Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 353 Let’s see where you can run! (1/2)

On the white snow, patches of bright red were sprinkled, which looked so dazzling.

Liu Qingshan, holding a sword in both hands, stood among a group of lying men in black, breathing white air from his mouth.

There were several gaps in the sword, and there was still a trace of blood slowly flowing downwards, and then it was condensed by the cold air, and the entire sword turned red.

Liu Qingshan's eyes were still firm. He only killed those who deserved to be killed, so there was no burden in his heart.

As he said, what's the difference between a group of cold-blooded beasts and killing pigs?


Li Tieniu was holding a sword in one hand and a military thorn in the other, and was shouting.

He was covered in blood, and his face was mottled and covered with blood spots, like a murderer who had walked out of hell.

Lu Xiaolong next to him finally couldn't help it, bent down and started vomiting.

He stabbed one just now, and now he's a little scared.

Bang, a big hand patted his back. Professor Lu looked at his grandson with a very pleased look in his eyes.

He never thought that this little guy who usually did nothing would be so courageous and bloody at a critical moment.

"Brother, several monkeys are injured!"

Shan Xing's weak voice came.

Liu Qingshan asked Li Tieniu and Lu Xiaolong to guard the scene, while he and Gao Feng worked together to treat the injured monkeys.

This time, the monkey group has made a great contribution. Otherwise, even if they can knock down all their opponents, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Like Professor Lu, Laosi Laowu and others, I'm afraid... Liu Qingshan simply can't imagine it.

"Save us—"

There were injured people lying on the ground, pleading from their mouths.

There must be a few survivors, but in this harsh environment, even if Liu Qingshan and the others really rescue each other, they won't be able to save many.

With a lack of medical treatment and a severe cold climate, injury is almost equal to death.

"Wait, wait until we finish rescuing the monkey first!"

Liu Qingshan replied coldly.

Most of the monkeys had minor injuries, but the weather was freezing and the wounds were very troublesome. Liu Qingshan discussed with Laosi and Laowu for a while to see if they could bring all the monkeys back to Mukoleng. This was a bit difficult.

I was squatting there studying with Lao Si and Lao Wu when I suddenly heard a loud roar: "Be careful!"

Liu Qingshan raised his head suddenly and saw a black figure rushing toward them. At the same time, a muffled bang echoed in the valley.

"Xiaolong!" Professor Lu shouted. Lu Xiaolong covered his thighs with his hands and fell to the snow. The snow under his thighs was stained red with blood, like a blooming red lotus.

At the same time, a cold light flashed in Li Tieniu's hand, and the military thorn came out and pierced the wrist of a man in black, firmly fixing the hand holding the pistol on the snow.

"The other party still has a gun hidden, little senior brother, look at Xiaolong, I will kill all these guys!"

Li Tieniu was really angry. He waved the sword in his hand repeatedly and screamed one after another.

"Leave two alive!"

Liu Qingshan shouted and quickly went to check on Lu Xiaolong.

He never imagined that this guy who was always smiling and had no integrity would actually be able to take bullets for him and his sisters at a critical moment. 7K妏揩

"Xiaolong, please bear with me for now!" Liu Qingshan tore off a strip of cloth from a man in black and tied it on Lu Xiaolong's injured leg. He checked and found that luckily the aorta was not injured. Otherwise, there would be no injuries. Saved.

"Ouch, it hurts me so much, it's over, it's over, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I haven't had sex with anyone yet!" Lu Xiaolong yelled nonsense in his mouth.

What an unattractive guy!

Liu Qingshan was also angry and laughing: "It's far from death. You're lucky. It's just a scratch, not even a bone. After two months, it will definitely be alive and kicking again."

As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle, poured some medicinal powder on Lu Xiaolong's wound, and then wrapped the wound to avoid frostbite.

And at this moment, I suddenly heard someone next to me exclaim: "Professor Lu, what's wrong with you, Professor Lu?"

The person calling was Professor Lu's assistant. The two people were supporting Professor Lu. The latter's face turned blue, his lips turned purple, and his face looked like it was washed with water.

Seeing Professor Lu covering his chest with his hands in pain, Liu Qingshan judged that this must be a sudden heart attack.

It was probably because the old man was so excited when he saw his grandson being shot.

He quickly touched his body, only to find that the life-saving pill that the mute grandpa gave him was gone, and as for the newly refined one, he hadn't had time to give it to him yet.

Fortunately, Gao Feng was present. He had some commonly used medicines on hand. He quickly found a Jiuxin Pill and stuffed it under Professor Lu's tongue.

After two or three minutes, Professor Lu's expression slowly recovered, but he looked a little depressed.

"Qingshan, thank you."

Professor Lu is engaged in medicine himself, so of course he knows how dangerous he was just now.

He had always felt that his body was in good condition, but he never expected that there was such a hidden danger.

"Go back quickly, this is not a suitable place to stay for a long time."

Liu Qingshan asked Li Tieniu to carry Lu Xiaolong on his back, while he carried Professor Lu on his back. The remaining few people dragged the two men in black who were still alive and retreated towards Soul-Desolating Cliff.

The four and five little guys were not idle either, each holding a seriously injured monkey, followed by a large group of people.

