Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 322: Whatever you say, we'll do it! (1/2)

The morels that have just emerged have a dark surface and are small in size. It is really difficult to spot them if you don't look carefully.

So in this greenhouse, it looks like nothing is being planted.

"Grandpa Wang, you have cultivated morels, haha, good, good!"

Liu Qingshan couldn't hide his excitement. The original plan was to make Hericium erinaceus first, and then shiitake mushrooms and the like. Unexpectedly, he actually made morels first. The economic value of this thing is much higher than other fungi.

However, Professor Wang's face looked dissatisfied: "The growth cycle of this thing is too long. It can only produce two crops a year. It is not economical to plant it in a greenhouse."

"Can we spread the bacteria into the wild?" Liu Qingshan also looked at Professor Wang expectantly.

Compared with natural morels, the value of artificially cultivated morels is only one-tenth.

In other words, the price of the dry product is only a little more than ten yuan.

It takes ten to eight pounds of fresh morels to produce one pound of dried morels, which are so light that even if a greenhouse is full, the output will be limited.

Therefore, the best way to maximize profits is to cultivate strains artificially and then grow them in a natural state.

The quality of such morels is infinitely close to that of wild ones, and the price is certainly not much different.

Moreover, Jiapigou is vast and sparsely populated. It can grow on the mountain slopes and along the roads and trails. In this way, the yield is very considerable.

"It stands to reason that it is feasible. After all, we have wild morels growing here." Professor Wang thought for a moment and theoretically agreed with Liu Qingshan's proposal.

However, there is obviously still a long way to go from theory to practice. Now that it is frozen, we can only wait until next spring to conduct experiments in the field.

"Xiao Wu, how do you feel about this?"

Lin Zizhou asked Wu Xiaoli, this young man is still worth cultivating, and his family's background is not ordinary.

Wu Xiaoli blinked twice: "I think people here are not only hard-working, but also know how to innovate. The most important thing is that they also value talents and believe in science."

Lin Zizhou also nodded happily: "Yes, science and technology are also productive forces."

Wu Xiaoli seems to understand a little bit. If it is just hard work, then Chinese farmers have always been the most hardworking.

Like Jiapigou, only by getting rich through hard work, innovation, and technology can we open up a new development path and have a more typical effect.

She suddenly felt that she was getting started, and it seemed that this research trip would definitely not be in vain.

Then he went around the wild vegetable factory. After learning that Yang Hongying was the director of the factory, a smile appeared on Lin Zizhou's face.

After all, from the bottom of his heart, he still hopes that this junior can step onto a broader stage and show his talents, so that he can live up to his life.

After returning to Jiapigou, the group was already hungry, and dinner was ready.

Sure enough, as Zhang Gangzi said, he killed a big fat pig, drank a hot bowl of pickled cabbage soup, sandwiched slices of pork with three layers of pork, dipped it in some minced garlic and stuffed it into his mouth. It was so delicious.

"Comrade Xiao Wu, try the blood sausage, it's very tender." Liu Qingshan pointed to the large plate of blood sausage on the table.

"Blood?" Wu Xiaoli was a little afraid to move her chopsticks. She had never eaten this before.

However, I saw that Lin Zizhou and others all took a piece and dipped it in some minced garlic. It was very delicious, so I took a piece to taste.

It was smooth and tender in the mouth, and there was no bloody smell as expected. Wu Xiaoli no longer had any mental barriers and started eating it.

"This rice is so delicious, it feels so fragrant."

Wu Xiaoli also praised her from time to time.

The food on the table was basically praised all over, which made everyone laugh a little. I guess this girl is really hungry.

The old branch secretary at the same table took over the conversation: "Daughter, if it tastes good, eat more."

Liu Qingshan also said happily: "Comrade Xiao Wu, when you leave, you can take back as much rice as you can carry!"


Wu Xiaoli's face was happy, and then she collapsed: "No, we have discipline."

With a tangled look on her face for a while, the girl seemed to suddenly come up with a solution: "Yes, I can spend money to buy it, so it doesn't violate discipline." wAp.

"I bought it back for my grandparents to try. It's the first time I've tasted such fragrant rice."

Liu Qingshan also thought that this little girl was quite funny and still retained a trace of frankness. He estimated that after a few more years of work, she would become more and more smooth, so he couldn't help teasing her:

"Comrade Xiao Wu, our Songjiang green rice is not cheap."

Wu Xiaoli puffed up her cheeks: "Don't try to fool me. I also know that rice only costs more than 20 cents per catty. How expensive can your Songjiang green rice be?"

Liu Qingshan Dale: "Hahaha, our rice is exported to South Korea, and the price is only one yuan and a dime."

"One piece for one? It's so expensive!"

Wu Xiaoli was also shocked and her eyes widened, thinking: No wonder it can become a Ten Thousand Yuan Village.

After dinner, the rest of the people also dispersed, leaving only Zheng Hongqi staying with Lin Zizhou.

The two of them went out for a walk in the snow together, and I don't know what they talked about. Anyway, after Lin Zizhou came back, he chatted with Yang Hongying for a long time.

"Brother Zheng, does this count as meeting your parents?" Liu Qingshan couldn't help but joke about Zheng Hongqi.

Zheng Hongqi glared at him: "Uncle Lin is Hongying's elder. I did talk to him about that issue. What's wrong with men and women getting married?"

Liu Qingshan gave him a thumbs up: "Then when will I call you my brother-in-law?"

This made Zheng Hongqi blush. When it comes to the thickness of the skin, people of this generation are generally thin-skinned.

