Golden Summoner

Chapter 948 The First Battle

After those wolf cavalry who rushed to Lingxiao City suffered losses in the first wave of trials, the rest learned to be smart and did not rush to provoke within the reach of Lingxiao City's bows and arrows. Instead, they formed a formation to guard the north of Lingxiao City. Waiting for news from the scouts they sent to investigate.

For the cavalry, Lingxiao City was not that big. The cavalry could cover the dozens of kilometers of city walls in an hour. As for the defense situation and the number of soldiers on the city wall, you can actually get a rough idea from a distance.

At this moment, almost all the 500 elites in Lingxiao City were concentrated at the north gate. In this way, when the wolf cavalry walked around the city, they could see that the walls of Lingxiao City were empty, and even the guarding soldiers could not stand in line. The "strength" of Lingxiao City was also exposed.

Cui Hao saw Xia Ping'an leaving and returning from the city tower, and also observed the reconnaissance movements of the wolf cavalry outside the city. His face was slightly solemn, "My lord, those wolf cavalry are peeking at the reality of Lingxiao City from all sides. If they are allowed to do this, Peeping, they may have to figure out our strength. I have already asked 1,000 farmers to be ready before. They can go up to the city wall and pretend to be soldiers guarding the city at any time. Those farmers also have a certain amount of combat power. At this moment, they are still hiding soldiers in the cave under the city wall. Stand by, my lord, do you think we should let those farmers go up the city wall to confuse those wolf cavalry?"

Of course, the farmers in Lingxiao City are capable of fighting. Although the farmers' strength is not as good as the elite soldiers summoned, every farmer in Lingxiao City can do Wuqinxi to keep fit, and they can also learn the classics of the Holy Master Hall by ear and eyes, and their wisdom has been awakened. As long as they have a little With additional training, they can pick up spears and spears, and they can also kill people and defend the city. In the past two days, Cui Hao asked some farmers in the city to organize training and become a militia-like team, which can also come in handy at critical times.

In Cui Hao's view, at this moment, the enemy has arrived, and it has reached a critical moment.

Xia Pingan looked at the wolf cavalry in the distance with deep eyes, but just smiled slightly, "Let them watch. By the way, don't let the farmers you prepared go up to the city wall. You can immediately pass the order and let those who have not been trained." Train 500 farmers and 500 peasant women each, and let them come directly from the fields to the city wall. There is no need for order or weapons, just use their farm tools as weapons. It must be chaotic, the more chaotic the better!”

Cui Hao was stunned when he heard this, but when he saw that Xia Ping'an seemed to be confident, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he immediately sent an order to the 500 farmers and women near the city wall to take hoes and poles and other things to other places immediately. Face the city wall to defend.

The order was quickly passed down, and not long after, while the wolf cavalry outside the city were still scouting the walls around Lingxiao City, the farmers who had received the order swarmed up the east, west, and south walls of Lingxiao City in a chaotic manner. .

The farmers and women who rushed up to the city wall were all wearing ordinary clothes, and none of them looked like soldiers. Many of them had just been working in the fields with their trousers rolled up and vests, and their legs and bodies were all covered in mud. , the things he held in his hands were all simple farm tools, such as shoulder poles, hoes, sickles, manure forks and the like, all kinds of things.

In the current farmers' homes in Lingxiao City, because the blacksmiths have not made many things in the past two days, several households in those farmers' homes share a kitchen knife. Some peasant women at home came with kitchen knives or wooden sticks and swarmed up the city wall. , from a distance, it is a mess.

Even so, the thousands of peasants and farmers who swarmed onto the walls of Lingxiao City looked like a handful of sesame seeds dropped into a vat. Even if those farmers and women occupied the walls, on average they could only cover a few tens of meters. Taking one person, it looks sparse and has no deterrent effect at all.

The wolf cavalry scouts outside the city circled Lingxiao City and reported what they saw to the general who led the team.

