Golden Summoner

Chapter 723: Yes Man

"Master, master, there is a patient outside. He has a strange disease. The senior brother who is sitting in front of the doctor cannot cure it. I am here to report it to the master. Please go to the front and have a look..."

The first boundary bead that Xia Pingan fused was the "Yes Man" boundary bead. This boundary bead had just been fused. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a man of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a green round-neck robe and a futou on his head. The young man rushed in hurriedly and told himself in an authentic Luoyang accent.

Looking at the young man's clothes, Xia Pingan judged that the era he was living in was the Tang Dynasty, and the dressing style of the Tang Dynasty was like this.

It wasn't until the young man in front of him finished speaking that Xia Pingan took a leisurely look at the environment he was in. It was a study room, but it wasn't exactly a study room because there were bookcases in the room and the room was adjacent to There is a long table on the window sill. On the long table, there are many Chinese herbal medicines and some acupuncture tools. The whole room is filled with the faint smell of tangerine peel and patchouli. This room is even more... Like a doctor's studio.

When a young man rushed in, he was sitting on the desk, holding a pen dipped in ink in his hand, writing something on a piece of paper, and there were several written papers beside him.

The text on the paper was in neat and handsome regular script. On the dried piece of paper, Xia Pingan saw the five words "Permanent Emergency Prescriptions". It was obvious that the man in front of him was writing something, and when he saw it With these words "Emergency Prescriptions on the Go", Xia Ping'an immediately knew the identity of the man in front of him, Zhang Wenzhong, whom he was playing.

Zhang Wenzhong was a famous doctor in the Tang Dynasty. In history, he treated Emperor Gaozong and was good at acupuncture. "Emergency Prescriptions on the Go" is one of Zhang Wenzhong's works. There is also an anecdote about Zhang Wenzhong that he treated yes-men.

According to records, the yes-man disease appeared more than once in ancient times.

After understanding the environment and his identity, Xia Pingan calmed down immediately...

"Why are you panicking? What disease does that person have that even your senior brother can't see clearly?" Xia Pingan gently put down the pen in his hand and asked.

The young man had a weird look on his face and scratched his head, "Master, that person has an echo in his stomach when he speaks. When he says something, there is a voice in his stomach that follows. This disease is really weird. My senior brother has just diagnosed and treated it. I found that it was not ventriloquism. Ventriloquism uses the pleura to make sounds, and the person's voice did not come from the throat or pleura, but from the belly, as if there was someone in the belly. The senior brother had taken the patient to the back In the clinic, that person also heard that the master is a superb artist, so he came here to see the master to treat his strange disease!"

"Okay, let's go and have a look..."

Xia Pingan was also interested. He also wanted to see what a real yes-man looked like. After that, he got up and went to the back hall clinic with the young man.

As soon as he arrived at the clinic in the back hall, Xia Pingan saw two people. A man in his forties had a sad face and two dark bags under his eyes. He pursed his mouth tightly, as if he was afraid to speak. The man stretched out his hand. , another man in his thirties was having his pulse checked, and the man taking his pulse also frowned.

Seeing Xia Pingan's arrival, the man who felt the pulse quickly stood up and saluted Xia Pingan, "Master, this is the patient. I just checked his pulse carefully. His pulse is thin and weak. , my energy is a bit low, probably because I haven’t slept well for many days, but there are no other problems.”

When the man in his forties saw Xia Pingan coming, he quickly stood up and saluted Xia Pingan.

"I have met Dr. Zhang. I was introduced to you by Dr. Li Qianzong to treat this strange disease..."

"I have met Dr. Zhang. I was introduced to you by Dr. Li Qianzong to treat this strange disease..."

Xia Pingan was also shocked, because it was not the man who said the same sentence twice, but as soon as the man finished speaking, there was a gurgling voice in his stomach and he said the same thing again, as if there was a secret hidden in his stomach. Like a repeater.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Zhao Su..."

"My name is Zhao Su..."

The situation at the scene was really outrageous. Xia Pingan asked this Zhao Su a few questions. Every time Zhao Su said a word, there would be a voice in his stomach that would repeat what he said.

Zhao Su has been suffering from this disease for more than two years. According to him, at the beginning, the voice in his stomach was still small and just gurgling. He thought it was the rumbling of the intestines. Later, the gurgling voice gradually became When he has a voice, he will imitate his speech, but the voice is not loud. Only he can hear it, and no one else can hear it. He thought there was something wrong with his ears, and he took a lot of medicine. But in the past six months, , the sound in his stomach gradually became louder, and even others could hear it. Only then did he realize that there was something wrong with his ears...

Zhao Su was so frightened that he couldn't sleep well. He thought he was possessed by some monster. He had asked many people to do tricks to get rid of the monster, but to no avail. Until a few months ago, he asked A Taoist priest came to his home to do the practice. After seeing his condition, the Taoist priest said that his condition was not possessed by demons and ghosts, but that he had strange insects in his stomach. It was the strange insects that were making noises. According to the ancient records that the Taoist priest had read, This disease is very rare and can only be treated by a doctor, so Zhao Sucai traveled to Luoyang. After some inquiries, he met Li Qianzong two days ago. Li Qianzong was at a loss what to do, so he introduced Zhang Wenzhong to treat this strange disease.

Li Qianzong was also a famous doctor and was familiar with Zhang Wenzhong, but he couldn't stand it, so he introduced Zhao Su to Zhang Wenzhong to try.

Why is it impossible for ordinary people to successfully fuse this kind of world bead? Because those who can think of ways to treat yes-men have extraordinary brains. People who don't know the history of treating yes-men have no way of integrating this world pearl.

