Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 17 Chapter 17

After Mr. Hockley learned that Lu Fan had saved his son, the expression on his face changed instantly, so fast that Lu Fan thought he had just seen it wrong.

Mr. Hockley enthusiastically took Lu Fan's hand and said, "Thank you so much!"

Lu Fan awkwardly let Hockley hold his hand and said humbly: "It's a small matter, you're welcome." While speaking, he kept gesturing to Karl with his eyes to persuade Mr. Hockley.

Faced with Lu Fan's request for help, Karl spread his hands and said that he was helpless and asked Lu Fan to enjoy it. As for his true inner thoughts, of course only he himself knows.

When Mr. Hockley learned that Lu Fan came to New York for fun, he even pulled Lu Fan's hand and got into his car. Unable to refuse, Lu Fan could only follow Mr. Hockley's actions and get into the car. Karl followed behind him with a smile on his face.

When arriving at Hockley's villa, Lu Fan took the liberty of asking Mr. Hockley to borrow a phone. If his family knew that something happened to the cruise ship he was on, they would probably be extremely anxious. Now that I have arrived at my destination safely, it’s time to call my family to report that I’m safe.

Mr. Hockley smiled and said, "It's okay, just use it." He also motioned for Karl to take Lu Fan over quickly.

Carl, who instantly realized Mr. Hockley's good intentions, quickly walked up to Lu Fan and said, "Come on, Ian. I'll take you there."

Lu Fan followed Karl and came to the phone.

After leading Lu Fan to the phone, Karl left thoughtfully, leaving space for Lu Fan.

Everyone in Earl Howard's Mansion had sad expressions on their faces. Ever since the news of the Titanic was reported, all the smiles on their faces had disappeared.

Everyone is looking for reasons in their own hearts.

"I shouldn't have promised Ian to go to such a far place. If I could have stopped Ian at that time, Ian would not have encountered such a thing." The countess said with tears, "I don't know that my poor Ian Well, how's it going now?"

"It's not your fault, mother. It's because, as an older brother, I failed to retain Ian." Sean rushed to say.

The earl looked at the sad-looking family and felt very guilty. If there was any question of responsibility, it was undoubtedly him.

He is the one who calls the shots, and he is also the decision-maker. No matter how you say it, he has a lot to do with it.

The earl was also very sad and wanted to fly to New York immediately to see how Lu Fan was doing and if he was okay.

Just when the count's family was worried, Lu Fan's call promptly relieved their worries. The count's family who received Lu Fan's call had excited and happy smiles on their faces, and the countess even shed tears of joy.

Knowing that Lu Fan was fine, the earl and his family felt relieved.

Lu Fan spent the entire holiday at Karl's house. It's not that he hasn't thought about leaving. After all, it's always a bit inconvenient to stay at other people's homes. What's more, Lu Fan's family also has a house here.

But whenever Lu Fan wanted to bring up this sentence, Karl always happened to change the subject, so that Lu Fan never had the chance to say it. Moreover, Lu Fan also found that Karl became more and more attached to him during this period, always appearing next to him.

On this day, Lu Fan looked at Karl sitting next to him and asked in confusion: "Karl, are you okay?" Otherwise, he would always be around him.

In Karl's eyes, Lu Fan understood but didn't want to tell anyone, "Being with you is the most important thing!"

Karl said more and more misleading words like this. Even if Lu Fan tried to pretend not to know, he would still be dismissed by Karl.

As they gradually got along with each other, Lu Fan suddenly realized that he was not actually that repulsive to Karl, or that he was a little attracted to him.

Lu Fan asked Black Cat 007 if he could stay in this world until the lifespan of his body ended. After receiving a positive answer, Lu Fan finally made up his mind to give Carl a try.

When returning home for the holidays, Lu Fan was not only alone on the road, there was also Karl beside him.

Although the earl and his family were shocked by the news, they quickly recovered. After asking Lu Fan and getting a firm answer, the Earl also personally inspected Karl, and finally agreed to their matter.

In this world, Lu Fan stayed with Karl until the end of his life. At the last moment, the two of them entered the end together.


At this time, Lu Fan was standing next to the pool, looking at his reflection in the water, wondering how unlucky he was. How could such a good person become like this? The last world was still semi-human after all, and this world is directly separated from the human race.

The more he looked at Lu Fan, the more he felt uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Regarding the memory of the previous world, Lu Fan only knew that he completed the task perfectly, and the golden finger he drew was a mermaid. As for how he completed the mission and what he did in that world, Lu Fan had no idea. When he asked 007, the answer he got was: You will know later.

Lu Fan, who couldn't ask anything, had no choice but to bury his doubts in his heart.

