Golden Summoner

Chapter 874 Abnormal

There was a lot of noise upstairs. Just when Xia Ping'an shot the second time upstairs, there was also the noise of something being knocked over downstairs.

In the eyes of the green messenger, Xia Ping'an "saw" that the door leading to the backyard on the first floor of the wax museum was suddenly pushed open, and then a panicked figure rushed from the first floor of the wax museum into the yard, trying to escape.

Needless to say, the person who wants to escape from the wax museum at this time is most likely an accomplice of the old man and has a guilty conscience. The guy was on the first floor of the wax museum before and should be the gatekeeper, but there is a small possibility. It was an unrelated person, or someone captured by that old man.

Xia Pingan was not in a hurry to kill the man, but with a thought in his mind, the figure who ran into the yard let out a frightened scream, because two vines suddenly emerged from the ground in the yard. Like snakes emerging from the ground, the vines wrapped around the man's calves and imprisoned the man on the ground in the yard. The man screamed, then took out a pistol and pointed it at the ground. The magic vines fired randomly, "Bang...bang...".

When he saw the guy taking out the gun, Xia Pingan was already sure that the guy was definitely one of the old man's group. There would be no other possibility, otherwise there would be no gun on him. In the Republic of Red Roan, firearms are controlled. It's impossible for ordinary people to get such things, so you're welcome.

The bullet hit the soil next to the magic vine, and one bullet grazed the magic vine, but this attack was basically ineffective against the magic vine.

"Tsk..." Another magic vine emerged from the ground. Like a spear, it pierced directly through the chest of the guy who shot the gun. It hung the man on the magic vine and instantly killed the guy. The blood was drained, and then the magic vine shrank to the ground, as if it had never appeared before, but the guy who fired the gun had fallen to the ground in the yard with a pale face of fear, a bloody hole in his chest, and his heart was damaged. The hole was pierced, and at the same time, not a drop of blood was left on the body.

Upstairs, Long Wu has rushed out of the room. The combination of Long Wu's knife and shield is like the sickle wielded by the God of Death. He has used it to perfection. Every move is a killing move that has been honed over thousands of times on the battlefield. It is crisp, sharp and fierce. , those wax figures who twisted their stiff bodies to life were chopped down by Long Wu's sword one after another, or were directly smashed into pieces by Long Wu with his shield.

The flesh, bones, and internal organs inside those wax figures look particularly scary.

In less than half a minute, without Xia Pingan taking action, all the moving wax figures were killed by Long Wu. There were more than twenty in total. The upstairs suddenly became quiet. The pungent smell of corpses and blood was incompatible with the making of wax figures. The smell of gypsum oil and wax mixed together is nauseating.

Long Wu's style is simple and crude but effective. He is too lazy to distinguish one by one how many of the wax figures in the wax museum have been tampered with. Therefore, in addition to the wax figures that are moving, even those that have not been moved All the wax figures were cut in half by Long Wuyi to eliminate any future troubles.

Long Wu was like a man who broke into a china shop, brutally and forcefully cutting everything that looked human into pieces.

The inside of the body of a real wax figure is a wooden skeleton, as well as plaster, oil wax, clay and other things. However, for those wax figures with hands and feet modified, the bones and human organs are clearly visible inside the body.

After Long Wu did this, he really killed two wax statues that had been tampered with among the wax statues that had not moved at all.

After Long Wu swept through the third and second floors, the wax museum was full of broken limbs, some of which were wax figures, some of which were human, all mixed together, like hell.

At this moment, Xia Pingan felt the message from the magic vine. There was a huge basement under the first floor of the wax museum.

Xia Ping'an and Long Wu came to the first floor of the wax museum. All the wax figures on this floor had been cleaned by the magic vine. The magic vine also opened a tunnel leading to the basement hidden in the warehouse of materials required for making wax figures on the first floor. Door.

Long Wu lit a torch and rushed to the basement first, followed closely by Xia Pingan.

In that dark basement, even someone like Xia Pingan, who was used to seeing all kinds of horrific and bloody scenes, felt his stomach twitch when he looked at the scene in the basement.

There are large and small transparent glass bottles everywhere in this basement. In those glass bottles, all human organs, heart, genitals, brain, internal organs, everything is soaked in those glass bottles. They are everywhere. , all soaked white.

In addition to these organs, there are even people soaked in some larger glass bottles. Adults, children, men, women. From the appearance of those people soaked in the bottles, they don’t look like people at all. The bodies stolen from the graves, because obvious external wounds can be seen on those bodies, especially those of adult men and women, and the bodies of children soaked in glass bottles have all their internal organs ejected .

There were more than twenty corpses of children soaked in bottles alone.

