Golden Summoner

Chapter 912 Old Friend

Wu Wuxin, who had just arrived in Kelande, had been running around all day today. He visited more than a dozen fruit shops in Kelande City and visited two of his father's business friends. Although most of the day He was riding in a carriage, but after such a day of hard work, he felt that the soles of his feet were about to emit smoke and his legs became heavy.

When it got dark, he had a hasty dinner outside, and then returned to his apartment building on Nolan Street in Corland, dragging his tired body and wearing a sweat-soaked shirt.

This apartment was bought by his father before, and it was regarded as an investment for the family. Occasionally, his father would live here for a period of time when he came to Corland. This is his current place of residence in Keland, which saves him a lot of money. Trouble finding accommodation.

Hua La took out the key, opened the door, and closed the door lazily. Wu Wuxin was about to turn on the lights in the room. Just when he walked to the living room, Wu Wuxin suddenly Wu Xin suddenly became excited, and the laziness disappeared in an instant, and the cold sweat on his body suddenly broke down.

Because there is a figure sitting on the sofa on the side of the living room near the window. The light from Youmo Lake shines through the window, just showing the outline of the figure sitting on the sofa. The figure is motionless, like a mountain, just sitting. On the sofa in the dark living room, huge pressure rushed over me.

"Good man, I don't have much money. The total amount is about two hundred thalers. I'll give it all to you. I haven't seen your face. Don't do anything exciting. Calm down. Be sure to calm down. Let me tell you, I owe the police chief of Keland a lot of money. If I die, they will definitely get to the bottom of it..." Wu Wuxin swallowed his saliva, and without thinking, he took out his wallet and threw it in the on the table next to him, then turned around, raised his hands, facing the wall of the living room, his eyes closed, his body trembling, "You can go out after you take the money... Don't worry, I won't call the police." …”

Just when Wu Wuxin finished saying this, he heard a familiar voice in his ear, "Did you owe money to the police chief when you first came to Corland? This seems to be bad luck!"

This voice was so familiar that it almost made Wu Wuxin's heart beat up. He turned around suddenly, and then only heard the man snap his fingers. The lights in the living room suddenly turned on. Wu Wuxin finally saw the person sitting there. The man's face was on the living room sofa.

Who is that person if it's not Xia Ping'an?

Xia Pingan was looking at him with a smile. Compared with two months ago, Xia Pingan's face had not changed much at this moment, but the aura on his body made Wu Wuxin feel different. That aura as calm as the sea, It's almost like a new person.

"Ping'an, it's you..." Wu Wuxin shouted and rushed towards Xia Ping'an.

Xia Pingan smiled and gave Wu Wuxin a warm hug. The two hit each other's shoulders and laughed.

After a while, Wu Wuxin remembered something and took a step back, "Ah, how did you know I'm here? How did you get in?"

"Have you forgotten who I am now? I knew it when you came yesterday!"

"Ah, the Divine Scroll Master is really that amazing!" Wu Wuxin was stunned.

"More amazing than you think!" Xia Pingan smiled and sat back on the sofa, "Have you eaten?"

"Of course I've eaten. I've been running outside all day today and I'm exhausted!" Wu Wuxin took off his coat, threw it on the sofa, and then sat down next to Xia Pingan, "I I am still planning to wait for things to settle down here before I go to Andisburg to find you. I heard that the newly awakened Scroll Masters will have to study in Andisburg for a long time before they graduate. By the way, are you still in Andisburg now? How can you come out casually!"

"I haven't been in Andesburg for a long time. I graduated not long after I stayed in Andesburg. My current identity is, on the surface, an inspector of the Investigation Bureau in Corland!" Xia Ping'an said calmly.

"Ah, on the surface?" Wu Wuxin rolled his eyes and suddenly became interested, "You mean there are other identities?"

"My other identity is the night watchman!"

Upon hearing Xia Pingan's identity, Wu Wuxin's expression changed and he took a breath of air. Of course he knew what role a night watchman was. In the eyes of ordinary people, the three words night watchman meant blood, corpses, and evil. The power of taboos and the most terrifying and darkest things that ordinary people least want to face. Wherever the night watcher goes, ordinary people shy away.