As for the corpses on the ground, they should be handed over to the police after calling the police.

When they arrived at the bottom of the cliff, they found that Marshal Zhang was leading a few people to watch here.

It turned out that they heard gunshots, and they came down to check what was going on.

Liu Qingshan briefly told what happened, and Dashuai Zhang immediately became angry: "If I had known earlier, I should have gone with you!"

After saying that, he took out the butcher's knife from his waist and rushed towards the two men in black.

"Uncle handsome, these two are left alive." Liu Qingshan quickly stopped him.

At any rate, this was enough to persuade Zhang Dashuai to stop him, and then he hanged people in batches.

Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu discussed it and decided that others should go back first and send people down the mountain to call the police. Their brothers and sisters were ready to pick up the mute grandpa.

But before they could set off, the mute grandpa came back with a long stride, holding a man in black in one hand.

Throwing the two guys on the ground, the mute grandpa made gestures for a while, and Liu Qingshan was also frightened when he heard: It turns out that the master also tracked a dozen men in black, and there were also several pistols.

Fortunately, the forest was Grandpa Mute's home ground. After several sneak attacks, the group was wiped out, and two people were left alive.

All humans and monkeys were transported to the cliff. There were five or six monkeys in need of treatment. The monkey king seemed to have great trust in Lao Si Lao Wu and allowed the two little girls to take away his monkey grandson.

By the time we returned to Mukoleng, it was already past three in the afternoon and it was almost dark.

People were quickly sent back to the village to call the police, while the mute grandfather and Gao Feng began to treat the injuries.

Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu interrogated the four prisoners.

As expected, they are indeed islanders who have lived in China for a long time. They pretend to be doing business, but they are actually spies.

Liu Qingshan thought for a while and asked: "You have gathered so many people in such a short time. Who contacted you?"

These guys are all over the three eastern provinces, and they gather temporarily. There must be someone behind them.

"It was He Sang who called us."

One of them said, and then begged: "Help me, take care of my wounds, otherwise I won't survive."

"Which He Sang?"

Liu Qingshan was stunned.

"It's a man named He Jiakang. He is a contact person we bribed."

After hearing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but grit his teeth and said: "He Jiakang, you piece of shit, let's see where you go this time!"

He quickly asked two more villagers to go down the mountain and report the new situation to prevent He Jiakang from absconding in fear of crime.

These days, unlike in later generations, criminal suspects have nowhere to escape.

"Wow, we caught a lot of spies again this time!" Xiao Laosi cheered. The last time Shan Xing and Er Mangzi caught spies, they made her jealous, but this time they finally got their wish.

Liu Qingshan touched her antenna pigtails. These two little girls performed very well this time.

Originally, when Marshal Zhang came down the mountain just now, Liu Qingshan wanted to take them both back, but as soon as these monkeys saw that the fourth and fifth sons were leaving, they began to be dishonest and had no choice but to stay.

I got some tranquilizer pills from the mute grandpa and gave them to the two little girls. After a while, the two fell asleep lying on the kang.

After all, they were quite frightened this time, especially since the scene was so bloody, so they hoped it wouldn't leave any psychological shadow.

However, children of this era have relatively strong psychological endurance, especially because they have watched movies such as tunnel warfare and mine warfare for a long time, so they have no psychological barriers to killing Japanese soldiers.

Lying on the kang side by side with the fourth and fifth sons, there was Lu Xiaolong. This guy was not so calm. He opened his mouth for a drink of water, and then said he was hungry and insisted on drinking chicken cake.

This made Professor Lu so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He gently poked his grandson on the forehead: "You are not even as good as two little girls!"

Of course he felt distressed that his grandson was injured, but more importantly, he felt proud.

After soothing his grandson to sleep, Professor Lu felt tired. After all, he was old and couldn't hold on anymore, so he lay down on the kang to rest.

At this time, Gao Feng brought him a bowl of freshly brewed decoction, prepared by the mute grandpa to treat heart disease.

Professor Lu struggled to sit up: "Thank you. What kind of pills were given to me at that time? It seems that I need to buy a bottle to take with me when I go back."

"That medicine is the heart-saving pill prepared by my master. There is no place to buy it for the time being, but I can ask the master to give you a bottle." Liu Qingshan took over the words, and an idea came to his mind.

Professor Lu nodded towards the mute grandfather: "It is indeed a good medicine, brother, thank you!"

He originally thought that a mute old man guarding the mountain could have any superb medical skills, but he could only be a barefoot doctor.

But now he can only sigh: high mathematics is among the people.

Liu Qingshan continued the conversation: "Especially this kind of life-saving medicine, it would be great if it could be promoted, so that more people could benefit."

Professor Lu's eyes lit up: "That's the truth. You might as well build a pharmaceutical factory. I can help you a little!"

Liu Qingshan also smiled: "Professor Lu, that's what we have in mind."

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading crimson lightning and rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell on the earth.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim bloody rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, and blue-black corpses and pieces of meat were like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that were bustling in the past are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper remained, and it was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fur had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with ragged clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink his eyes, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog, and sometimes vigilantly observing the surroundings.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, the slightest movement will cause it to take off instantly.

Download the iReader app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely sank its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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Chapter 353 See where you can run! Free reading.


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