A small bird with fiery red feathers and fluffy appearance appeared in the pool, with a human look on its face. It seemed that it was not a bird, but a person.

Lu Fan felt aggrieved and asked 007 in his mind: "007, can't I draw it again?"

007's ruthless voice sounded in Lu Fan's mind: "No, there is only one chance in each world."

"Can't we be accommodating?" Lu Fan asked, still unwilling to give up.

"No!" 007 still said the same two words.

Lu Fan, who pretended to be pitiful and failed, put away his aggrieved expression and became cold and ruthless. He flapped his little wings and flew to the tall cherry blossom tree next to the pool.

When Lu Fan came here, he was attracted by the blooming cherry blossom tree at the first sight. It was so beautiful and beautiful, so suitable for making a nest.

He is going to settle down here. For a Suzaku who ran straight to a strange country after a nap, he had to hide himself before he could recover.

Lu Fan thought that this cherry blossom tree was very suitable. With such dense flowers, it would be absolutely safe to hide them here.

At the same time, Lu Fan also discovered that there was evil spirit floating everywhere in this ancient house, and it was mixed with human atmosphere, which was very weird.

Being able to investigate and hide himself at the same time, Lu Fan thought it was the most suitable one.

Just as he was told, Lu Fan kept picking up branches from a distance and waiting for things to come back. It didn't take long for him to make a beautiful little nest.

Lu Fan, who was lying in the nest, sighed contentedly.

After winning the golden finger, Lu Fan will be vaguely affected by the golden finger.

Every day, Lu Fan would stay in his den, poking his little head and watching a young man with brown hair pass by. The reason why he paid attention to him was very simple. Lu Fan was a little curious as to why this young man had both demonic and human auras. You know he has never seen such a person.

Lu Fan couldn't help but wonder: Could this be a specialty here?

Nura Rikuo said goodbye to the little monsters at home: "I'm going to school!" He didn't notice the round little eyes hidden in the cherry blossoms at all.

After careful observation for several days, Lu Fan made a bold decision.

He decided to observe this young man up close.

On this day, Lu Sheng went out to school as usual, but he didn't realize that there was a little tail following behind him.

When Lu Sheng wasn't paying attention, Lu Fan quietly unzipped his schoolbag and hid in it. None of this alarmed Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng changed his shoes and came to the classroom. When he opened his schoolbag, he saw Lu Fan inside. The two of them stared at each other, but neither of them spoke first.

Lu Sheng: Why is there a monster in my schoolbag? It’s not a familiar monster at home. Where did it come from?

Lu Sheng's head is full of question marks!

Kiyoshi was talking excitedly when he saw Riku Sheng next to him looking stunned. He excitedly patted Riku Sheng on the shoulder and asked, "Riku Sheng, do you also think my proposal is great and want to participate?" Woolen cloth?"

Kiyosugu believes that his proposal this time will be successful, and he will definitely find the monster.

Rikuo Sheng, on the other hand, was frightened by Kiyosugu's sudden movement. He looked at the little monster in his schoolbag and hurriedly closed the schoolbag. He said awkwardly and guiltily: "Hahaha, Kiyosugu, you are absolutely right. Woolen cloth."

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart: I didn’t see it, I didn’t see it, I didn’t see it...

It seemed that Riku Sheng's prayer had an effect. Kiyosugu did not notice Lu Fan in Riku Sheng's schoolbag, but was very happy that Riku Sheng agreed with his words.

Kiyosugu said excitedly and expectantly: "The activity after school tomorrow will be in the forest behind the park!"

Regarding this event, Kiyosugu's face was full of confidence.

"What? What?" Lu Sheng, who had just focused on Lu Fan, didn't hear what Qingji was saying at all.

Kiyosugu approached Rikuo, with a threatening and terrifying smile on his face, "Do you want to regret it, Rikuo?"

"No, no, how could it be?" Lu Sheng waved his hand quickly.

Lu Sheng had been absent-minded all morning, his mind focused on Lu Fan inside his schoolbag. Lu Sheng was very afraid that Lu Fan would do something dangerous. As soon as school ended at noon, Lu Sheng couldn't wait to grab Lu Fan and ran towards a remote corner of the school.

Lu Sheng, who stopped out of breath, looked around for no one before taking Lu Fan out of his clothes.

After Lu Fan, who had been bored for a long time, was released, he used the divine claw technique like a storm to attack Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to block it and a thin red line suddenly appeared on his hand.

Seeing Lu Sheng's injury, Lu Fan stopped his movements and said in a arrogant tone: "Do you still dare to treat me like this in the future?"

Lu Sheng asked, "Where did you come from as a monster?"

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