The general of the Wolf Cavalry laughed loudly, "This city is definitely a new city. The land outside the city has not been developed and cultivated. There are only a few hundred soldiers on the city wall. They can't even occupy one of the city walls. We just need to support them and survive them for a while. , just make them exhausted. Such a city can be easily captured with at most 10,000 warriors. Once the army of the Gru Kingdom comes, we can attack from all sides and easily break the city!"

After the general of the wolf cavalry finished speaking, he immediately ordered a small group of wolf cavalry to return to the Kingdom of God with the map they had explored, and asked the Kingdom of God to send more troops to break the city, and they camped outside the city. , be prepared to besiege Lingxiao City.

Later, Xia Ping'an and the others at the North City Gate saw that all the wolf cavalry were setting up camp three kilometers away from the North City Gate, setting up resisting horses and preparing for a long confrontation with Lingxiao City. There was also a small group of wolf cavalry, about ten people, who left the wolf cavalry team, rode fast horses, and quickly rushed to the rear.

“Those wolf cavalry are going back to report the news to attract the army!”

"Don't be anxious, you will have a chance to kill the enemy soon!" Xia Pingan smiled slightly, watched the group of wolf cavalry leave, and then asked Cui Li, "If those wolf cavalry go to their Kingdom of God to recruit an army, How soon can the army of the Gru Kingdom reach Lingxiao City?"

"Judging from the terrain around Lingxiao City, it will probably take at least two months for the army of the Gru Kingdom to arrive after receiving the news!"

"Where's the number of people?"

Cui Hao thought for a while, "We currently have only 500 defenders in the city. In two months, the lord's divine power will be fully restored twice, and more soldiers can be summoned. According to common sense, the defenders in the city will There are only eight or nine hundred people at most. To completely defeat such a city, the army sent by the Gru Kingdom will have at least 5,000 people and no more than 15,000 at most!"

The summoner's divine power in the Land of Divine Seal is also restored once a month, but here, the divine power restored every time is completely restored, instead of only restoring half of the divine power. From this perspective, this can allow the summoner to become a god. The place is rich in spiritual energy and is indeed friendly to summoners.

"Yes, just as I thought!" Xia Pingan smiled slightly. Before, he was worried that he would be unable to resist the army behind the Gru Kingdom. But at this moment, Xia Pingan was only worried that the army behind the Gru Kingdom would not come.

"Xue Rengui!" Xia Pingan's face straightened and his tone suddenly became serious.

When Xue Rengui heard this, he knew it was a mission and immediately clasped his fists, "The general is here!"

"I will give you a task now. From now on, the storm cavalry will be divided into two teams. You will lead the two teams of storm cavalry to take turns to leave the city and harass the camp of the wolf cavalry. Before dark, the wolf cavalry must not be allowed to rest well. Remember, your purpose is to harass, you can’t let those wolf cavalry have a good rest, killing the enemy is the second best, and you can’t let the enemy surround you!”



After receiving the order, Xue Rengui swung his cloak and went down the city tower in a hurry. A few minutes later, the city gate downstairs opened. The cavalry camp rushed forward.

All the storm cavalry that rushed out only carried crossbows and no long weapons. The cavalry and war horses went out lightly. The cavalry did not wear armor, only leather armor, and the war horses did not wear vests. In this way, these 51 cavalry The speed reached the maximum all of a sudden.

The wolf cavalry who were preparing to set up camp never expected that so many people in the city would dare to attack. By the time the wolf cavalry reacted, Xue Rengui had already brought 50 storm cavalry and approached the wolf cavalry's camp a thousand meters away. Inside.

The wolf cavalry who had just dismounted suddenly became panicked and quickly began to mount their horses. The general of the wolf cavalry was cursing and preparing to crush Xue Rengui and others who were rushing to die. Soon, there were hundreds of cavalry in the wolf cavalry camp. Rushed out and rushed towards Xue Rengui and the others.

The cavalry from both sides approached quickly. When the two sides were close to more than 200 meters away, Xue Rengui's eyes flashed with cold light, and he fired his bow at the wolf cavalry. When the bowstring sounded, three arrows flew out like meteors. , the three people in front of the wolf cavalry who rushed over suddenly fell off their horses, fell off their horses and disappeared into points of light.