After being stunned for two seconds, a smile appeared on Wu Wuxin's face again, with a beaming look on his face, and he winked at Xia Pingan, "Awesome, with a friend like you, I will be in Corland in the future." , I no longer have to worry about being bullied, when I want to beat someone up, I can call you!"

"This is what I want to tell you when I come to you this time!" Xia Pingan sighed, "You'd better not tell anyone that you and I are friends, otherwise you will be in danger?"

"Ah, why?" Wu Wuxin was stunned.

"I have a very powerful enemy, and that enemy is very powerful. If others know about your relationship with me, I'm worried that one day when you come home, you will really see the killer mage waiting for you to come back in the living room. , and I couldn't be by your side at that time!" Xia Pingan said calmly.

Wu Wuxin's expression changed again, "How could you mess with such a person?"

"The world of Divine Scrolls and Night Watchmen is different from the world of ordinary people. There are some things that I cannot choose. In the eyes of some people, my being alive and awakening is the biggest sin!" Xia Pingan spread his hands and smiled bitterly. .

"Grandma, don't be afraid. Who is he? Let's work together to see if we can kill him. The worst I can do is make more money in the future, find a powerful divine scroller, find the most powerful killer, and let's fuck him together... "Wu Wuxin said harshly.

Xia Pingan sighed and shook his head, "In the world of the Divine Scroll Master, sometimes money is the most useless thing..."

"I know that there are some lunatics among the Scroll Masters who always want to become gods..." Wu Wuxin suddenly grabbed the topic and said.

"Yes, the world that the Divine Scroll Master can come into contact with is very complicated. That person is very snobbish and unintentional. Let me tell you this. If I let that person know that I am in Kelan tonight, by tomorrow, Kelan Germany may become a dead city, and no one can survive. I don’t know how long I can stay in Corland. It is possible that I will meet you today, but tomorrow or at some point, I will You’re going to be on the run, that’s why I came to see you in this way!”

"Ah..." Wu Wuxin's expression finally changed. He and Xia Pingan had been playing together since childhood. He knew that every time Xia Pingan solemnly called his name "Wuxin", he was telling the truth and would not lie. He said, "Then... what should I do? How can I help you?"

"Don't contact me in the future. I will contact you if something happens. By the way, in order to clear up the relationship between you and me, and for the safety of you and your family, tomorrow, you go find a lawyer and go to the court to cause some trouble for me. , just say that I owe you money and haven't paid it back. You lent me 400 thalers before I woke up. You asked me to pay you back before, and I beat you. You found out that I was studying and training in Andesburg. In short, you have to Let people outside think that you and I have a bad relationship and have conflicts, so that if something happens to me, you won’t be involved, and others won’t use you to threaten me!”

"Ah, do I have to do this?"

Xia Pingan nodded, "It has to be done. Think about the people in your family. If you don't want to hear bad news about them one day and don't want to hurt your family, just do what I say and try your best to be with me." Put aside the relationship, my world is too dangerous for you!"

"I understand!" Wu Wuxin nodded with difficulty.

"This is a meeting gift I gave you. It is the start-up capital for your business. I know your father didn't give you much. You are in need of money now. This is my investment for you. Don't refuse!" Xia Pingan took out a A lottery ticket came and was placed on the table.

"This is..." Wu Wuxin lowered his head to look at the lottery ticket on the table, with a look of astonishment on his face. When he looked up again, he found that Xia Pingan, who was sitting in the room just now, had disappeared silently. It's like it's never been here before.

If it weren't for the lottery ticket on the table, Wu Wuxin almost thought that everything he just experienced was an illusion.

"The police chief of Corland has a very beloved illegitimate son named Victor, who lives at No. 76 Wutong Avenue. Only three people currently know this secret. Victor is one year younger than you and is a person who likes to do research. A nerd about insects and plants, his father is very worried about the future of his son. If you want to get in touch with the police chief of Colander and find a backer in Colander, you can go and get that Victor. That Victor becomes your business partner and trustworthy friend, and you will be able to open up a new business path in Kelland in the future. You should know how to do it..." Just as Wu Wuxin was in a daze holding the lottery ticket. At that moment, Xia Pingan's voice came to his ears again, but Xia Pingan was no longer visible in the room.

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