Golden Summoner

Chapter 849 Raid

Xia Pingan and Caocao stayed together for half a year. The two were like a couple in love. They traveled together every day, taking in the scenery and everything in the world. Xia Pingan and Caocao could shatter the void and appear thousands of miles away in an instant. .

He took Cao Cao to visit Shangjing City, Dashang Kingdom, Jinyue Continent, Mujiao Continent, all over the world, the eight extremes of the universe, the secret realm, and the prosperous world. As long as Cao Cao has not been to places and places he wants to go, he will take them with him. Go and have a look and play.

The two rowed a small boat in the most prosperous Shen'en City in the world in Yuanqiu; drank wine and watched the beautiful sunset on a quiet island in the Immortal Sea; hugged each other on the top of Wuji Mountain and watched the sky full of clouds and clouds. I have counted the brilliant stars in the sky; I have explored the mysteries of the illusion created by heaven and earth in the sea of ​​​​fog; I have leisurely read books and drank tea in Jing Lao’s secret world; I have seen the powerful of all races on the battlefield of the secret realm of heaven. He has experienced the majestic battle of fighting; he has also explored the subtle secret realm in the endless abyss of the underground; and he has even seen the beauty of thousands of aquatic creatures in the secret world like a crystal palace on the bottom of the sea...

Xia Pingan finally understood that if you love someone, you will want to put all the beauty in the world into that person's life, and you will want to hold hands with that person and experience all the wonders of the world.

As long as you hold that person's hand, you will never feel lonely no matter where you are.

It was summer when Xia Ping An and Cao Cao left Shang Jing City with Cao Cao. When he and Cao Cao returned to Shang Jing City and Zhougong Tower, it was already winter in Shang Jing City, with heavy snow falling.

Cao Cao is a little fatter. There is a trace of rosy and happy baby fat on her tender and pretty face. There is a trace of happy smile on her face. In her bright and clear eyes, there is also a sense of seeing the world with her beloved. Satisfaction after the scenery.

Well, of course, Cao Cao also eats less. As long as he goes to those prosperous places with people, Cao Cao always shows his true nature as a foodie and wants to taste what he has never eaten before. For this reason, the gods in the Yuanqiu world En City, because there are so many things to eat there, including almost all the delicacies available in the entire Yuanqiu world, I spent more than half a month in Shen'en City.

No matter how reluctant he was to leave, Xia Pingan had to separate from Caocao and rush to the battlefield of his destiny!

In the heavy snow in the sky, Cao Cao finally hugged Xia Pingan, and the last three words he said were, "I'm waiting for you!"

Xia Pingan nodded, kissed Cao Cao gently on the face, then turned around and shattered the void, disappearing into the wind and snow in the sky.

Before looking for Cao Cao, Xia Pingan had already been to Shu Long's house. When he went there, Shu Longxi was in seclusion, practicing the Shulong family's secret method of combining law and martial arts. The fate and responsibility of the divine son of the Shulong family, this life-and-death struggle can be as short as a few years, or as long as more than ten years and decades. During this period, it cannot be interrupted, cannot come out, and cannot be disturbed. Therefore, it is a pity that Xia Pingan did not meet Shu Longxi in the end. When they met last time, he just left a gift of Good Fortune Ruyi Gold for Shu Longxi.

This Good Fortune Gold was obtained from Shu Longxi together, and it can be regarded as a souvenir for Shu Longxi.

Those who are in ecstasy can only say goodbye!

Xia Ping'an escaped into the void because he was afraid to look back and see Cao Cao standing alone in the wind and snow. He was afraid that he would not be able to help but stay.

Xia Pingan finally understood that as long as you are a human being, even a demigod, you cannot have regrets. Everyone grows up with regrets and chooses among regrets. Every choice has different regrets. The key is that you What do you want to take on?

Xia Pingan chose to take on his own mission!

Not only must we end the space invasion in our hometown, but we must also end the space invasion in all worlds and crush all harmful spirits.

If only becoming a god can do it, then embark on the road of becoming a god. If there is still a battle between gods after becoming a god, then fight to the end to create a future for everyone, and completely suppress all the monsters, monsters, monsters and monsters in the universe!

Bring peace to the world!

Give peace to kind people!

Make all the waiting worth it!

Let every evil bear the consequences!

Let those who deserve to go to hell go to hell, and those who deserve to go to heaven go to heaven!

Let the great road not be empty, let the cause and effect be true!

This is your mission!

Love can make a person soft, and it can also make a person extremely strong.

When he left the world of Yuanqiu, Xia Ping'an's will was as steely as iron and was unshakable. No matter how difficult the road to becoming a god in the gods of the gods was, he must become a god and let all this have a result.

The entrance to the realm of gods is in the secret realm of heaven.

In the endless space turbulence, Xia Pingan's brilliant wings of light spread out behind him, flying like wind and lightning in the layers of space turbulence. He traveled hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, and he passed through the world of God-killing Insects. After passing through the secret realm of heaven and flying in that space for more than three months, I finally arrived at the entrance to the realm of gods.

