Golden Summoner

Chapter 77 The arrival of the Holy Spirit

August 15, 2019, this day, the Ghost Festival, is both the 15th day of the solar calendar and the 15th day of the lunar calendar.

In the past, this day was a day worth celebrating for all summoners, but today was different.

At night, a blood-red full moon appeared in the sky, as if it had been wiped with blood.

After night falls, the sky of Great Yan Kingdom turns blood red under the light of the blood moon. The oppressive breath comes from the sky, making the earth silent. The insects that usually become noisy at this time are as silent as cicadas. , no longer tweeting.

The birds refused to return to their nests. It was already night, but across the world, large flocks of birds were flying in the sky, constantly chirping shrilly.

Today, dozens of bird-aircraft collisions have occurred around the world.

Dolphins and whales are stranded on beaches all over the world.

Tens of billions of locusts, like dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun, rushed into the cities of Africa and Nanguangzhou, violently hitting the tall buildings in the cities, and the bodies of the locusts fell from the sky like raindrops. During the fall, the glass windows of more than one building were smashed by locusts. The locusts invaded the building through the broken windows, biting and smashing indiscriminately.

Many cities were plunged into chaos due to locust invasion.

Turn on the radio, TV stations and various online media, and you will see all kinds of news that makes people tremble.

In the cities where riots occurred before, today, the riots have reached a climax.

Various short videos that spread quickly on the Internet amplified people's panic instantly.

Europe, Asia, Guangzhou...

China, Yanguo, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the Middle East...

In the anti-space invasion command centers of almost all major powers, big figures such as the president, prime minister, prime minister, and defense minister are all watching the real-time surveillance images from satellites with trembling fear.

The huge space crack that appeared over the Eurasian continent began to expand rapidly from 19:33 pm Yanjing time, 14:33 pm Greenwich time. The space crack, which was originally more than 7,000 kilometers long, began to expand rapidly. In less than half an hour, it more than doubled in size to more than 15,000 kilometers, covering the entire Eurasian continent.

At the same time, huge space cracks began to appear in the sky of Guangzhou, Africa and other places. These space cracks spread all over the sky, like bloody vines extending from the sky, and began to connect bit by bit, gradually connecting the city. Blockbusters.

By 9:30 pm, Yanjing time, from the ground in Beiguangzhou, a huge space crack had opened in the sky, spanning north and south, with a length of more than 10,000 kilometers.

The sky was like a burnt hole, split open through it!

Will nuclear weapons be launched into the gradually expanding space cracks?

The heads of major countries are in urgent consultation.

The lessons learned from the British Isles are right in front of us. Nuclear weapons cannot solve the threat of space invasion. On the contrary, they may make space invasion more difficult to deal with. Most countries do not agree to launch nuclear bombs into space cracks, but Russia wants to try...

The entire sky was burning like fire, and everything as far as the eye could see was a strange dark red...

Traffic in the entire Xinchuan City has long since been paralyzed. Some Xinchuan citizens hid in designated underground shelters as required, but many citizens ignored the curfew order and fled the city with their families. The roads throughout the city were piled high. The vehicles were stopped, and the drivers were honking their horns frantically. The sound of horns converged into a torrent on the highways.

At 9:47, Wang Xihe walked out of the war command center and came to the outside of the provincial headquarters building, holding a dragon-headed cane.

When he walked out of the main entrance of the building, the old man turned his head and glanced. On the lawn next to the building, ants were pouring out from the ground and moving. When he raised his head, in the bloody sky, there were still a large group of meadowlarks that had not returned. The nest, flying in the sky, screams.

The newly formed Yizhou Demon Guards and Quick Reaction Force have all been sent out by the old man to perform different tasks. At this moment, there are not many people left in the provincial headquarters.

The rapid reaction force must maintain order in Xinchuan City and several surrounding areas, protect important facilities such as electricity and water sources, and prevent the spread of riots.

The demon-suppressing guards were divided into multiple teams and different task groups to guard various parts of Yizhou to deal with major changes.

For some reason, the old man who looked up at the sky suddenly thought of Xia Pingan. He turned his head and looked at his assistant Pan Lin, "Is there any news about Xia Pingan?"

"We have lost contact for more than 24 hours, and there is no news from the three special forces members who were working with Xia Pingan!" Pan Lin replied.

"Have been out of contact for 24 hours?" The old man frowned slightly.

"Yes!" Pan Lin looked at the old man's darkened expression and asked in a low voice, "Are we going to send out a search team?"

"No need, what was supposed to happen has already happened!" The old man shook his head and sighed, "It's going to rain, my mother wants to get married, let him do it. The rise and fall of fortune and misfortune can sometimes happen in just a thought. That's right. , where is Yan Duo?"

