Golden Summoner

Chapter 739: Chickens and Dogs

The Order Committee now obeys the leadership of the Military Control Committee, and although Mo Yan is now cooperating with his investigation, his duties and status within the Yizhou Provincial Order Committee have not changed, and he is still "performing his duties normally". Therefore, Mo Yan The minor officer was promoted two levels from the Order Committee of Yizhou Province to the Political and Security Department of the Military Control Commission to serve as the deputy director of the First Bureau. From a procedural point of view, there is no problem at all, because the Military Control Commission now implements wartime regulations, and the superior officer's Will can determine many things.

Could it be that Wang Xihe has been reinstated? It is impossible. Even if Wang Xihe is reinstated, he is not that capable, and he has not heard any news. There must be someone with greater energy than Wang Xihe. Take action, otherwise, Mo Yanshao's identity would not have changed so much.

Could it be that there is some connection behind Young Master Mo Yan that he doesn't know about?

Several names on the presidium of the Military Control Commission flashed through Du Bin's mind, and each of these names made him tremble.

At this moment, Du Bin finally felt the despair that a hard and cold system would bring to the people standing opposite it. Before, he was using this system to crush others. Now, It's his turn. In the face of such a system, people like him are just ants once they lose the aura of protecting the body. The secret service communication watch on his hand is like a cold shackle made of steel at this moment. It was like a pair of cold institutional eyes staring at him, giving him goosebumps all over his body, but he didn't dare to throw away what he was holding.

Du Bin staggered from the garden to the hall. Before leaving here, he had to give a brief explanation of his situation to the "big boss". This was his life-saving straw, and he was just a pawn of the "big boss". .

Near the balcony of the hall, in just this minute, there was another man beside the beautiful daughter of the president of the Imperial Development Bank. The two were chatting happily, but Du Bin was not even interested in taking a look. He loosened his tie, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and scanned the place full of celebrities in a panic, trying to find the figure of the big shot...

Finally, Du Bin saw the "big guy". The big guy was on the second floor of the hall. He was walking to a conspicuous position on the second floor. Du Bin quickened his pace and wanted to squeeze through, but unexpectedly, the "big guy" When I came to the balcony on the second floor, I tapped the quilt on my hand lightly and spoke.

"It's rare that all of you are here today. Let me say a few words..."

The boss spoke, his voice was low, deep and deep, not angry or intimidating. The originally lively hall suddenly became quiet. Those people who were talking eloquently about various current situations and issues, like well-disciplined primary school students, suddenly became quiet. Everyone raised their heads slightly and looked at the balcony on the second floor of the hall. The man standing there looked like a king...

In a sense, that person is indeed the uncrowned king of the Great Yan Kingdom and the capital area. This is the first family of the Great Yan Kingdom.

Du Bin passed through the crowd standing in the hall and squeezed towards the stairs. But just as he was about to go up the stairs, two strong men in black uniforms stretched out their arms and blocked his way. In front of him, he stopped him from going up and looked at him with vigilant eyes.

"Sir, please stay..." A man spoke in a low voice. These two men were bodyguards of the Luo family, high-level summoners, and their strength was comparable to that of Du Bin.

"I am Du Bin from the Internal Affairs Supervision Department. Let me go up. I suddenly have something to do and I have to leave here. Now I want to say goodbye to Mr. Luo..." Du Bin smiled and whispered, because the secret service communication watch was monitoring his every move. So Du Bin didn't dare to say anything outrageous. He could only say that it was in line with the current atmosphere and environment. Guests invited here should leave early. Naturally, they should explain it to the host. This is basic etiquette. Even if the people listening over there heard it, they wouldn't be able to find anything wrong with it.

"Mr. Luo is speaking. Please wait a moment. I will convey it to Mr. Luo later..." The two men spoke politely, but with firm attitudes.

Seeing that Luo Ting had begun to speak and the two people in front of him refused to give way, Du Bin had to suppress the panic in his heart, glanced at the time on his watch, and waited patiently. He would return to his office in an hour and a half. That's enough, he can wait a while.

Luo Ting stood on the balcony on the second floor of the hall, with a strange smile on his face, looking at the people below, his voice echoed in the hall.

"As the owner of this place, I am very grateful to all of you for coming to our home for tonight's cocktail party..."

The celebrities in the hall, who had their faces slightly raised, burst into polite but warm applause.

"The current situation in the Great Yan Kingdom is so difficult. Our country is in crisis. The provincial capital of Mozhou Province just fell a few days ago. Just in the south of the Great Yan Kingdom, magic rats and zombies infected with the K virus are attacking Raging, people are dying every moment on this planet. Just on the border, there are countless soldiers and summoners of the Order Committee standing by to guard our country and protect our safety. It is because of their existence that we can be here. Drink to your heart's content and enjoy the happy night of champagne beauties. Only then can you drink fine wine and guide the country. We should thank them and those who stick to their posts for the stability and prosperity of the Great Yan Kingdom..."

The applause this time was a little sparser compared to the last time, because many people found that Luo Ting's speech seemed a little awkward, and the expressions on some people's faces began to become unnatural, so when they applauded, they just Not as enthusiastic as last time.

But Luo Ting was still smiling, not caring about the reactions of those below. When the applause stopped, he continued talking.