"Doctor Zhang, can my illness be cured? I don't dare to go out now, and I don't dare to talk when I go out. If I speak, others will think I'm a monster..." The man looked at Xia Pingan pitifully.

"Doctor Zhang, can my disease be cured? I don't dare to go out now, and I don't dare to talk when I go out. If I open my mouth, others will think that I am a monster..."

Listening to the repeating sound in the man's stomach, Xia Pingan resisted laughing. He pretended to look serious and thoughtful, touched his beard, and asked a question, "Can you read?"

"I have studied for several years and have the status of a rural tribute..."

"I have studied for several years and have the status of a rural tribute..."

Zhao Su said something, and the yes-man in his belly also said something. Zhao Su looked hopeless.

Xia Pingan nodded, and finally turned to the disciples standing beside him, "Go and get the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" from the study!"

"Yes!" The young disciple nodded and quickly went to get the book.

For medical clinics, the book "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" is indispensable and can be found in almost every medical clinic.

After a while, the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" from the medical clinic was fetched and placed in front of Zhao Su.

Xia Pingan pointed to the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and said to Zhao Su, "Read me the names of all the available medicines recorded in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" from beginning to end. You must pronounce them clearly and miss every word!"

"Only read the names of Chinese medicines?"

"Only read the names of Chinese medicines?"

Seeing Xia Pingan nodded, Zhao Su ignored it. He picked up the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and began to read the names of the medicines recorded in the book according to the entries in the book.

"Realgar... stone sulfur... orpiment... mercury... gypsum... magnet... waterstone..."

As Zhao Su read the names of the medicines in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", the yes-man in his belly also read the names of the medicines with him, without missing a word...

Xia Pingan and his disciples were listening nearby. Xia Pingan remained calm, while his disciples were full of curiosity. They didn't know what his master meant by asking this patient with a strange disease to read "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". Was it just Can illness be cured by reading?

As for Zhao Su, he was desperate and regarded Xia Pingan as a life-saving straw. Not to mention that Xia Pingan only asked him to read "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", even if he was asked to eat the book, he would still do it.

More than twenty minutes later, when Zhao Su was reading the Book of Wooden Characters...

"Croton... Croton... Shu Shu... Shu Shu... Honey Locust... Honey Locust... Yu Liren... Yu Liren... Mangcao... Mangcao... Thunder Pill... Tongye... Tongye..."

"Stop..." Xia Pingan suddenly stopped Zhao Su, "When you just read the Thunder Pill, you felt silent in your stomach. You can try reading the Thunder Pill twice more..."

Zhao Su was almost numb from reading. When he heard Xia Ping'an say this, Zhao Su suddenly remembered that, yes, when he just read Thunder Pill, there was indeed no repetitive sound in his belly...

"Thunder Pill..." Zhao Su read it again.

It was the same this time, there was silence in his belly.

"Thunder Pill..." Zhao Su read it for the third time, but there was still silence in his stomach. The "repeater machine" that had been in his stomach before seemed to freeze when it encountered these two words.

"Okay, let's read the names of the medicines at the end?"

Zhao Su continued to read, "Tongye...Tongye...Zi Baipi...Zi Baipi...Heather...Heather..."

After taking the medicine "Thunder Pill", the yes-man in Zhao Su's stomach returned to its original state. Whatever word Zhao Su read in his mouth, the yes-man continued to read it.

Xia Pingan raised his hand and asked Zhao Su to stop reading.

"Go and make some medicine with thunder pills..." Xia Pingan ordered the disciples around him.

The disciple next to him hurriedly went to make medicine. There are many medicines in this medical hall, which can be taken by patients. Thunder pills are also one of the common medicinal materials in the medical hall. It is very convenient to use thunder pills to make medicine.

Lei Wan, also known as Lei Gong Wan, Lei Ya, tastes bitter and cold. It is a fungus used as a medicinal material. It was born in Hanzhong and picked in August.

In less than half an hour, the soup made from thunder pills was served.

Zhao Su looked at Xia Pingan, and Xia Pingan nodded to Zhao Su. Zhao Su picked up the soup and drank all the thunder pill soup in the bowl without thinking.

Just a few minutes after drinking the decoction, his stomach started rumbling and screaming, as if there were villains fighting in his stomach. After a while, Zhao Su's expression changed and he opened his mouth, With a "wow" sound, he spat out a ball of meat more than two inches high.

The meat ball fell to the ground, and it still looked like a person. It stood up and took two steps, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a ball of pus and blood.

Everyone was stunned...

"That's it, the strange bug in your belly has been spit out, and your illness has been cured..." Xia Pingan said to Zhao Su.

"Ah, is it true?" Zhao Su asked in disbelief. Then, he realized that after he asked this question, there was no more sound coming from his belly. He was overjoyed and quickly Thank you to Xia Pingan, "Thank you, Doctor Zhang..."

"Master, what is that little human-shaped meat ball that just spit out from his mouth?"

"That's a yes man!"

"Why did the master ask Zhao Su to read "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" just now?"

"The yes-man is also one of the strange insects in the world and has become a psychic. I asked Zhao Su to read "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" just as an attempt. If there is anything in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" that the strange insects are afraid of, when Zhao Su reads it, That strange insect might be afraid and dare not read it. I gave it a try, and sure enough, the yes-men were afraid of thunder pills and were overcome by them. So when Zhao Su read "Thunder Pills", the yes-men did not dare to read, so I read it with thunder pills. Pills are used as medicine, this is the principle of mutual support and mutual restraint of all things in the world..."

"That's it!" Several people suddenly realized.

The world of Jie Zhu was suddenly shattered into pieces...

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