"He led the Yanzi Battalion to participate in the anti-narcotics force's operation a few days ago, and he is still performing the mission!"

At this moment, a shrill and whimpering alarm suddenly sounded in the building behind the old man. Pan Lin's expression changed, "Old man, please enter the emergency shelter immediately!"

Not only the provincial headquarters building sounded the alarm, almost at the same time, the anti-space invasion alarms of the entire Xinchuan, the entire Yizhou Province, and all the cities in Dayan rang loudly.

The old man shook his head and looked up at the sky, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just watching from here!"

Amid the shrill sirens, the orange-red light in the sky outside became brighter and brighter.

More than ten seconds later, a flaming meteorite emerged from the crack in space, broke through the clouds, lit up the entire sky, fell towards the ground, and hit the wilderness in the distance, making a violent roar. Explosion.

Just one minute later, one, two, three...a hundred...thousands of...

More and more flaming meteorites began to fall from the sky, tearing away the clouds in the sky and falling to the ground.

Europe, Africa, Asia, Guangzhou, everywhere are facing the same situation...

When the first fire meteorite fell, it was still daytime in China...

In Toulon, France, a huge fire meteorite fell directly on an aircraft carrier parked in the military port, smashing an aircraft carrier of the French Navy into two pieces and causing huge waves on the sea.

As the fire meteorites continued to fall, in just a few minutes, France's largest military port and the warships parked in the military port suffered heavy losses and were in a mess. Under the fire, smoke, explosions, and the waves that crashed onto the embankment, , the entire Toulon began to fall into chaos.

In Japan's Mount Fuji, as the first fire meteorite fell on the top of Mount Fuji, the long-dormant Mount Fuji began to shake violently, like an awakened monster, and blood-red magma began to erupt from the top of the mountain...

In China, falling fire meteorites hit the ancient Great Wall, and the mountains trembled...

All over the world, countless fire meteorites emerged from the huge space cracks in the sky and fell rapidly towards the ground...

The petrochemical plant at the largest port on the west coast of the Great Yan Kingdom was hit by a fire meteorite. The petrochemical plant exploded violently, and the entire port turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The Kremlin was completely reduced to pieces under a fire meteorite...

Ginza, Tokyo, Japan was turned into ruins and a living hell under the attack of fire meteorites...

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris collapsed in flames...

Those oil refineries in the Middle East were like ignited gasoline barrels under the attack of fire meteorites, with thick smoke covering the sky...

Explosions and fire lights lit up on the ground, and the whole earth was shaking.

A fire meteorite landed in the base of the Yizhou Provincial National Order Committee's rapid reaction force, only more than a thousand meters away from where Xia Ping'an and the others were.

Standing in the base of the National Order Committee of Yizhou Province, you can already feel the ground shaking under your feet.

Another fire meteorite fell in the military camp. This time, it was closer to Xia Pingan and the others, only four to five hundred meters away.

The third fire meteorite fell from the sky with flames and thick smoke, smashing several antennas and signal transmission towers on the top of the auxiliary building next to the Order Committee Provincial Building, shattering the two-story building, and the meteorite fell on the Order Committee In the open space two hundred meters away in front of the committee building, a big hole was made in the ground in an instant.

The violent explosions and shock waves, accompanied by raging flames, shattered all the glass outside the Order Committee Provincial Building. Countless broken glass scattered from the building, and the black building looked like snow.

Just as the shock wave and flames of the explosion were about to sweep away, the old man raised his hand, and a huge ice-blue water cover was like a huge pot lid, covering the entire provincial building in a rippling water cover. .

In Xinchuan City in the distance, when the meteorites fell, fires were already burning, and thick smoke rose into the sky. In the center of Xinchuan City, there were two buildings with a height of more than 300 meters that were visible to the naked eye from the provincial capital. The skyscraper was cut in half by the fire meteorite and collapsed suddenly.

Further on the ground, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ballistic missiles soared from the ground, like white arrows shot from the earth, with streaks of white light, desperate and without hesitation. Shoot into the orange-red night sky that has been completely burned to meet those huge meteorites falling from the sky.

But the number of those missiles was like a drop in the bucket compared to the meteorites falling from the sky with flames.

The entire Dayan, the entire Guangzhou, almost all countries in the world, those densely populated cities, military bases, ports, almost all over the world are being baptized by the fire meteorites falling from the sky at this moment.

The earth is shaking...

Buildings are collapsing...

The cities groaned in pain amidst the fire and smoke...

When the first fire meteorite fell, Xia Pingan was lurking like a cheetah, waiting for prey to enter his ambush circle.

Xia Pingan raised his head and looked at the sky. The crack in the sky seemed to be spraying fire rain...

The moment the Devil's Eye spoke of has finally come...

Tonight is a night of earth-shaking and a night of murder...

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