The moment he arrived at the entrance to the God Realm, Xia Pingan was stunned.

Because what was displayed in front of him was not an entrance, but a huge galaxy cluster condensed by countless brilliant and swirling galaxies. The whole picture of that huge galaxy cluster could not be seen clearly with the naked eye. Only the superpowers of demigods could A person with strong perception can get a glimpse of its whole picture in consciousness. The huge galaxy cluster condenses into the shape of a leafy tree in the universe. The trunk, branches, and leaves are all brilliant stars and nebulae. , shocking.

This is the realm of gods!

It’s a huge cosmic tree!

The so-called entrance to the realm of gods is when the huge galaxy cluster rotates, disturbing the cosmic space, causing the entire space to form countless large and small spiral space passages, such as the roots of the big tree composed of the galaxy cluster. The root system connects to all realms of the universe. Xia Pingan's position is just a small branch of the developed root system. However, this system is also huge in front of Xia Pingan. A huge space channel, and there is a terrifying gravity in that space channel.

"Once you enter this realm of gods, how can you still get out if you fail?" Xia Ping'an murmured to himself.

He had heard before that some of the powerful demigods who entered the realm of the gods would lose all their cultivation and become ordinary people after they failed. However, the scene in front of him made Xia Pingan unimaginable. How could an ordinary person escape from the realm of the gods? Break away from the domain?

If you don't advance to become a god in a place like this, you'll probably never return.

Standing at the entrance of the passage, Xia Pingan was shocked by the vast mystery of the realm of gods he perceived, but after staying for a while, he still plunged into the space passage.

The power coming from this space channel was so terrifying. Even Xia Pingan, as a demigod, could feel the terrifying squeezing and pulling of this power on his body. Summoners below the level of demigod, even those in the Nine Yang realm, could If you enter here, your entire body will be crushed into powder by the power coming from this space channel.

In addition to the huge pressure that is enough to make even a strong demigod feel a little strenuous, this space channel is also surging with the five elements of energy of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth that are compressed to the extreme.

In that space channel, the speed was so fast that Xia Pingan could not imagine it. Xia Pingan only felt countless stars flying outside the channel, and his body in the space channel began to be affected by the energy of the five elements bit by bit. Assimilate and decompose, and transform into the pure energy of the five elements, just like being transformed into nutrients and absorbed by the roots of the heavens and gods.

This feeling is like experiencing some kind of rebirth where the body gradually becomes smaller and resembles rejuvenation. It's so terrifying.


During the assimilation and decomposition of the five elements of energy, the ten-round scorching sun and the projection of Lingxiao City in Xia Pingan's secret mandala suddenly appeared around Xia Pingan's body. The ten-round scorching sun and the projection of the Kingdom of God formed a huge protective circle. Protect Xia Pingan's body from being completely decomposed and assimilated by the five elements energy in the channel.

Traveling through such a space passage, one cannot sense the concept of time at all. Xia Ping An only felt that he had passed through countless galaxies in that passage, as if he had leapt across a universe, and he did not know that seven days had passed. , ten days, or half a month, during that endless shuttle, suddenly, Xia Pingan felt a terrifying aura appear in front of him.

With the emergence of that breath, three blood-red eyes appeared in front of Xia Ping'an in this space passage. The blood-red eye in the middle of the three eyes was like the totem of the devil's eye. With the appearance of this blood-red eye, the entire space channel suddenly trembled violently due to the entry of this powerful energy, as if it had entered the violent tsunami from the calm sea.

Xia Ping'an saw that outside the passage, there were stars that were shattered directly by the force, the void was collapsing, a man with horns on his head, a body that was hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size, and an unimaginably huge black shadow appeared in this passage. During this time, the entire passage began to shatter bit by bit.

With the appearance of this figure, Xia Pingan's body seemed to be torn apart in the violent shock, and a mouthful of golden blood couldn't help but spurt out all at once.

"Are you finally here?" A voice as dull as thunder that shook the void sounded in the space channel. The huge figure spoke, and its three eyes began to glow with dazzling red light. "I have been waiting for you for a long time. I know you must It will come, my power can be projected to this part, I will not let you succeed and enter the realm of the gods..."

The huge black figure spoke, stretched out his hand, and slapped Xia Pingan's body directly.

The space, stars, and the power of the five elements within millions of kilometers around Xia Ping'an's body were all shattered in that palm, turning into complete nothingness and chaotic energy. This root channel of the gods' domain was directly It shattered, collapsed, disappeared, and was shattered inch by inch in front of that palm. No power could withstand such a palm.

That power can destroy everything...

In the face of such power, the power of a demigod is like ants and dust in a storm.

Before losing consciousness and feeling his body turn into nothingness under that terrifying power, the last sight Xia Pingan saw vaguely in front of his eyes was the bright and dazzling golden light, and a majestic giant tower that appeared in the golden light. His ears During the middle of the day, I also vaguely heard an angry roar from the huge black shadow just now...


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