"So, just before I came here, I had made an important decision. I decided to do something for those who served the country, for those who lost their loved ones and homes in the disaster, and for Great Yan. I want to do something for the country because I feel I have the ability and the obligation to do something for them..."

I see!

The applause in the hall became enthusiastic again. Those who had looked a little unnatural just now suddenly felt relieved and had smiles on their faces.

This is the pattern!

Many people said secretly in their hearts, looking at the man who was once the number one figure in the Great Yan Kingdom with admiration.

"When the country is in crisis and is in danger, what the country needs most is two things. One thing is material and money. As long as there is enough money and enough wealth, we can have sufficient supplies to deal with it. Disasters can help more people in need rebuild their homes and protect our country. Soldiers on the front line can also use more equipment and have better security levels. The second thing the country needs is spirituality. It is to let everyone in this country see the hope of victory, to see the brilliance of the sword of justice, to see that our government is still clean, powerful and serving this country, and to see our strong determination to overcome difficulties... …”

It was so well said that the applause in the hall was instantly warm and reached its peak, and every guest's face was filled with brilliance.

Luo Ting smiled, looked at the applauding people, raised his hands, and the applause gradually subsided, "So, just now, in my study, I have controlled our family's family accounts in several major banks in Europe, and presented them to everyone. Yanguo's National Reconstruction Foundation has transferred and donated 2.8 trillion yuan of wealth. This 2.8 trillion yuan of wealth was originally the ill-gotten wealth and black gold that our family has seized from this country for two generations. Now, I think it is time to transfer this money. It has been returned to this country again. As long as the money is still lying in our family's overseas account, if there is any trouble in the bank in Europe, I will not be able to sleep or eat well, and I will feel deeply guilty."

The atmosphere in the hall was like freezing at this moment, and you could hear the drop of a pin. All the celebrity guests looked at Luo Ting in stunned silence. Their expressions had completely changed. Some even thought they were dreaming and slapped themselves twice on the face. , found that all this is actually true.

But Luo Ting continued to talk with a smile.

"This is the first thing I do for the country, and the second thing I do for the country is that I want to confess to everyone here that our Luo family, my father, and I have actually already We colluded with the Devil's Eye and betrayed the Great Yan Kingdom and the people of this country. We should be judged. Just under this mountain, in my father's secret room, my father just used the secret method of the Devil's Eye to torture and kill a child. , absorbed the child's life energy, and then threw the child's body into a deep pit full of crocodiles. My father is already dead. He had an accident when he was connecting with the devil's eye. He died ugly. , under the instructions of the Devil's Eye, I also did a lot of despicable things. I have placed many people in many departments of Dayan Kingdom. Through them, I am always sending people from Dayan Kingdom's National Defense Intelligence and Order Committee. Mobilize the situation to report to the Devil’s Eye and attack those who are fighting against the Devil’s Eye…”

"The explosion of the Pacific Fleet's weapons depot last year was actually arranged by me in order to put pressure on the Committee of Order. I have been blocking the passage of the Great Yan Country's law to severely punish the trafficking of children and women regardless of public opinion. It is because of the relationship between our family and the devil. Eye is a beneficiary of the global network of trafficking in children and women. My father needs those children to extend his life and youth. Devil Eye needs people to sacrifice. I have also done many, many things that betray the country and the people. Everyone in our family There is no clean money. If we cooperate with Devil's Eye, we can protect our family's overseas black gold deposits from being exposed, and we can keep our family at the top of the power pyramid of this country forever. I regret it very much. Those things I have done before, but today, I must give an explanation to the country, rebuild everyone's confidence in the country, and let the sword of justice show its due edge. I think there is no need for such a dirty bloodline like our Luo family. It continues, I'm sorry..." Luo Ting said, suddenly a pistol appeared in his hand, pointed it at his head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Luo Ting fell down, and the bullet passed through Luo Ting's head, opening a bloody hole as big as a fist in his skull. The bullet then hit the chandelier on the ceiling, and a string of crystals, brains, and blood on the chandelier After coming down from the second floor, the crystal hit the ground. The blood and brains stained the white evening dress of a lady downstairs who was looking up. Some sticky things even fell on the lady's wine glass. Inside and on the half-exposed breasts.

"Ah..." The lady downstairs let out a piercing scream, and everyone in the hall suddenly became confused as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Du Bin, who was standing at the top of the stairs, stared blankly at everything in front of him. His whole body was stiff, his mind was blank, and his whole body was trembling. With deep fear, the "big man" actually committed suicide in front of him. The most powerful first family of the Yan Kingdom was finished like this. Du Bin still couldn't understand what happened tonight. He felt that it was like a terrifying nightmare that silently enveloped the entire world and made the capital circle blink. Everything changed in the blink of an eye...

The entire hall suddenly became chaotic, and countless people were running in panic, trying to get out of here.

Wang Xihe was still looking at the time on his hand on the rotorcraft hovering in the air.

Eighteen minutes after Xia Pingan left here, wind seemed to blow in the cabin of the rotor helicopter. Wang Xihe turned his head and discovered that Xia Pingan had returned.

Xia Pingan's face was calm, and he just nodded lightly to Wang Xihe, "The matter is done!"

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