The bows and arrows of those wolf cavalry could not reach this far. Seeing that Xue Rengui could shoot them down from such a distance, they were shocked and angry. They screamed and continued to charge towards Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui's man and horse merged into one, like a ray of white lightning. He held a treasured bow, which shook the strings like a thunderbolt, and his hand speed was as fast as lightning. In almost a moment, he fired the bow five times and shot down 15 wolf cavalry.

Seeing that the two sides were about to enter the opponent's bow and arrow range, Xue Rengui led 50 storm cavalry, turned their horses and rushed towards the east. The wolf cavalry hurriedly caught up, and the two sides circled around Lingxiao City and began to use bows and arrows. Shoot each other.

The range of the storm cavalry's bows and arrows is just a bit longer than those of the wolf cavalry, and the accuracy is more accurate. The arrows are obviously a step higher. Moreover, the horses ridden by the storm cavalry have been recharging their energy in the city for the past two days. Unlike those of those The horses of the wolf cavalry were so tired after coming from a long distance. As soon as the cavalry from both sides competed, the gap immediately became clear.

On top of Xia Ping'an's Zhanzi City, they could only see the wolf cavalry chasing the Storm Cavalry. Amidst the crossfire of arrows, some fell off their horses at any time and dissipated. On the other hand, on the Storm Cavalry's side, there were basically no When people fall from their horses, only the injured are injured.

Especially Xue Rengui. The archery skills of this fierce general of the Tang Dynasty were really terrifying. His arrows were completely flawless. Moreover, among the wolf cavalry chasing him, the first ones he shot were the ones with the best archery skills. The remaining ones Even fewer of the Wolf Cavalry's archery skills could threaten him and the Storm Cavalry.

Xue Rengui led the wolf cavalry halfway around Lingxiao City like a dog. The wolf cavalry chasing him were shot down by more than a hundred people by the cavalry team he led.

The general of the wolf cavalry saw that something was wrong, and immediately sent two more wolf cavalry to rush in, trying to outflank him. However, Xue Rengui, who saw that something was wrong, had already led 50 storm cavalry from the east side of Lingxiao City before the enemy outflanked them. Gate into the city.

As soon as the wolf cavalry who rushed to chase Xue Rengui approached the east gate, they were condescendingly shot down by the archers on the east gate tower. After leaving behind the bodies of more than 20 wolf cavalry who dissipated, they had to Returned to camp.

Xue Rengui's demeanor on the battlefield really made Xia Ping'an happy and high-fived him in praise. The Tang Dynasty warrior who set the Tianshan Mountains with three arrows was so powerful. He went out with 50 men and came back with 50 men. Not falling, but over a hundred enemies.

Of course, the quality of the Storm Cavalry itself is also strong enough, which is why it achieved such results.

The top archery masters' judgment and control of distance are just like the top boxing athletes. Coupled with their flexible control of horses, when the two are combined, Xue Rengui seems to be being manipulated. People are chasing, but they are actually completely in control of the rhythm and pace of the battle.

Only a dozen storm cavalry were slightly injured, because the arrows that hit them were already at the end of their powerful crossbows. When they hit them, after breaking through the leather armor, they had little power.

When Cui Hao saw Xue Rengui's grace on the battlefield for the first time, his eyes could not help but shine, and he was greatly impressed, "This Xue Rengui really looks like a famous general!"

Xia Pingan glanced at Cui Hao and said, of course.

Looking at the newly added divine power on the giant tower, Xia Pingan was completely relieved.

After all this hard work, the wolf cavalry returned to the camp. Their morale was much lower than before, and they looked a little sluggish.

Just an hour later, before the wolf cavalry returned to the camp and the heat on their horses had dissipated, the north gate of Lingxiao City opened again, and Xue Rengui once again led 50 storm cavalry towards the wolf cavalry camp. Rushed over.

The Wolf Cavalry camp became restless again...

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