Lin Zizhou and his group spent three days in Jiapigou for research, and then went to the commune and the county. It took almost a week to complete the work.

Since we want to set up a model, we must be able to stand firm, so there can be no falsehood.

Otherwise, when other places come to learn advanced experience in the future, they will see that you are just bragging, and that will be a lot of fun.

Before leaving, Liu Qingshan still stuffed a lot of local specialties into Lin Zizhou's car, including three bags of Songjiang green rice.

Wu Xiaoli was really trying to give money, but was stopped by Lin Zizhou, which made Wu Xiaoli's little head a little confused: Isn't the team leader taking the lead in making mistakes?

"This is a gift from the younger generation to me, why should I give money?"

Lin Zizhou also gently tapped Wu Xiaoli's head, wondering if he could make this girl understand.

In addition, Liu Qingshan also asked Lin Zizhou to bring a sum of foreign exchange to the old master uncle and his uncle.

Uncle Lu called several times, complaining that he had no foreign exchange to collect things.

Lin Zizhou and his uncle finally left, but the impact they brought to Jiapigou has just begun.

It happened to be the winter idle season, so Liu Qingshan discussed the contracting of mountains and forests with the old branch secretary and his uncle.

These days, the big contract system has just been established, and the land has just been contracted. It is extremely rare for individuals or groups to contract mountains and forests.

When they heard that Liu Qingshan wanted to contract Doubao Mountain, everyone immediately started to talk:

"Qingshan, our cooperative has just made some money, so we can't spend it carelessly."

The boss of the car was in charge of the purse and was the first to object.

Captain Zhang also took over the conversation: "That's right, Doubao Mountain can't run away if it's left there, and it won't hinder our mining. What do you think we should spend that money to contract it?"

This basically represents the voice of everyone, and most people actually think so in their hearts.

Seeing that the villagers kept nodding, Liu Qingshan knew that this was just his suggestion, and everyone gave him some face.

If it were someone else, he would probably have been pointed at and scolded as a "prodigal son with money but nowhere to spend it."

Luckily, he was mentally prepared in advance, so he was not in a hurry, and still said cheerfully: "Everyone think about it, the principle of contracting the forest is actually similar to everyone contracting the land."

Some people with more active minds, like the boss of the car, have already started thinking.

To everyone's surprise, the first person to stand up and express support was Zhang Ganzi.

He stood up shakily, took off the cigarette from his ear, lit it, and then spoke:

"Before the land was divided, everyone was just a bunch of people, thinking that the land was public, so we just had to make do with it."

The big man next to him immediately exposed the old secrets: "Ganzi, don't be guilty of what you say, why are you just making do with it, you are not going to do it at all, okay?"

"Let Ganzi finish." The old secretary knocked on his pipe.

Zhang Ganzi then continued: "After the land was divided, it felt like this land was ours, and of course we had to manage our own things well."

"Qingshan said that he would contract the forest, and I guess that was what he meant. Only when it was our own things would we pay more attention to them."

Perhaps because he had completed the transformation from a lazy man to a hard-working man, Zhang Ganzi felt it very deeply, and his words were still very convincing.

Liu Qingshan struck while the iron was hot: "A few days ago, I met people from Dalinzi, hunting with traps. At that time, one of their words touched me deeply. They said to us confidently, this forest is yours, what's wrong?"

"We don't have the right to contract the forest, so we are not fair and have no way to restrain outsiders. We know to protect the forest, but others don't think so. They just want to make money from the forest and do some business without capital. Can we just watch it?"

"So at that time, I had the idea of ​​contracting the forest. I have the final say over my forest!"

Liu Qingshan said, waving his arms vigorously.

"Fuck you, let's occupy the mountain and be the king!" Marshal Zhang shouted.

Everyone's emotions were also infected, and they all spoke out in support. Chinese farmers have an indelible complex about the land in their bones.

Captain Zhang also nodded: "Buying a house and buying land is always a serious matter!"

The old branch secretary also stood up: "Okay, Qingshan, let's do it as you say!"

The old branch secretary made the final decision, and naturally there was no more objection.

The boss uncle also raised a substantive question: "If we want to contract, it will probably cost a lot of money. Can our cooperative come up with this money?"

Zhang Dashuai, who is more familiar with the situation in the mountains, also spoke up: "The tops of Doubao Mountain are estimated to have an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. The contract fee for one acre of land is at least a few yuan, which is tens of thousands of yuan a year. Qingshan, how many years are you going to contract for?"

Liu Qingshan blinked: "The maximum is 70 years, of course we have to limit it to the maximum."

The boss of the car started to calculate again: "Even if it's 20,000 yuan a year, it's more than one million in 70 years, Qingshan, even if we take out the money of the whole village, it's not enough!"

When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded: Why would you hire a contractor without money?

Liu Qingshan frowned, as he couldn't afford the money.

For a moment, the meeting room of the village office became quiet.

"Hua Ling Ling!"

The sound of the phone was particularly harsh.

The old secretary picked up the phone skillfully and said "Qingshan, it's for you."

This phone in the village has almost become Liu Qingshan's personal phone, and more than half of the calls are for him.

When Liu Qingshan put down the phone, he couldn't suppress the smile on his face any longer: "Haha, we are short of money, and someone is rushing to give us money. Now we don't have to worry about the contract fee!"

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app, and the website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, and blue-black corpses and pieces of meat were seen everywhere, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that were bustling in the past are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy at this moment.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, unable to distinguish one from the other, shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with tattered clothes, full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog about 70 feet away from him, and occasionally vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely immersed its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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