What's even more outrageous is that on the glass bottles containing human bodies and various organs, there are also missing person notices and missing person flyers and advertisements published in the "Brandy Daily". Among the notices and leaflet advertisements, you can also see some photos of people in front of them.

Some of those missing person notices and missing person flyers are very old. Judging from the date, they are from twenty years ago.

Damn, this is really a murderous cave. The crimes that the old man committed here were not just stealing corpses in the cemetery and believing in cults, but many years ago, the old man started killing people. He was a man who liked to kill all kinds of people. A perverted killer who was cut up and soaked in a bottle to make specimens.

In the middle of this underground secret room, there was an iron frame. The iron frame was stained with iron hooks, butcher knives, and chains. At a glance, one could imagine the horrific scene of a living person being dismembered on the iron frame.

Xia Pingan couldn't help but get furious after seeing this scene.

Damn it, it was too easy to let that dead old man die. That bastard was a pervert and should have been cut into pieces.

At this moment, the magic vine found something again in a corner of the basement. The thing was under a stone brick in the basement. The magic vine directly pushed open the stone brick and rolled the thing with a vine to Xia Ping'an. in front of.

It was a one-foot-sized iron box, and he didn't know what was inside. Xia Pingan didn't open it to take a look, because he had already heard a knock on the door from outside.

The gunshots that just appeared here have already called in several police officers patrolling nearby. Several residents living nearby boldly came out and talked to the police officers while facing the wax museum. Pointing.

Xia Pingan and Long Wu quickly left the basement, leaving only a night watchman's mark in the yard here.

Before the police broke in, Xia Pingan had returned to his normal appearance and left the place quietly with Long Wu.

The police officers who rushed to the wax museum turned pale when they saw the bloodless corpse in the courtyard and the night watchman's mark left next to the corpse. They quickly left as if they were avoiding the plague. The wax museum only dared to stay outside the wax museum, and at the same time asked people to notify the police station and the investigation bureau.

The cases handled by the night watchmen are not something ordinary police can intervene in. The matters here can only be taken over by the Investigation Bureau.

When Xia Pingan and Long Wu returned to No. 169 Binhu Street, it was already more than an hour later.

Long Wu got out of the carriage and opened the door for Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan got out of the car and paid. Then the green messenger flying in the sky landed on Xia Pingan's shoulders, under the grass in the flower bed outside the villa, An unobtrusive vine also emerged.

The driver of the taxi glanced at Long Wu. Looking at Xia Ping'an and this strange group of people, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. After collecting the fare, he immediately drove the carriage away.

Xia Ping'an was dressed normally, but Long Wu's outfit was full of exotic atmosphere and didn't look like someone from here at all.

Xia Pingan opened the door of the villa and came in with Long Wu.

"There is a room on the second floor by the street. You will stay in that room from now on. There are some clothes in the closet in the room. I think my figure is about the same as yours. Please change your clothes. When you go out from now on, do as the Romans do and wear the clothes here! "Xia Pingan said to Long Wu.

"Okay!" Long Wu said in a rough voice, "Is this where the Lord lives? It's too simple. Let me take a look around and see if there are any hidden dangers?"

As Long Wu said that, he wandered around the room dutifully, checking the portals, walls and rooms in the villa. This is also a characteristic of highly intelligent summons. They have strong initiative, have their own identification and judgment, and are very economical. Heart.

There were magic vines watching outside the villa, and there was also a bodyguard like Long Wu in the villa. Xia Pingan finally felt that the villa had a little sense of security, and he no longer had to worry about everything.

Well, if you summon another servant, the chores in the villa can be taken care of, that would be even better.

"I'm so thirsty... I'm so thirsty... I'm so thirsty... I want a drink of water... I want a drink of water..." The green-clothed messenger had already begun to shout.

The messenger in green, as the summoned object, has been busy for most of the day today, flying around. He must add some water, otherwise he will wilt tomorrow. Fortunately, in addition to consuming divine power, these summoned objects are coming. During this period, as long as there is water.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work today..."

Xia Pingan went to the kitchen, found a bowl, poured a bowl of clean water and put it on the table. The messenger in green jumped on the table and started drinking the water.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xia Pingan finally took out the box he got in the basement of Drover Wax Museum, put it on the kitchen counter, and opened the box without much effort.

In that box, the first thing that caught Xia Pingan's eyes were six divine crystals, with a total of 600 points of divine power.

Seeing this 600-point divine crystal, Xia Pingan finally showed a smile on his face.

In addition to the divine crystal, there was a copper cylinder in the box. The cylinder was used for maps. Xia Pingan opened the cylinder and took out an old and broken piece of kraft paper. He opened the kraft paper and On the vellum is a strange map with blood stains. There is a line on the map called "Treasure of the Blood Emperor!"

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