lawyer Mu studied law. Let me ask, if my gun and part of the missing money are found, what will the court's final verdict be?"

Lawyer Mu pushed up his glasses and said, "Well, it is clear that my two clients broke into a private house and took away Mr. Xia's belongings and threatened Mr. Xia's life and safety. Legally speaking, this is a home invasion. If they can obtain Mr. Xia's forgiveness and recover the lost firearms and other deposits in time, the court may take appropriate measures when making the judgment. Taking into account their remorse and compensation to Mr. For cases involving theft of about 30,000 yuan and ordinary troubles caused by asking for money, the sentencing standard should be about two years!"

"Okay, I have no problem!" Xia Pingan stood up and was ready to leave, "I will take time to go home and look for it in the next few days. If I find the things I lost before, I will call Qian Lan directly. Contact the police!"

"This is my business card. If Mr. Xia encounters any legal problems in the future, you can come to me!" Lawyer Mu bowed slightly and handed over a business card with both hands. Xia Pingan took it, looked at it, put away the business card, and then He shook hands with Lawyer Mu and said goodbye.

500,000 in hand!

When he walked out of the hotel door, Xia Pingan secretly sighed in his heart. He was right when he said that there are no poor summoners. When faced with this kind of thing where he would rather break his head and bleed, he would stuff money into his pocket. If he didn't accept it, he would be sorry to the couple.

This social beating should make that couple learn to be more honest in the future.

Xia Ping'an walked out of the hotel and took out his mobile phone and sent a message directly to Xia Ning - go home and make fragrant pot soup on Friday!

A few seconds later, Xia Ning replied - Yeah! (smiley face)

Xia Pingan walked to a nearby bus stop, waited for a bus, and finally left on the bus.

On the street outside the hotel, under a big tree, Officer Qian Lan was sitting in a black SUV. At the driving seat was Officer Liu Rui, the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Xianghe City Police Department.

Watching Xia Ping'an walk to the bus stop, get on a bus and leave, Liu Rui looked at Qian Lan, "Isn't this Xia University reporter too frugal? He actually came by bus? He just took the bus 500,000 yuan, does Optics Valley News Agency have such a poor resident reporter?"

"Perhaps Xia University reporter just likes it?" Officer Qian Lan also looked at the leaving bus with interest. Without her saying anything, Officer Liu Rui had already driven the car and quietly followed the bus Xia Pingan was riding. car.

Forty minutes later, I watched Xia Pingan change buses twice, and finally got off the bus at the parking stop outside the Xianghe City National Order Committee. He walked towards the gate of the Xianghe City State Order Committee, sat in the car and turned the car away. Qian Lan and Liu Rui, who stopped far away on the roadside and followed Xia Pingan here with their cameras, looked at each other and took a breath.

Xia Pingan walked to the gate of the National Order Committee, which opened automatically. Before entering, Xia Pingan turned around and waved to Qian Lan and Liu Rui who were sitting in the car a few hundred meters away.

"He found us!" Liu Rui's face changed slightly.

"Delete all the photos taken today on the camera!" Qian Lan looked at the camera in his hand, frowned slightly with his beautiful eyebrows, and smiled bitterly, "The people above never want to cause some trouble. Inexplicable trouble, we have to take the photos back, and that’s our own trouble.”

As Liu Rui spoke, he took out the memory card from the camera, broke it into pieces, and threw it out of the car window onto the road outside. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, "Those two idiots don't know what they have done." Who dares to act recklessly if they think they are landlords? I have already shown mercy. I just want to teach them a lesson, otherwise if I kill them on the spot, their death will be in vain..."

When Xia Pingan returned to the headquarters, he found that the Special Operations Division's evening duty schedule had been arranged. Next Monday, it would be Xia Pingan's turn to light up the lights for the first time...

But the good news is that he and An Qing were assigned to a group.

It shouldn't be an uncomfortable task to light a lamp and spend the long dark night with a beauty like An Qing...

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